EoC-1 - Lecture - 17 - Machine Language - Part 2
EoC-1 - Lecture - 17 - Machine Language - Part 2
EoC-1 - Lecture - 17 - Machine Language - Part 2
22AIE102|CEN 1
Input / output
Output is effected by writing code that manipulates the screen memory map
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Screen memory map
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DEMO of Screen memory map in Hardware
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Memory mapped input
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When a key is pressed on the keyboard, the key’s scan code appears in
the keyboard memory map
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The Hack character set
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Handling the keyboard
To check which key is currently pressed:
• Probe the contents of the Keyboard chip
• In the Hack computer: probe the contents of
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DEMO of Keyboard memory map in Hardware
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Hack assembly language (overview)
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Hack Programming
• Working with registers and memory
• Branching
• Variables
• Iteration
• Pointers
• input/output
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Registers and memory
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Typical operations
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Program example: add two numbers
Implicit line
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Program example: add two numbers
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Terminating a program
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Terminating a program
NOP slide
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Terminating a program
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Built-in symbols
• The Hack assembly language features built-in symbols:
Built-in symbols
• The Hack assembly language features built-in symbols:
Thank You
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