Covid-19 Infection in Pregnancy: Dr. Asmita Pantha 3 Year Resident Department of OBGYN Kusms
Covid-19 Infection in Pregnancy: Dr. Asmita Pantha 3 Year Resident Department of OBGYN Kusms
Covid-19 Infection in Pregnancy: Dr. Asmita Pantha 3 Year Resident Department of OBGYN Kusms
Dr. Asmita Pantha
3rd year Resident
Department of OBGYN
Docherty AB, Harrison EM, Green CA, et al. Features of 16,749 hospitalised UK patients with COVID-
19 using the ISARIC WHO clinical Characterisation Protocol.
Effect on Pregnant women
• In a case series in New York, all 215 women in 2 weeks - screened for SARS-CoV-
2 infection. 15.4% of women tested positive from nasopharyngeal swabs.
Mostly asymptomatic, only 2% had symptoms of fever & flu-like symptoms.
• 86% had mild disease,9.3% had severe disease and 4.7% developed critical
• No evidence of teratogenicity.
• 2.5% babies had a positive test for SARS-CoV-2 during first 12 hours after
• One-stop clinic appointment that booking and scan together in 1st trimester. Screening for low
risk and high risk should be done at this time.
• Next visit at 18-20 weeks- Check BP & Urine, Routine anomaly scan, Inj Td vaccine
Continue Iron/calcium.
• The woman can stop home isolation under the following 3 conditions:
3 full days without use of medicine that reduces fever and other symptoms have
At least 7 days have passed since her symptoms first appeared.
Seek medical help if condition is worsening(soon) or if symptoms are not improving
after 7 days.
• If the woman has access to testing facilities, leave home after isolation: woman no
longer has fever and other symptoms have improved and had two negative tests in a
row, 24hrs apart.
• Women with symptoms of COVID-19 and
are experiencing any pregnancy related
complications need to be seen separately
from others in an isolated room if
possible or at the beginning or at the end
of clinic.
Pharmaceutical care:
• No drug is currently approved.
• IV Ceftriaxone (in case of secondary bacterial infection)- while awaiting culture &
sensitivity reports.
Managing COVID-19 in pregnancy
• Corticosteroids- not used to treat or clearance of virus.
Liang H, Acharya G. Novel corona virus disease (COVID-19) in pregnancy: what clinical
recommendations to follow? Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2020.
Timing and Mode of Delivery
Timing of delivery:
• Individualized based on existing obstetric comorbidities.
• Mild disease- till term under close surveillance
• Critical disease- may need preterm delivery.
Mode of delivery:
• Determined by obstetric indications
• Consider choice of anesthesia
• Vaginal delivery considered in stable patients- lack of evidence of
vaginal shedding of virus and vertical transmission.
Setting for birth
• Separate delivery setting for suspected/confirmed COVID 19 cases ,if not possible- 1 st stage
1 m distance between beds and 2 m distance in 2nd stage of labor.
RMNCH guideline-2020
• Designated separate isolation and or delivery area for positive patients with designated
personnel and PPE setup
• Potential increase risk of fetal compromise - continuous electronic fetal monitoring (EFM).
• Universal precaution measures to room with negative pressure if not exhaust fan.
• Testing all patients upon presentation to labor and delivery (or the day before scheduled
admission) with a rapid SARS-CoV-2 test.(Now,being done at KUSMS)
Di Mascio D, Khalil A, Saccone G, et al. Outcome of Coronavirus spectrum infections (SARS,MERS, COVID 1 -19) during pregnancy: a systematic review and meta-
analysis. Am J Obstet Gynecol MFM 2020; :100107
• Only essential staff - enter the isolation ward/OT room and visitors - minimum.
Timing for birth
• Induction of labour / CS - in suspected COVID-19 - an individual assessment by Multi disciplinary team
(urgency, risk of transmission) whether it is safe to delay procedure during period of self-isolation.
• If result positive, the patient may become more severely ill over time since symptoms more severe in the
2nd week of the illness – not to delay
• Admit on day of induction and cases admitted 24 hrs isolation before elective CS
• Women with mild COVID-19 symptoms - remain at home (self-isolating) in early labour
(latent phase) as per standard practice.
• Hand washing with alcohol based after every patient contact and appropriate donning and
doffing of PPE critical
• ACOG and RCOG– Use PPE with N95 mask in 2nd stage of labor of suspected or
confirmed positive COVID-19 cases (potential for aerosolisation in context of
forceful exhalation).
• CDC – forceful exhalation during 2nd stage not expected to generate aerosol to
same extent as procedure considered to AGP.
- surgical mask, protective eyewear, gown and gloves.
N-95 mask (if available)
Intrapartum monitoring
• If develops fever, investigate and treat as per guidance on sepsis in
pregnancy, but also consider active COVID-19 as a cause.
• Early cord clamping - minimize newborn exposure to any virus in the immediate
Ashokka B, et al. Care of the Pregnant Woman with COVID-19 in Labor and Delivery: Anesthesia, Emergency cesarean delivery, Differential diagnosis in the acutely ill
parturient, Care of the newborn, and Protection of the healthcare personnel. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2020
• WHO recommendation
All suspected/probable/confirmed cases: skin to skin contact permitted
• CDC recommendation
• Individaulize the cases
• Consider clinical condition, test result, desire to breast feed, facilities
available, continuity of the separation
• If separation:
-Isolate like other Covid 19 suspect.
-PPE : recommended for healthy caretaker.
• If separation indicated but not done:
-Physical barriers like Curtain
-Temperature control isolate > 6 feet away from mother
-Face mask , hand hygiene
-Family member can involve
• Criteria to discontinue precautions
• Symptomatic cases :
• At least 3 days( 72 hours) after recovery i.e. no fever w/o any
• Improvement in respiratory symptoms
• 10 days have passed since symptoms 1st appeared
• Lab confirmed asymptomatic cases: At least 10 days passed after 1st
diagnostic test positive
• Unclear transmission
• Very small case series: breast milk positive
• WHO/CDC/ACOG/RCOG: encourages breast feeding
• Maternal COVID: Passive immunity to child via breast
milk / Anti-infective factors
• Mother and baby separation: Ideally infant fed (EBM
with dedicated breast pump) by healthy caregiver
until recovery following hygiene protocol
Breastfeeding in Covid 19: RCOG
If no separation: Breast feeding with strict precautions
• Fluid resistant surgical mask by mother.
• Avoid sneezing and coughing.
• Clean hands with soap and water( if NA sanitizer).
• Clean pump parts, bottles & artificial nipple.
• If possible cleaned by healthy person.
Kangaroo mother care permitted ( with use of mask and hygiene): in preterm
and LBW babies.
RMNCH 2020
• As per national schedule
• 3 to 6 feet distance maintenance
• Strict time allocation to avoid crowd and maintain social distance.
Baby with fever and cough: COVID suspected signs: withheld vaccine
Subsidence of signs and symptoms