Media Codes and Conventions

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The key takeaways are that media codes and conventions are the building blocks of communication through different media and help convey intended meanings. There are symbolic, technical and written codes, as well as conventions regarding how these codes are organized in different media.

The three types of media codes discussed are symbolic codes, technical codes, and written codes.

The four reasons for editing mentioned are graphic edits, rhythmic edits, spatial edits, and temporal edits.


Media and Information Literacy
1. Media is a collective term for all communication
medium such as books, newspapers, radio, television,
film and the Internet.
A. True B. False
C. Maybe D. Neither True or False
2. A media and information literate individual knows
how to exam-ine and take apart the media message so
that its parts are ex-posed to him.
A. True B. False
C. Maybe D. Neither True or False
3. It pertains to the codes, conventions, formats,
symbols and narrative structures that indicate the
meaning of media messages to an audience.
A. Languages B. Media Types
C. Media Languages D. Media Sources
4. These are systems of signs which when put
together create meaning.
A. Languages B. Codes
C. Media Languages D. Conventions
5. It refers to the recipients of information or the
consumers of media.
A. Media audience B. Media producers
C. Media Languages D. Media Sources
ACTIVITY TIME! Identify the following signs and symbols used to convey
information (Example: brand, company, and others). The first one is done for
you as your guide.
The preceding exercise is designed to prime you to the idea
that media codes and conventions serve as the building blocks
of all the media around us.
Media codes generally have an agreed meaning, or connotation, to
their audience. There are three types of media codes: symbolic
codes, technical codes and written codes. Conventions are
expected ways in which codes are organized in a product.
-are social in nature. These codes live outside the media product
themselves, but would be understood in similar ways in the ‘real
life’ of the audience. For instance, if you see somebody receiving a
red rose in a film, you would assume there is a romantic
relationship between the two characters. If you give somebody a
red rose in real life, you might be hoping the same. Symbolic
codes in media include setting, mise en scene, acting and color.
1. Setting

-is the time and place of the narrative. A setting can be as big as
the outback or space, or as small as a specific room. Setting can
even be a created atmosphere or frame of mind.
2. Mise en scene
--is a French term meaning ‘everything within the frame’. In media
terms, it has become to mean the description of all the objects
within a frame of the media product and how they have been
arranged. An analysis of mise en scene includes:
• Set Design
• Costume
• Props
• Staging and Composition
3. Acting
Actors portray characters in media products and contribute to
character development, creating tension or advancing the narrative.
The actor portrays a character through:
• Facial expression
• Body Language
• Vocal qualities
• Movement
• Body contact
4. Color
--has highly cultural and strong connotations.
The different aspects to consider are:

• Dominant color
• Contrasting foils
• Color symbolism
--are codes specific to a media form and do not live outside of
them. For instance, our understanding of different camera shots
and their connotations make sense when we look and films and
photographs, but mean nothing to us outside of those forms.
Technical codes in media include Camerawork, Editing, Audio
and Lighting.
1. Camera Work
--refers to the process of operating, positioning, and moving the
camera for specific effects. Aspects of camerawork include:

• Positioning
• Movement
• Framing
• Exposure
• Lens choice
2. Editing

--is the process of choosing, manipulating and arranging images

and sound. Editing is generally done for four different reasons:
• Graphic edits
• Rhythmic edits
• Spatial edits
• Temporal edits
3. Audio

----is the expressive or naturalistic use of sound. Audio can be

diegetic or non diegetic. The three aspects of audio are

• Dialogue
• Sound effects
• Music
4. Lighting

--is the manipulation of natural or artificial light to selectively

highlight specific elements of the scene. Elements of lighting
• Quality
• Direction
• Source
• Color

--are the formal written language used in a media product. Written

codes can be used to advance a narrative, communicate in-
formation about a character or issues and themes in the media
product. This includes:

1. Printed language is a text you can see within the frame and
how it is presented.

2. Spoken language, which includes dialogue and song lyrics.


--are accepted ways of using media codes. Conventions are

closely connected to the audience expectations of a media
product. Different types of conventions include form
conventions, story conventions and genre conventions.
1. Form Conventions
--are the certain ways/ types of media’s codes to be arranged. For
instance an audience expects to have a title of the film at the
be-ginning, and then credits at the end. Newspapers will have a
masthead, the most important news on the front page and
sports news on the back page. Video games usually start with a
tutorial to explain the mechanics of how the game works.
2. Story Conventions
--are common narrative structures and understandings e common
in story telling media products. Examples of story conventions

• Narrative structures
• Cause and effect
• Character construction
• Point of View
3. Genre Conventions
--point to the common use of tropes, characters, settings or
themes in a particular type of medium. Genre conventions are
closely linked with audience expectations.

Genre conventions can be formal or thematic.

Activity 2. Below is a postcard of the Boracay Island. Identify the
key symbolic and technical codes found in it. Write your
answer in your activity notebook.
Assignment: Make a POSTCARD for a place or organization of your
choice using any materials available. Identify the key
technical and symbolic codes you would use to convey
important information. Your output will be rated based on the
rubric below.

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