Lab Note 2. (Polymath Software) : Instructor Baru D. (MSC.) Academic Year 2020/2021 Baru - Debtera@Aastu - Edu.Et

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Lab Note 2.

(Polymath Software)

Instructor Baru D. (MSc.)

Academic year 2020/2021
Introduction to Polymath software and practical work
POLYMATH Software is a new method computational system, which
has been specifically created for educational or professional use.
1. Linear Equations Solver
2. Nonlinear Equations Solver
3. Differential Equations Solver
4. Regression
Polymath Programs are: 4.1. Linear & Polynomial
4.2. Data Table
4.3. Multiple Linear or Multiple Nonlinear

–Export to Excel
Additional Capabilities –Calculator and unit conversion tools
–Polymath Export to Matlab
Starting Polymath
Open Polymath from the start menu of PC or Desktop.
Navigating the Menu
1. LEQ: Linear Equation solver (Demonstrate Example1)
Develop mathematical equation from a figure below and Solve the linear
equation regards steady state condition of mass balance. Use Polymath
T1=..kmol/s  Hint : use component mass balance
Xt=0.244 T 2=--kmol/s
TOPBEN Xw=0.193 Xb=0.388
MTOL Xt=0.257

B1WAT B2=---kmol/s
F=100kmol/s Xb=0.206
Xb=0.35 MWA
Xt=.35 Xw=0.298

After completed input, Click on solve or

this icon
Then you will get the result.
Results LEQ From Polymath

2. NLEQ: Non-Linear Equation solver (Demonstrate Example 2)
 Determine the Conc. (CA1) From R1 and Volume (V)

After completed input this array will be

ready then, Click on solve or this icon
2. Results NLE From Polymath

3. DEQ: Differential Equation solver (Demonstrate Example 3)
Series Reaction:  the conversion of A,
 the formation and disappearance of B,
 also the formation of C.

Species Balances, assume 1st order reaction:
 Constant parameters:

Ca0=10, Cb=0, Cc=0

t0=0, tf =10
3. Results DEQ From Polymath
3. Results DEQ From Polymath (plots)

1. At what time, the concentration of reactant is completed?

2. From this figure at what time, the product B is maximum?
Q1. at what time the reactant A is going to 0.00055?
Q2. why the product C is greater than B?
Q3. If Desired product is B, how to increase the amount of it.
4. REG: Regression, (Demonstrate Example 4)
Use Polymath to do Least square method (straight line equation).
1. How many water requires for 50milion and 85 million people?
H2O_Use 0 2.5 25 50 75 100 125 150 200 250 300
Number of People 0 1.5 10 25 35 45 55 65 75 90 100

C02=Y =number of people
C01 =X= Amount of water used
5.9141965240E00 + 3.4163901232E-1*x
5.9141965240+ 0.34163901232*x
4. Results REG From Polymath
Degree 2 polynomial

  Where C02=Y =number of people

C01 =X= Amount of water used
Definition of ODE
• The Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg (RKF45) is the default algorithm that is highly recommended for most problems.  Details are
available in the paper by Forsythe et al, 1977.  This algorithm monitors the estimate of the integration error, and reduces
or increases the step size of the integration in order to keep the error below a specified threshold. The accuracy
requested is that both the relative and absolute (maximal) errors be less than the truncation error tolerance. The default
value of this tolerance is 1.0E-6. (All the tolerances can be changed in “Settings”). If the integration progresses very
slowly the reason for that may be that the system of equations is stiff. Stiff systems of equations contain variables that
change (decay) in widely varying time scales. For such systems, the RKF algorithm may require a very small step size for
integration and one of the available still algorithms, STIFF or STIFFBS, should be used.
• The recommended stiff algorithm is the semi-implicit midpoint rule of Bader and Deufhand (STIFFBS).  Details are
available in the paper by Bader and Deufhand, 1983. This algorithm also includes error estimation and step-size control.
In this case, the requested maximal error tolerance is 1.0E-7
• Other Algorithms (RKF56, BS, STIFF)
• Additional algorithms include a higher order (higher precision) such as the Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg (RKF56).  The Burlirsch-
Stoer (BS) uses the extrapolation method. When this is used for non-stiff problems, and it requires less computational
effort than the RKF methods in order to achieve the same high accuracy during the  integration of smooth functions.
Details are found in Press et al, 1992, pp. 735-739.  For stiff problems the Rosenbrock method (STIFF) is also available.
This method is simple to implement.  For moderate accuracy and moderate sized systems, it is competitive with the
more complicated algorithms. More information is also available in  Press et al, 1992, pp. 735-739).

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