Pearson R Problems With Solution
Pearson R Problems With Solution
Pearson R Problems With Solution
Pearson R Problems
with Solution
Business Statistics
Presented to the Graduate School
Holy Trinity University
Pearson R Problem
A researcher was made to determine if there is a
correlation between the age and sugar level of the
Age (X) Sugar (Y) X² Y² XY
45 99 2,025 9,801 4,455
20 64 400 4,096 1,280
26 79 676 6,241 2,054
42 70 1,764 4,900 2,940
56 85 3,136 7,225 4,760
59 82 3,481 6,724 4,838
∑X = 248 ∑Y = 479 ∑X² = 11,482 ∑Y² = 38,987 ∑XY = 20,327
Pearson R Problem
HO: (null hypothesis) There is no
relationship between the age and the
sugar level of the respondents.
Degree of Freedom
Computed Value vs Tabular Value
1.31 < 2.776
“There is no significant
HO: Accept
relationship between the
HA: Reject age and the sugar level of
the respondents.”
Pearson R Solution
Degree of Freedom
Computed Value vs Tabular Value
1.31 < 2.776
“There is no significant
HO: Accept
relationship between the
HA: Reject age and the sugar level of
the respondents.”
Business Statistics
Pearson R Problem
A researcher was made to determine if there is a
correlation between the hours of sleep and test score
of the respondents:
Pearson R Problem
HO: (null hypothesis) There is no
relationship between the hours of sleep
and the test score of the respondents.
Degree of Freedom
Computed Value vs Tabular Value
2.34 < 2.776
“There is no significant
HO: Accept
relationship between the
HA: Reject hours of sleep and the test
score of the respondents.”
Business Statistics
Pearson R Solution 1
A research was made to determine if there is co-
relation between Age and Weight.
Pearson R Problem
HO: (null hypothesis) There is no
significant relationship between the age
and the weight of the respondents.
Test of Significance
Pearson R Solution
Degree of Freedom
Computed Value vs Tabular Value
1.04 < 2.447
“There is no significant
HO: Accept
relationship between the
HA: Reject age and the weight of the
Business Statistics
Person R Problem
X Y X² Y² XY
10 1 100 1 10
45 2 2025 4 90
15 1 225 1 15
50 5 2500 25 250
20 2 400 4 40
20 5 400 25 100
25 1 625 1 25
30 10 900 100 300
35 2 1225 4 70
40 15 1600 225 600
∑X=290 ∑Y=44 ∑X²=10,000 ∑Y²=390 ∑XY=1,500
Pearson R Solution 1
nΣxy - (Σx) (Σy)_______
r =
ξ ༰݊ȭx² - (Σx)²] ⦋nΣy² - (Σy)²]
15,000 - 12,760____________________
ሺ ǡͲͲ Ͳെ ͺ ͶǡͳͲͲሻ ͵ ǡͻ ͲͲെͳǡͻ ͵
ͳͷǡͻ ͲͲሺ
ͳǡͻ Ͷ)
2,240______ 2,240
͵ ͳǡʹ ʹ ǡͲͲ 5,588.17
r = Σdxdy______
ξ (Σdx²)(Σdy²)
ͳǡͷͻ Ͳሻ ͳͻ Ǥ
ሺ ͶͲ
HO: Accept
HA: Reject
“There is no significant correlation between the earnings and savings of ten (10) respondents.”
Pearson R Solution
HO: Accept
HA: Reject
“There is no significant correlation between the earnings and savings of ten (10) respondents.”
Pearson R Solution
HO: Accept
HA: Reject
“There is no significant correlation between the earnings and savings of ten (10) respondents.”
Business Statistics
Pearson R Problem
A researcher was made to determine if there is a
correlation between the score obtained by the 5
students in algebra and trigonometry:
Pearson R Problem
Degree of Freedom
Computed Value vs Tabular Value
-1.20 < 3.182
“There is no significant
HO: Accept
HA: Reject relationship between the
age and the score
obtained by the 5 students
in algebra and
Business Statistics
Pearson R Problem
The following data shows the scores of five students in
Statistics and Physics. Determine if there is a relationship
between the scores in Physics and Statistics. Interpret the
Pearson R Problem
HO: (null hypothesis) There is no
relationship between the score in
Statistics and Physics.
Degree of Freedom
Computed Value vs Tabular Value
3.57 > 3.182
“There is a significant
HO: Reject
relationship between the
HA: Accept score in Statistics and the
score in Physics.”
Business Statistics
Thank you!!!