The Social Mission of The Church & The Commitment of The Lay Faithful
The Social Mission of The Church & The Commitment of The Lay Faithful
The Social Mission of The Church & The Commitment of The Lay Faithful
It is manifested by Yahweh
The right relationship that
in His relationship with
God has established
Israel and with all things
It means right demonstrates the way of
He has made, and by
relationship. justice for human beings
Israel, in her response of
in dealing with one
obedience, reverence and
faithfulness to God.
The word sedakah also
corresponds to Yahweh‘s
It is identical with deliverance
righteousness. Yahweh shows Some terms related to
and salvation, describing it as
his righteousness by keeping Yahweh‘s sedakah are mercy,
associated to a norm
the covenant and being the compassion and salvation.
established by God.
very source of righteousness.
(Ps. 111: 3, 5, 9).
This is
where It is also a
It is justice
Yahweh court of law
based on
It depicts refuses wherein the
the context
the forensic injustice accused is
of the
nature of because the punished
failure of
justice. right and the
the right
relationship victim is
is being vindicated.
The arbiter, the King-God, secures order in
Yahweh is a judge who punishes the
the community by applying the mishpath.
wicked one and rewards the righteous one.
It implies deliverance for those who are
Thus, He corrects wrongdoings in order to
just and innocent, but harsh for the wicked
restore right relationship.
and sinful.
Yahweh‘s hesed
is manifested in
His everlasting
It is often love for Israel.
translated as (Ps. 25: 6, Jer. 31:
Hesed is the
loving kindness. 3), remaining Yahweh is the
expression of
Other faithful in spite epitome and
loving kindness
translations are of Israel‘s example of doing
in the Kingdom
steadfast love, unfaithfulness hesed to others.
of Yahweh.
mercy and (Hos. 2), and
compassion. showing
compassion and
mercy for her
sins (Isa. 54: 8).
The metaphor of
the Kingdom of
Jesus’ invitation God embodies the
to strive first for way God relates
The Greek word
the Kingdom of with people and
dikaiosune can be
God and His sheds light on the
righteousness word dikaiosune
righteousness or
(Mt. 6: 33) is as the manner by
basically which God wants
relational. to be ―king or as
to be the divine
will is followed.
In the New
Testament, Jesus
Christ proclaims that
the Kingdom of God
is already at hand
and the Beatitudes
are the ways to
attain its fullness.
God reigns
where the divine
will is done.
The Lord‘s
Prayer in Luke The right
11: 2-4 are situation is doing
petitions for the justice to
coming of God‘s humankind for it
Kingdom and for is the one willed
the doing of the by God.
divine will.
Jesus‘ initial proclamation of the justice of God ― to bring good news to the
poor, to proclaim release to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to
let the oppressed go free and announce the Lord‘s year of mercy/favor (Lk. 4:
18-19) resonates the prophet Isaiah‘s announcement of God giving ― justice
to His people (Is. 60: 21; 61: 1-3).
Jesus‘ proclamation of the Kingdom of God also entails
renewal and righteousness by witnessing the Gospel.
The Beatitudes of Jesus are also considered as expressions and
ways to realize the right relationship in the Kingdom of God.
Blessed are you Poor, for yours is the kingdom of God.
The Beatitudes of
Jesus Christ according Blessed are you Hungry, you shall be satisfied.
to Matthew 5: 3-10:
Blessed are you that Weep, you shall laugh.
One‘s commitment to serve others through active participation to
integral human development.
Our capacity to pray for one another and our ability to establish a
deeper relationship with God through prayer and worship.
Proclaiming peace founded on truth, built according to justice,
integrated by charity and practiced in freedom.
The Church and the Questions of
‘Just Relations’ among People
b. Truthful Tolerance