Subject Verb Agreement
Subject Verb Agreement
Subject Verb Agreement
Subject-Verb Agreement
No “s” ending on a
noun often indicates An “s” ending on a verb usually
that it is singular. indicates that it is singular.
subject = verb
Example Sentence
Subject-Verb Disagreement
An “s” ending on a
noun often indicates An “s” ending on a verb usually
that it is plural. indicates that it is singular.
students knows
subject = verb
Some Common Rules
With… Use a…
I singular verb (no “s”)
You plural verb (no “s”)
He, She, It singular verb (“s”)
We plural verb (no “s”)
You plural verb (no “s”)
They plural verb (no “s”)
Mini-lesson 2
Agreement with Compound Subjects
Special Agreement Rules
• When the subject is made up of two or
more nouns connected by and, use a
plural verb.
– civics
– mathematics
– dollars
– news
Almost Always Singular
• Collective nouns that refer to more than
one person are usually treated as a
single unit:
– group
– team
– committee
– class
– family
Always Plural
• Nouns like the following are always
plural (because they are made of two
– scissors
– tweezers
– trousers
– pants
– shears
Mini-lesson 5
Neither “Here” nor “There”
“There” is Never the Subject
• In sentences starting with the word
“there,” the subject usually follows the
verb subject
“There” is Never the Subject
• In sentences starting with the word
“there,” the subject usually follows the
There is a question.
verb subject
The Same is True for “Here”
• In sentences starting with the word
“here,” the subject usually follows the
verb subject
The Same is True for “Here”
• In sentences starting with the word
“here,” the subject usually follows the
verb subject