Microprocessor & Computer Architecture (Μpca) : I/O And Bus Architecture

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Microprocessor & Computer

Architecture (μpCA)
I/O and Bus Architecture


Session 4.5
MPCA - I/o and Bus Architecture
Accessing I/O Devices - Introduction

• The method that is used to transfer information between internal storage

and external I/O devices is known as I/O interface.
• A typical link between the processor , memory and several peripherals.
• These devices work at varying speeds.
• Ex: Monitors, Mouse, Keyboards, Video cameras, etc.,
• Data transfer rate can either be regular or irregular.
MPCA - I/o and Bus Architecture
Accessing I/O Devices - Introduction




Memory Disk Network USB DVD

MPCA - I/o and Bus Architecture
Accessing I/O Devices – I/O Hierarchy



Memory Bus

Controller I/O Bus

Network USB DVD

MPCA - I/o and Bus Architecture
Accessing I/O Devices – Intel Example

System bus 800 MHz, 604 GB/sec

Memory 2.1 GB/sec Graphics output

Main DDR 400 Controller
Memory 3.2 GB/sec Hub
(North Bridge) 266 MB/sec 1 Gb Ethernet

266 MB/sec
Serial ATA
150 MB/s
100 MB/s
I/O Tape
Controller 100 MB/s
USB 2.0 Hub
60 MB/s (South Bridge)

MPCA - I/o and Bus Architecture
Accessing I/O Devices - Introduction
• There exists special hardware components between CPU and peripherals to supervise
and synchronize all the input and output transfers that are called interface units.
• The I/O Bus consists of data lines, address lines and control lines.
• The I/O bus from the processor is attached to all peripherals interface.
• To communicate with a particular device, the processor places a device address on
address lines.
MPCA - I/o and Bus Architecture
Accessing I/O Devices - Memory Mapped Device Interface

• Memory Mapped I/O device interface:

• Same address decoder selects memory and I/O ports.
• Some memory address space is occupied by the I/O devices.
• All data transfer instructions to / from memory an be used to
transfer to/from I/O devices.
• Processor need not have separate instructions for I/O.
MPCA - I/o and Bus Architecture
Accessing I/O Devices - I/O Mapped device interface

• I/O Mapped I/O device interface:

• Separate instructions for I/O data transfer [ IN / OUT].
• Processor signal identifies whether a generated address refers to
memory or I/O device.
• Separate address decoder for selecting memory and I/O ports.
• Complete memory address space can be utilized.
MPCA - I/o and Bus Architecture
Accessing I/O Devices - Data Transfer Techniques

• Data transfer to and from the peripherals may be done in

any of these ways:
1. Programmed I/O: CPU executes a program and that transfers data between I/O device
and Memory

a. Synchronous : Fixed rate of transfer

b. Asynchronous : Handshaking – polling for sending /
receiving the data
c. Interrupt- Driven :( next slide)
2. Direct memory access( DMA): An external controller directly transfers data between I/O
device and Memory without CPU intervention.
MPCA - I/o and Bus Architecture

• Main ()
• {
Phone rings

• : Can happen anytime

Depends on types of interrupts
• Doing something
Phone rings _isr() // Interrupt service routine
• (e.g. {
• browsing)
• : some tasks (e.g. answer
• } ring
} //when finished,
//goes back to main
MPCA - I/o and Bus Architecture
MPCA - I/o and Bus Architecture
MPCA - I/o and Bus Architecture
MPCA - I/o and Bus Architecture
Priority Interrupts
MPCA - I/o and Bus Architecture
Accessing I/O Devices – INTERRUPT/EXCEPTION?
c. Interrupt- Driven:
• CPU initiates the data transfer and proceeds to perform some other task.
• When I/O module is ready for data transfer, it informs the CPU by activating a
signal (Interrupt request).
• The CPU suspends the task it was doing, services the request from the device and
return back to the task it was doing.
• Advantages:
• CPU time is not wasted by polling the device
• CPU time is required only during the data transfer plus some overheads for
transferring and returning the control.
MPCA - I/o and Bus Architecture
Accessing I/O Devices – Data Transfer Techniques

c. What happens when an interrupt request arrives?

