Essay Structure Introduction

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Essay Structure

(based on paragraph structure)

Created by Rebecca Soble, Fall 2010, updated Spring 2013

• Topic sentence
• Supporting sentence A
– Detail sentence A1
– Detail sentence A2
• Supporting sentence B
– Detail sentence B1
– Detail sentence B2
• Concluding Sentence
• Closing Comment (optional)
Each part of the paragraph
becomes a whole paragraph
• Topic Sentence • Introduction Paragraph, with:
becomes… – Background Information
• Each supporting • A whole paragraph, with:
section becomes… – Topic Sentence
– Supporting Ideas/Details
– Conclusion (optional)
• Concluding • Concluding paragraph, with:
Sentence – Conclusion that rephrases the
– Closing Comment
Watching television is a good way to improve one’s English.
First of all, you can learn new vocabulary words by watching
television. One source of vocabulary is news programs, which
provide vocabulary about current events and world issues.
Furthermore, you can learn vocabulary easily from news programs
because they often show the words on the screen. In addition, by
following series such as “Lost” and “The Simpsons”, you can learn
common spoken expressions and English slang phrases. Since these
phrases aren’t usually taught in school, this is one of the best ways
to learn these phrases. Secondly, it is possible to improve your
listening skills by watching television. For example, music video
programs can help your listening. Even though you may not
understand everything you hear, you can get more familiar with the
sounds of English and the pronunciation of words. Naturally, the
more you listen, the more you will understand. In short, TV helps us
to improve our English in an enjoyable way. (169 words)
Here it is again, broken into its parts.
• Topic Sentence: Watching television is a good way to improve one’s English.
• First Supporting Sentence and supporting details: First of all, you can learn new
vocabulary words by watching television. One source of vocabulary is news
programs, which provide vocabulary about current events and world issues.
Furthermore, you can learn vocabulary easily from news programs because
they often show the words on the screen. In addition, by following series
such as “Lost” and “The Simpsons”, you can learn common spoken
expressions and English slang phrases. Since these phrases aren’t usually
taught in school, this is one of the best ways to learn these phrases.
• Second Supporting Sentence, and supporting details: Secondly, it is possible to
improve your listening skills by watching television. For example, music video
programs can help your listening. Even though you may not understand
everything you hear, you can get more familiar with the sounds of English and
the pronunciation of words. Naturally, the more you listen, the more you will
• Conclusion: In short, TV helps us to improve our English in an enjoyable way.
Let’s make the Topic Sentence into an
Introductory Paragraph
• First, start GENERAL.
If you want to learn English, there are many ways to do it.
• Then, gradually get more specific.
Many people take courses, try to learn from books, or even
pay for expensive private tutoring. But actually, one of the
best ways to learn English is from TV.
• Your background info should be ONLY 2-3 sentences.
• Finally, end with your THESIS STATEMENT, which clearly
states the 2-3 ideas you will include in your paragraph.
Watching television can help improve both your vocabulary
and your listening skills.
Compare them side-by-side
Original Topic Sentence New Introduction

Watching television is a If you want to learn English, there

good way to improve one’s are many ways to do it. Many
English. people take courses, try to learn
from books, or even pay for
expensive private tutoring. But
actually, one of the best ways to
learn English is from TV. Watching
television can help improve both
your vocabulary and your
listening skills.
STATEMENT exactly what topics
you will discuss in your essay.
Watching television can help
improve both your vocabulary
and your listening skills.

