New Early Marriage Presenation
New Early Marriage Presenation
New Early Marriage Presenation
4. UMU. K. BARRIE 22002736
Women's health refers to the area of healthcare that is concerned with the
diagnosis and management of illnesses and situations that have an impact not
only on a woman's physical health but also on her social and emotional
Early marriage is one of the leading social and cultural issues, that has
been, is, and if no proper counter measure is enacted, will continue affecting
women and women’s health in our world. Women, especially those who get
married as children are exposed to many forms of exclusion and
discrimination which causes a negative impact on their health (physical &
mental). Early marriage is a harmful traditional practice that continues to
affect millions around the world.
Every year millions of girls around the world become brides before the
age of 18. Several measures have been taken by government and NGOs to
eradicate this harmful practice but it still continues to persist, although in
some countries it has declined significantly, it still continues especially in
developing and poverty-stricken countries.
In the earlier times, and even in some present culture, the ages of (9-15) is
considered the right time to get married.
It is believed that once a girl reaches puberty stage, she is supposed to get
married. Such practice has made young girls who aren’t ready or prepared, to
go into marriage. Also, some culture sees it as a means to preserve the girl’s
purity (preventing pre-marital sex) because they believe that if she gets married
early, there won’t be an opportunity to mingle with the opposite sex and engage
in pre-marital sex, especially if female circumcision is not an option. Forced
child marriage can also be used to bind together families, clans, and tribes or to
fulfill commitments.
Many cultures perceive sex education for female child as a taboo or as
a medium which exposes the child to sexual immorality. When parents
shy away from giving their girls proper sex education, they are exposing
them to more danger; because lack of formal\sex education makes it
difficult for girls to access information on health for themselves and
know their basic right.
Girls whose mothers married early and had no education (illiterates),
are likely to marry early, thus contributing to the circle of illiteracy and
early marriage in the subsequent generation.
1. Educate girls
2. Empower girls
3. Educate parents
4. Mobilize religious leaders and community elders
5. Support adolescent girls who are already married
6. Support legislation against child marriage
• 7. Provide relevant economic support
• 8. Get informed and take action
• 9. Support obstetric fistula campaigns and organizations
• 10.Support artists photographers and journalists who raise
awareness about child marriage
A majority of girls that come from a home were education is not valued, some
manage to be educated but their families still remain uneducated therefore, lack
certain knowledge of Hunan Right and effects/ harm it will impact on young
girls getting married early. Educating and Sensitizing can change the story
Many Girls in the community have low self-Esteem. They were trained to see
themselves as marriage materials and being with a man to complete the cycle of
life. Empowering girls to change their mindset and boosting their self-esteem in
a positive way, and can still give presence to their culture will be a great
contributory factor to ending Child Marriage.
We mentioned the causes of Early Marriage, Cultural and Traditional Approach, Illiteracy and lack of
sex education, Gender inequality, Poverty. The main causes of such high rates of child marriage were
shown to be severe poverty, a lack of access to health care, education, and employment opportunities,
especially for girls, as well as inadequate legal and enforcement systems. Gender inequality and the
idea that girls and women are less valuable than boys and men are at the basis of child marriage.
Poverty, illiteracy, negative societal norms and practices, and insecurity make it worse.
Just to refresh your memory we also discussed the effects of Early Marriage.
Early marriage may result in poor health, inadequate care, unintended
pregnancies, and an excessive amount of household work for the young woman.
When a girl is forced into an early marriage, she might not know how to care
for her family, herself, or even the house. You might see the mother cooking
while the kids dispose of waste that could later cause sickness and infections,
such as cholera, diarrhea, and typhoid because of contaminated water.
She might be reckless if you force your child into an early marriage. She
might not be able to manage her house or even communicate with the locals.
She is worried because of the lack of attention, thus there will be a problem
Finally, we discussed the preventive measures is to transform cultural norms,
to support and scale up community program, provide economic opportunities
for young women and most importantly increase access to Girl’s education
because according to research, programs that expand or offer access to
education for girls are essential to postponing marriage. Compared to girls
with zero to three years of education, those with eight or more years of
education are less likely to get married young. However, a basic education is
1 . P M I D : 3 5 1 6 4 7 2 4 P M C I D : P MC 8 8 4 5 2 2 3 D O I : 1 0 . 11 8 6 / S 1 2 8 8 9 - 0 2 2 - 1 2 7 0 7 - X
2. J BIOSOC SCI. 1995 JUL;27(3):325-31. DOI: 10.1017/S0021932000022847.
PMID: 7650049
3 . H T T P S : / / D ATA . U N I C E F. O R G / T O P I C / C H I L D - P R O T E C T I O N / C H I L D - M A R R I A G E /
4. HTTPS://THEDOCS.WORLDBANK.ORG/EN/DOC/134161519943385981-0050022017/ORIGINAL/
W B L 2 0 1 7 C H I L D M A R R I A G E L AW S . P D F
5 . H T T P S : / / W W W. O H C H R . O R G / E N / P R O F E S S I O N A L I N T E R E S T / PA G E S / M I N I M U M A G E F O R M A R R I A G E . A S P X
6 . H T T P S : / / N E PA L . U N F PA . O R G / E N / N O D E / 1 5 2 1 7
7. H T T P S : / / W W W. U N I C E F. O R G / R O S A / W H AT- W E - D O / C H I L D - P R O T E C T I O N / C H I L D-
M A R R I A G E # : ~ : T E X T = C H I L D % 2 0 M A R R I A G E % 2 0 I S % 2 0 D E F I N E D % 2 0 A S , D I S P R O P O RT I O N AT E LY % 2 C
% 2 0 E S P E C I A L LY % 2 0 I N % 2 0 S O U T H % 2 0 A S I