TDPD - Accomplishment - 12172020 REVISED - 232pm
TDPD - Accomplishment - 12172020 REVISED - 232pm
TDPD - Accomplishment - 12172020 REVISED - 232pm
Accomplishments and Ongoing Projects
Conducted Regional Consultations; 593 participants Farm Tourism Focus Group Discussions; 120 participants
• Cluster 1 and 2 (17 June 2020) : 60 participants
• North Luzon Cluster (29 September 2020); 134 participants • Cluster 3 and 4 (19 June 2020) : 60 participants
• Visayas Cluster (01 October 2020): 154 participants Oath Taking Ceremony and First Meeting of the Farm Tourism
Development Board (10 August 2020)
• National Capital Region (06 October 2020); 88 participants
Amendment of Accreditation Guidelines for Farm Tourism Sites
• South Luzon Cluster (07 October 2020): 82 participants (13 August 2020)
• Mindanao Cluster ( 19 October 2020); 135 participants Farm Tourism Meeting with FAO (17 August 2020)
• South Luzon Cluster (18 November 2020): 119 participants The workshop aims to establish ecotourism indicators leading
to Ecotourism Statistical Framework development.
• Visayas Cluster (19 November 2020): 133 participants
It serves as venue to validate and solicit ideas in identifying key
• Mindanao Cluster (19 November 2020): 127 participants indicators in protected areas where ecotourism activities take
• National Cluster (20 November 2020): 63 participants
Participants include representatives from Protected Areas
TOTAL: 529 participants (PaSU), PENRO, CENRO, MENRO, DOT Planning Officers,
Local Government Units; Regional Ecotourism Committee
(REC) members, Ecotourism Technical Working Group (ETWG)
and other ecotourism stakeholders.
• North Luzon Cluster (6 June 2020): 61 participants • Submitted DOT COVID-19 Weekly Accomplishment
Report to the Office of the Executive Secretary;
• South Luzon Cluster (6 June 2020): 58 participants
• Communicated with DOT-accredited and non-DOT
• Mindanao Cluster (8 June 2020): 74 participants accredited establishments to volunteer as quarantine
facilities for OFWs.
• NCR and TCP (9 June 2020): 100 participants
Research Study on Conservation of
Preparation of Strategic Action Plan on
Cultural Heritage Sites from Natural and
Domestic Tourism
Man-made Disasters
The DOT, in collaboration with Nayong Provide the framework and directions on
Pilipino Foundation, will undertake studies domestic tourism including the recalibration
on creative economy which covers music, of tourism products towards new normal.
performing arts, dances, handicrafts, The plan will outline policies, infrastructure
literature, among others. The study will not support, investment, marketing and human
only support and promote creative resource development. The project will
industries, but also protect and value the secure the services of the consultants to
Filipino’s cultural identity and heritage conduct data gathering, research,
where culture-based tourism anchors; consultations and plan formulation.
Aims to update the NTDP’s targets and Review and assessment of the National
strategies for the remaining 2021- 2022 to Ecotourism Strategy and Action Plan
ensure that programs and projects under (NESAP) 2013-2022 implementation.
the Plan are relevant, and effectively
address the present needs of the tourism