Bluetooth: Prepared By: Sanjay Singhal
Bluetooth: Prepared By: Sanjay Singhal
Bluetooth: Prepared By: Sanjay Singhal
Prepared by:
Sanjay Singhal
Who named it ?
• Named after Herald I, a Danish king who united
Denmark and Holland in the 10th century
• Developed by Ericsson and promoted by Intel,
Nokia, IBM, Toshiba, Microsoft, Lucent, Motorola
and 3Com.
• The Bluetooth logo is a bind rune merging the
Younger Futhark runes and Bjarkan , Herald's
What is it?
• Bluetooth is a wireless standard for
interconnecting computing and communication
devices using short-range and low power.
• This technology allows wireless connection
between various communication devices .
• It is Wireless technology not just a protocol.
Key features
• Works at 2.45 GHz.
• Robust
• Low complexity of use
• Low power – 10 to 100 mw
• Low bandwidth – 1 Mbps to 2 Mbps
Need for Bluetooth
The companies that manufacture computers,
entertainment systems and other electronic
devices have realized that the incredible array of
cables and connectors involved in their products
make it difficult for even expert technicians to
correctly set up a complete system in first try.
Setting up computers and home entertainment
systems becomes terrifically complicated when
the person buying the equipment systems has to
remember the details to connect all the parts. In
order to make electronic systems user friendly,
we need some better way for all the electronic
parts of our modern life to talk to each other.
• Up to 8 devices can communicate in a small network, called
• 10 piconets can coexist in the same coverage range of the
Bluetooth radio.
• Each piconet has 1 MASTER and the rest serve as SLAVES.
SLAVES within a piconet only have links to the MASTER.
Bluetooth Protocol stack
1. Radio layer
• Link Setup
• Authentication
4. L2CAP
6. HCI
• Bluetooth Tutorial,