So your two body paragraphs will be about

vocabulary (1) and listening (2).
Make the 1st section into a body paragraph.
• First, start with a topic sentence, WITH A SIGNAL PHRASE.
First of all, you can learn new vocabulary words by watching television.
• Then, add the details.
One source of vocabulary is news programs, which provide vocabulary about
current events and world issues. Furthermore, you can learn vocabulary
easily from news programs because they often show the words on the
screen. In addition, by following series such as “Lost” and “The Simpsons”,
you can learn common spoken expressions and English slang phrases. Since
these phrases aren’t usually taught in school, this is one of the best ways to
learn these phrases.
• This is your opportunity to write more. You should include more details or
examples than you would in a paragraph.
Another source of vocabulary on television is documentary programs.
Because these focus on a particular topic, you can learn a lot of vocabulary
about that topic. It can be especially helpful if the documentary also has
Compare them side-by-side
Original Supporting Section New Body Paragraph 1
First of all, you can learn new First of all, you can learn new vocabulary words by
vocabulary words by watching watching television. One source of vocabulary is news
programs, which provide vocabulary about current events
television. One source of vocabulary
and world issues. Furthermore, you can learn vocabulary
is news programs, which provide
easily from news programs because they often show the
vocabulary about current events and
words on the screen. In addition, by following series such
world issues. Furthermore, you can as “Lost” and “The Simpsons”, you can learn common
learn vocabulary easily from news spoken expressions and English slang phrases. Since these
programs because they often show phrases aren’t usually taught in school, this is one of the
the words on the screen. In best ways to learn these phrases. Another source of
addition, by following series such as vocabulary on television is documentary programs.
“Lost” and “The Simpsons”, you can Because these focus on a particular topic, you can learn a
learn common spoken expressions lot of vocabulary about that topic. It can be especially
and English slang phrases. Since helpful if the documentary also has subtitles. (123)
these phrases aren’t usually taught
in school, this is one of the best ways
to learn these phrases. (86)
Compare them side-by-side
Original Supporting Section New Body Paragraph 2
Secondly, it is possible to Secondly, it is possible to improve your listening
improve your listening skills by skills by watching television. For example, music
watching television. For video programs can help your listening. Even
example, music video programs though you may not understand everything you
can help your listening. Even hear, you can get more familiar with the sounds of
though you may not understand English and the pronunciation of words. Another
everything you hear, you can get key to learning listening with television is to use
more familiar with the sounds of subtitles. It can be good to watch the same show
English and the pronunciation of twice, once with subtitles and the again without
words. Naturally, the more you them, to see how much you can hear once you
listen, the more you will know what to expect. Naturally, the more you
understand. (55) listen, the more you will understand. (97)
Let’s make the concluding sentence and
comment into a complete paragraph.

– Watching television can help improve both your

vocabulary and your listening skills.

– In brief, your vocabulary and listening skills are two parts of

English that can be developed by watching television.

• Add a closing comment.

– If you do it for at least an hour every day, you should notice
improvement within a few weeks.
Compare them side-by-side
Original Conclusion New Concluding Paragraph

In short, TV helps us to In brief, watching news, TV series, and

improve our English in an music videos are great ways to develop
enjoyable way. different skills with English. If you do it
for at least an hour every day, you
should notice improvement within a few
weeks. It will be especially helpful if you
take notes while you watch, and try to
practice what you learn with other
people as well.
Let’s look at the whole thing!
If you want to learn English, there are many ways to do it. Many people take courses, try to learn
from books, or even pay for expensive private tutoring. But actually, one of the best ways to
learn English is from TV. Watching television can help improve both your vocabulary and your
listening skills.
First of all, you can learn new vocabulary words by watching television. One source of
vocabulary is news programs, which provide vocabulary about current events and world issues.
Furthermore, you can learn vocabulary easily from news programs because they often show the
words on the screen. In addition, by following series such as “Lost” and “The Simpsons”, you can
learn common spoken expressions and English slang phrases. Since these phrases aren’t usually
taught in school, this is one of the best ways to learn these phrases. Another source of vocabulary
on television is documentary programs. Because these focus on a particular topic, you can learn a
lot of vocabulary about that topic. It can be especially helpful if the documentary also has
Secondly, it is possible to improve your listening skills by watching television. For example, music
video programs can help your listening. Even though you may not understand everything you
hear, you can get more familiar with the sounds of English and the pronunciation of words.
Another key to learning listening with television is to use subtitles. It can be good to watch the
same show twice, once with subtitles and the again without them, to see how much you can hear
once you know what to expect. Naturally, the more you listen, the more you will understand.
In brief, your vocabulary and listening skills are two parts of English that can be developed by
watching television. If you do it for at least an hour every day, you should notice improvement
within a few weeks. (312)

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