Reynolds Experiment: Laminar Turbulen T

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Reynolds Experiment

• Reynolds Number
• Laminar flow: Fluid moves in   2000 Laminar flow hf V
VD 
smooth streamlines Re  2000  4000 Transition flow
  2
• Turbulent flow: Violent mixing,   4000 Turbulent f low h f  V
fluid velocity at a point varies
randomly with time
• Transition to turbulence in a 2 in.
pipe is at V=2 ft/s, so most pipe
flows are turbulent

Laminar Turbulen
Shear Stress in Pipes
• Steady, uniform flow in a pipe: momentum
flux is zero and pressure distribution across
pipe is hydrostatic, equilibrium exists
between pressure, gravity and shear forces

 Fs  0  pA  ( p  s) A  W sin    0 (D ) s
dp dz
0 sA  As   0 (D )s
ds ds
D d p
 0  [   (  z )]
4 ds 
D dh
0  
4 ds
4 L 0
h1  h2  h f 

• Since h is constant across the cross-

section of the pipe (hydrostatic), • Applicable to either laminar or
and –dh/ds>0, then the shear stress turbulent flow
will be zero at the center (r = 0) • Now we need a relationship for the
and increase linearly to a maximum shear stress in terms of the Re and
at the wall. pipe roughness
• Head loss is due to the shear stress.
Darcy-Weisbach Equation
  V  D e

ML-1T-2 ML-3 LT-1 ML-1T-1 L L

 0  F (  , V ,  , D, e ) hf  0
 4  F ( 1 ,  2 )
4L e
Repeating variables :  , V , D  V 2 F (Re, )
D D
e 
 1  Re;  2  ;  3  0 2 L V2  e 
D V  8 F (Re, )
D 2g  D 
0 e
 F (Re, ) L V2 e
2 D
V hf  f f  8F (Re, )
D 2g D
 0  V 2 F (Re, )
D Darcy-Weisbach Eq. Friction factor
Laminar Flow in Pipes
• Laminar flow -- Newton’s law of
viscosity is valid:
dV r dh
  
dy 2 ds
dV dV
dy dr
dV r dh

dr 2  ds
r dh
dV  dr
2  ds
r 2 dh r02 dh
V  C C
4  ds 4  ds

r02 dh   r  
2 • Velocity distribution in a pipe
V  1    
4  ds   r0   (laminar flow) is parabolic with
 
maximum at center.
  r 2 
V  Vmax 1    
  r0  
 
Discharge in Laminar Flow
 dh 2
V  ( r0  r 2 )
4  ds
 dh 2
Q   VdA  0r0  ( r0  r 2 )( 2rdr )
4  ds
 dh ( r 2  r02 ) 2

4  ds 2

r04 dh
8 ds
D 4 dh
128 ds
V 
D 2 dh
V 
32  ds
Head Loss in Laminar Flow
D 2 dh 32 LV
V  hf 
32  ds D 2
dh 32 
 V 32 LV V 2 / 2
ds D 2 
D 2 V 2 / 2
32  
dh  V ds  64(
)( ) V 2 / 2
D V D D
32  64 L
h2  h1  V ( s  s1 )  ( ) V 2 / 2
2 2
D Re D
h1  h2  h f L V 2 64
hf  f f 
D 2 Re
32 LV
hf 
D 2
Nikuradse’s Experiments
• In general, friction factor
f  F (Re, )
– Function of Re and roughness Rough
• f  Blausius
Laminar region  Re  1/ 4
f 
– Independent of roughness
• Turbulent region
– Smooth pipe curve
• All curves coincide @ 64
f 
~Re=2300 Re
– Rough pipe zone
• All rough pipe curves flatten
out and become independent
of Re Blausius OK for smooth pipe
f 
  e 5.74 
log10   
  3.7 D Re 0.9 
Laminar Transition Turbulent
Moody Diagram
Pipe Entrance
• Developing flow
– Includes boundary layer
and core,
– viscous effects grow inward
from the wall
Fully developed
• Fully developed flow Pressure
Entrance length Le
flow region

– Shape of velocity profile is Entrance

same at all points along pressure drop
Region of linear
pipe pressure drop

Le  0.06 Re Laminar flow x
D 4.4Re1/6 Turbulent flow
Entrance Loss in a Pipe
• In addition to frictional losses, there are minor
losses due to
– Entrances or exits
– Expansions or contractions
– Bends, elbows, tees, and other fittings
– Valves
• Losses generally determined by experiment
and then corellated with pipe flow
• Loss coefficients are generally given as the
ratio of head loss to velocity head Abrupt inlet, K ~ 0.5

hL V2
K or hL  K
V2 2g

• K – loss coefficent
– K ~ 0.1 for well-rounded inlet (high Re)
– K ~ 1.0 abrupt pipe outlet
– K ~ 0.5 abrupt pipe inlet
Elbow Loss in a Pipe
• A piping system may have
many minor losses which are
all correlated to V2/2g
• Sum them up to a total system
loss for pipes of the same
V2  L 
hL  h f   hm  f
 D   K m
m 2g  m 

• Where,
hL  Total head loss
h f  Frictional head loss
hm  Minor head loss for fitting m
K m  Minor head loss coefficient for fitting m
EGL & HGL for Losses in a Pipe

• Entrances, bends, and other

flow transitions cause the EGL
to drop an amount equal to the
head loss produced by the
• EGL is steeper at entrance than
it is downstream of there where
the slope is equal the frictional
head loss in the pipe.
• The HGL also drops sharply
downstream of an entrance

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