"Insecticides": Dr. Yos Adi Prakoso, DVM, MSC

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6th Meeting

Veterinary Toxicology


Dr. Yos Adi Prakoso, DVM, MSc.

Pesticides Types of pesticides
• Pesticide is any chemical substance Pesticide name Targets
intended for preventing, destroying, or Nematicides Nematode
controlling any pest
Molluscicides Mollusca
• Pest includes vector of human &
Insecticides Insect
animal disease, unwanted species of
plants /animals, causing harm during Piscicides Fish
or otherwise interfering with the Avicides Birds
production, processing, storage,
transport, or marketing of food, Redonticides Rodent
agricultural commodities, wood and Algicides Algae
wood products or animal feedstuffs, or Herbicides Plants
substances that may be administered
to animals for the control of insects,
arachnids, or other pests in or on their
11/06/2021 Veterinary Toxicology - Yos Adi Prakoso, DVM, MSc. 2
• Insecticides are pesticides
that are formulated to kill,
harm, repel or mitigate one
or more species of insect
• Some insecticides disrupt
the nervous system,
whereas others may
damage their exoskeletons,
repel them or control them
by some other means

11/06/2021 Veterinary Toxicology - Yos Adi Prakoso, DVM, MSc. 3

Forms of
• They can also be packaged
in various forms including
sprays, dusts, gels, and
• Because of these factors,
each insecticide can pose a
different level of risk to
non-target insects, people,
pets and the environment

11/06/2021 Veterinary Toxicology - Yos Adi Prakoso, DVM, MSc. 4

Hazards associated with
Over 98% of sprayed insecticides reach a destination
other than their target species, including non-target
species, air, water and soil
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11/06/2021 Veterinary Toxicology - Yos Adi Prakoso, DVM, MSc. 6
Pesticides cycle

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Impacts on human and animal health
Insecticides can cause
adverse health effects:
• Acute effects
• Chronic effects

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Impacts on environment

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• All insecticides harmful to humans, animals, other living organisms,

and the environment if used incorrectly
• Farm productivity is directly proportional to use of agrochemicals as
observed from the first green revolution.
• Improper and unsafe use of these agrochemicals, especially
insecticides is not only harmful to environment but also human
• However the study has also found that there is ample scope for
reducing insecticides exposure through training, agricultural
extension and community mobilization etc
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Thank You

11/06/2021 Veterinary Toxicology - Yos Adi Prakoso, DVM, MSc. 11

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