Ogl360 12wkplan Template2022a 5
Ogl360 12wkplan Template2022a 5
Ogl360 12wkplan Template2022a 5
Jake Davis
Spring (2022)
OGL 360 (Assessment of Leadership Effectiveness), Arizona State University
Table of Contents Slides {These topics are only suggestions}
► Week 1 – Find Your Purpose 5 -- 8
► Week 2 - Learning Is Doing 9 -- #
► Week 3 – Model the Way # -- #
► Week 4 – Be the First to Trust (But Verify…) # -- #
► Week 5 - Inspire and Create Vision # -- #
► Week 6 – Look to Help Others # -- #
► Week 7 – Challenge the Process / Pivot! ##-- ##
► Week 8 – Enable Others to Act 87 -- 91
► Week 9 – Demonstrate Ubuntu # -- #
► Week 10 – Welcome Possibilities/Opportunities # -- #
► Week 11 – Encourage Initiative (Don’t Fear…) # -- #
► Week 12 – Personalize Recognition ## -- ##
► Addendum 110
► References / Works Cited Slide 111
Authors of Quotes Slide(s)
Gennep, Arnold van ………………… #, #, #
Horwitz, Tony (re. Capt. Cook)……… #, #, #
Homer (The Odyssey) ………………….#, #, #
Kouzes and Posner (6th ed.)…………. #, #, #, #, #,#, #, #, #, #, #, #, #, #, #, #, #, #, #,
#, #, #, #, #, #, #, #, #, #
Malala Yousafzi ………………………… #, #
Mauss, Marcell ………………………… #, #
{Other Amazing Author TBD}………… #, #
Varty, Boyd ……………………………... #, #
Woolf, Virginia ………………………… #, #
{Remember to add other favorite authors to your presentation} …………… #, #
Cited” slide at the END of the Ppt. Add to that as you go forward.}
Week 1 (part 1 of Module 1): Find Your Purpose
Kouzes and Posner quote 1 (complete this quote if you wish, or choose
a different one):
Leadership comes from interaction. This can be simple day to day interactions but it can
also be more complex interactions such as having a meeting with the board of directors.
Week 2: Learning Is Doing (cont’d)
When I was a kid I never had a Add’l Quote 2 (from the Odyssey synopsis):
problem speaking my mind, in fact I
would often get in trouble for it. "Thou art fain to hear of thy home-coming,
However, this has helped me to get to illustrious hero; but thy path to Ithaca shall
where I am today, I am not afraid to be be beset with sorrows” (Odyssey 2018, pg. 16).
criticized for what I believe.
Week 3: Model the Way (cont’d)
► Kouzes and Posner quote 11
We must find who we are in order to Add’l Quote 3 (from THUG NOTES or another Odyssey video):
lead others in their journey to self “He poked the eye of Poseidon's son. And that is the
discovery as well. I am at that age reason that it takes 10 years to get back home.” (Thug
where we are just now beginning to notes, 1:35)
After the meeting a quote from Mikel was “If you can see the
positive you can make it through anything that comes at
you.” I have been through so many bad times in my life that I
had started to look for three things everyday that make me
smile. Finding those three simple things have helped me to
see the best in life.
Week 4: Be the First to Trust (But Verify…)
► Kouzes and Posner quote 12 ► Kouzes and Posner quote 13
"Values are your personal bottom line. "People can only speak the truth when
They influence every aspect of your speaking in their true voice." (Kouzes and
life: for example, moral judgments, Posner 2017, pg. 54)
commitments to personal and
organizational goals, the way you Finding your voice allows you to speak
respond to others." (Kouzes and Posner your mind. When I was little I listened to
2017, pg. 53) others and did what they told me to do.
As I grew up I started to find myself and
Your values are the bottom line. My started to stand up for myself.
values are a part of me. They help define
who I am and everything that I stand for.
If I ever cross that line then I am denying
myself and what I stand for.
Week 4: Be the First to Trust
(But Verify…) (cont’d)
► Kouzes and Posner quote 14
When I was in highschool I was a part of the track and field team
and one of the events that I competed in was discus throwing. I
can say that that sport does in fact take a lot of strength as well as
the knowledge of what you were doing in order to do good.