• At the end of the execution of the current instruction, PC and the status register contents are
saved in the stack automatically.
• Interrupt is acknowledged, interrupt vector is obtained based which the control transfers to the
appropriate ISR.
• After handling the interrupt, the ISR executes a special instruction return from interrupt(RTI).
MPCA - I/o and Bus Architecture
Accessing I/O Devices – Data Transfer Techniques

c. What happens when an interrupt request arrives?

• At the end of the execution of the current instruction, PC and the status register contents are
saved in the stack automatically.
• Interrupt is acknowledged, interrupt vector is obtained based which the control transfers to the
appropriate ISR.
• After handling the interrupt, the ISR executes a special instruction return from interrupt(RTI).

ARM Interrupt Vector Table

MPCA - I/o and Bus Architecture
Accessing I/O Devices – Interrupt request during the execution of an instruction.

Accessing I/O Devices :

MPCA - I/o and Bus Architecture
Accessing I/O Devices – Multiple devices interrupting CPU

• Common solution is to use a Priority Interrupt Controller.

• Interrupt controller interacts with CPU on one side and multiple devices on the
other side.
• For simultaneous interrupt requests, interrupt priority is defined.

• Interrupt controller is responsible for sending the interrupt vector to the CPU.
MPCA - I/o and Bus Architecture
Accessing I/O Devices - How is interrupt nesting handled?
Consider a scenario.
• A device D0 has interrupted and the CPU is servicing the (executing the ISR) device D0.
• In the meantime, device D1 has interrupted.
• Two possible scenarios are here:
1. D1 will interrupt the ISR for D0, get processed first, and then the ISR for device D0 will
be resumed.
This creates problem for multi nesting.
2. Disable the interrupt system automatically whenever an interrupt is acknowledged.
This will not require nested interrupts to be handled.
MPCA - I/o and Bus Architecture
Accessing I/O Devices – Polling Technique

• Each device can have a status bit whether the device has interrupted?
• CPU can poll the status bit to check for the device which has interrupted.
MPCA - I/o and Bus Architecture
Accessing I/O Devices – Daisy Chain Technique

• In Daisy chain technique, INTR line is common to all the devices.

• INTA line is connected in a daisy chain fashion [ as shown].
• This allows to propagate serially through the devices.
• A device when it receives INTA, passes the signal to the next device only if it has not
• Else, it stops the propagation of INTA and puts the identifying code on the data bus.
• Thus the device that is electrically closest to the CPU will have the highest priority.
MPCA - I/o and Bus Architecture
Accessing I/O Devices – Basic Interrupt Stack Design and Implementation

Stack Layouts:
MPCA - I/o and Bus Architecture
Accessing I/O Devices - Basic Interrupt Stack Design and Implementation
MPCA - I/o and Bus Architecture
Accessing I/O Devices – Interrupt Handling Schemes Non-Nested Interrupt Handler

Various stages in a NNIH –

Enable Interrupts

spsr ← spsr_{interrupt request mode}

pc is restored
MPCA - I/o and Bus Architecture
Accessing I/O Devices – Interrupt Handling Schemes Non-Nested Interrupt Handler
For Interrupts, I/O organization please refer to
Carl Hamecher, Computer organization text book
Chapter 4: Input output organization

Difference between Memory mapped io and io mapped io

Difference Between Memory mapped I/O and I/O mapped I/O (with compariosn
chart) - Circuit Globe

What is the Difference Between Memory Mapped IO and IO Mapped IO - Pediaa.Com

Non-maskable interrupt – Wikipedia

Difference Between Vectored And Non-Vectored Interrupts - Viva Differences


Department of Computer Science and Engineering

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