Pollutor Pay Principle
Pollutor Pay Principle
Pollutor Pay Principle
Today, most discussions on environmentalism in our
country begin with the Stockholm Conference (1972).
But, some ancient texts tell us that our society paid
more attention to protecting the environment than we
can imagine.
These texts tell us that it was the dharma of each
individual in society to protect Nature, so much so
that people worshipped the objects of Nature. Trees,
water, land and animals had considerable importance
in our ancient texts; and the Manusmriti prescribed
different punishments for causing injury to plants.
Kautilya is said to have gone a step further and
determined punishments on the basis of the importance
of a particular part of a tree. Some important trees
were even elevated to a divine position
The dharma of protecting the
environment was to sustain and
ensure progress and welfare of all. The
effort was not just to punish the culprit,
but to balance the eco-system as well.
In this attempt, the ancient texts acted
as cementing factors between the right
to exploit the environment and a duty to
conserve it - which is now
internationally recognized as the
concept of ‘sustainable development’.