Week 3 and Week 4 “Wrap-Up”:
The two main themes are Clarifying values and Setting the example. After the meeting
a quote from Mikel was “If you can see the positive you can make it through anything that
comes at you.” I also saw this in a different light, we can choose to see the positive, and
make that into a reality. "... You are free to choose what you want to express and the way
you want to express it. In fact, you have a responsibility to your constituents to express
yourself in an authentic manner…"(Kouzes and Posner 2017, pg. 57)
You must be able to be the example for your team. "You have to put into action what
you and others stand for. You have to be the example for others to follow."(Kouzes and
Posner 2017, pg. 73) As a leader now, everything you do will be followed by those on your
team. So you must be sure to put forth the best effort you can.
Insert another Qualitative 360-Degree Question Here:
How often did you try honestly to see things from
another person’s point of view?
To me this quote means that people have two different personalities. One
that is their own and the embodiment of who they are, the other is who
others want them to be.
TO DO today:
1. Make a meal plan for the
2. Take the first step in
looking for new jobs.
Triumvirate (Co-Mentoring Team)
Quotes & Reflections:
“This will not happen overnight” (Mikel)
I chose this quote because it shows that no matter how hard we try and
how much we push nothing is going to change overnight. We must
continue to work at it, to chip away at it, until we break through. It will
eventually become a reality. This is also true for leading, we will not be
accepted by everyone right away however if we keep at it we can
eventually overcome that as well.
Week 6: Look to Help Others
Add’l Quote 8 (from another source, e.g., from a video, a song, a different course’s
textbook, or your mom):
“In a more collective society, we realize from the inside that our own well-being is
deeply tied to the well-being of others. Danger is shared. Pain is shared. Joy is
shared. Achievement is shared. Houses are shared. Food is shared.” (Boyd Varty
To me this means that some of the most important people to us are not always
going to be with us. When I went to college for the first time, I was over 1000 miles
away from everything I had known and everyone I looked up to.
Week 6: Look to Help Others (cont’d)
Kouzes and Posner quote 17
The two main topics covered in these two weeks were “look to help others” and “inspire
and create vision”. The quote “You have to express it so that every manager and every
employee can break it down into specific things that are relevant to them. The vision has to
appeal to people’s head, heart, and hands” really helped to explain why it is important to
make things easy to understand. However, this quote from sadeyes, “Make your coffee,
start the car and chase the pay stub” reminds me about the importance of breaking the
norm. Growing up, it was the same thing every day, school, homework, chores, bed. Now
as an adult I have the ability to choose how I want to spend my time.
Insert a Qualitative 360-Degree Question Here:
“Men are the 'opposing faction'; men are hated and feared,
because they have the power to bar her way to what she wants to
do” (Woolf 4, pg. 32)
“the door is the boundary between the foreign and domestic worlds
in the case of an ordinary dwelling, between the profane and sacred
worlds in the case of a temple. Therefore to cross the threshold is to
unite oneself with a new world” (Van Gennep Rites of Passage,
pg. 20)
We all enter new areas in life whether physical or not they still have
an impact on us. Each of these can provide a challenge for us to face.
Triumvirate (Co-Mentoring Team)
Quotes & Reflections:
“We don’t always know right away when we have crossed a boundary” (ReaDean)
I chose this quote because it really resonated with me, I can remember times in my life
that I changed although I did not realize it at that moment, it did happen. After my
first year of college I decided to change my major to organizational leadership. I did
not think anything of it at the time, but looking back I realize that I crossed over to a
new state of mind which directed me toward a path of leadership.
Week 8: Enable Others to Act
The two main topics covered in these two weeks were “enable other to act”
and “challenge the process”. The quote, “Trust is the central issue in human
relationships. Without trust, you can't lead. Without trust, you can't get people
to believe in you or each other” was my first favorite for this week. I know as
a kid I had to build trust with my friends and that is still true to this day. Pozer
also says, "Sometimes challenges find leaders, and sometimes leaders find the
challenges; most often, it's a little of each". This reminds me that there will
always be challenges that we will have to face. As we grow we become
stronger and with that comes harder battles we had to fight.
Insert a Qualitative 360-Degree Question Here:
In what ways has this leader recognized the individual contributions of
team members in recent weeks?
"The team members could openly "She gave them choices and
discuss their issues with their leader latitude to take on personal
and were comfortable sharing with her
their professional and personal issues, responsibility"
too" (Kouzes and Posner 2017, pg. 196)
(Kouzes and Posner 2017, pg. 196)
My father has taught me so much, one of the most
One of the hardest parts about being on a team is important things he taught me was the lesson on taking
not feeling comfortable to say what you want to responsibility. He put me in positions so that I’d take
say. My first job I was a lifeguard, and as a scared personal responsibility. I remember that he stopped
little 16 year old boy I just did what I was told and paying for gas and personal objects so that I would start
kept to myself. Now, I am more confident and working on my own in order to pay for them.
comfortable in front of leaders, so now I have no
problem speaking my mind.
Week 9: Demonstrate Ubuntu (cont’d)
I really like this quote, if I was to give someone a brand new car, and all
they got me was a giftcard to a fast food restaurant. Not only would they
feel guilty but I would be offended as well.
I chose this quote because it really resonated with me, I can remember times in my life
that I shared things with others. For almost 18 years I shared a room with my little
brother. During that time together we were able to share many experiences and
knowledge with each other. This did end up bringing us closer to one another.
Week 10: Welcome Possibilities/Opportunities
TO DO today (in the…FUTURE!):
1. Challenge the Process by reading The One
Minute Manager
► Kouzes and Posner quote 23 by Ken Blanchard & Spencer Johnson
2. Enable my sister to go for the job that she’s
been wanting for a while.
"you become more powerful when you give
your power away."
(Kouzes and Posner 2017, pg. 221)
When you enable someone to lead, not only are you allowing them
to gain that experience but you are also giving them the confidence
that they can. Having these opportunities is extremely important
when grooming the next generation of leaders. They will also have
more trust and respect in you because you have allowed them to
show you what they can do.
Week 10: Welcome Possibilities/Opportunities
The two main topics covered in these two weeks were “Demonstrate Ubuntu” and
“Welcome Possibilities”. The quote “You want people to take initiative and be self-directed.
You want them to think for themselves” really helped to explain why it is important to give
others a chance to lead. However, further on we see, “In strengthening others, leaders show
they believe that people are smart and capable of figuring things out”. Now this helps to
explain how important it is to put our teams into positions so that they too can lead and
Insert a Qualitative 360-Degree Question Here:
What areas of strength would you like to see this person continue to
build on?
I chose this question because no matter how great of a leader you think
you are there will always be areas that you can improve upon. It is
important to identify these areas and strengthen them.
Week 11: Encourage Initiative
Add’l Quote 23, from one of our additional readings (Mauss, Van
Gennep, Woolf, etc.) or one of our assigned videos:
“Another theme plays its part in the economy and morality of the
gift: that of the gift made to men in the sight of gods or nature.”
(Mauss 1966, pg. 12)
Add’l Quote 24, from one of our additional readings (Mauss, Van
Gennep, Woolf, etc.) or one of our assigned videos:
“it implies two others equally important: the obligation to give
presents and the obligation to receive them”
(Mauss 1966, p. 11)
I chose this quote because it really meant a lot to me, I can remember times in my life
that I just needed to talk to someone. However there are times when I did not feel
comfortable venting. This is why it is so important for us to create a safe place for the
members of our team. This allows us to feel heard and safe which is a key part in
running a smooth team.
Week 12: Personalize Recognition
► Kouzes and Posner quote 28
We are not meant to be alone in life, there will always be those that are a part of our
lives, no matter how short their time may be. Recognizing this, we must act in such a way
that benefits the community as a whole.
The two main topics covered in these two weeks were “Encourage Initiative” and
“Personalize Recognition”. The quote “People are meant to do things together, to form
communities, and in this way demonstrate a common bond” really helped to explain how
important it is to involve others and to work as a team. However, this quote, “individuals
aren't alone in their efforts, that other people care about them, and that they can count on
others” reminds me about the importance recognizing what we can do. Each of us are
capable of incredible things, and it is our job to achieve those things.
“Big Picture” 12 Week wrap-up
In the end the real question is whether or not we will stand
triumphant in our position or will we content never reaching our
goal? Every member in our organization must continue to push on
and continue to learn all that they can about leadership. If we
continue to choose the simple way of life over choosing to become
our greatest, we will never reach our true potential. We must
prepare ourselves, our company, and even our families in such a
way that we all can improve ourselves as leaders. We will be caught
off guard and left to our own devices if we do not do what is
necessary to prepare ourselves for the future. We must study and
learn, and give that knowledge to others. We must consciously make
the choice to stand up for what we want out of life. It all starts with
the willingness to accept and the drive to change.
References (Works Cited)
Davis, Stephen (2021). Synopsis of Homer’s Odyssey. An Illustrated synopsis (revised 2019) with excerpts from the text
Horowitz, Tony (2003). Blue Latitudes: Boldly Going Where Captain Cook Has Gone Before. New York: Picador
Mauss, Marcel (1966). The Gift: Forms and Functions of Exchange in Archaic Societies