Implementation Plan
Merhama H. Pandi
Objectives Key activities Time MOV Persons Resource Source of
(what do (how will you frame (what evidences involved s Funds
you want achieve your (when support the (who are needed/E
to achieve objective or will accomplishment) responsib stimated
for a what step to each of le in Amount
particular take ) the carrying
component activiti out the
es activity)
Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Ministry of Basic Higher and Technical Education
Division of Sulu
Salih Yusah Elementary School
Objectives Key activities Time frame MOV Persons involved Resources Source of Funds
(what do you want to (how will you achieve (when will (what evidences (who are responsible needed/Estimated
achieve for a particular your objective or each of the support the in carrying out the Amount
component what step to take ) activities accomplishment) activity)
1.Assessment Phase 1-Info drive/ July 21, 2022 SRIP, pictures, tools, School Head, Reading MOOE, LGU,
orientation to BLGU passages Coordinator, BLGU, Donations from Private
and parents Parents
-To conduct reading
assessment among
July 22-23,
learners 2-Conduct assessment Teachers of k to 3, RC,
2022 Attendance sheet, list of
to k to 3 learners at Parents Laptop, printer, ink,
learners, tools, forms
the Barangay Hall bond paper, Face
Mask, Alcohol,
4-6 Teachers goodies for the
3. Conduct assessment July 24-25, learners
to 4-6 learners at the 2022
( 15,000)
Barangay Hall
2-Review of Results 1-School head will convene July 26, 2022 Assessment results, planning sheets, SH, RC, BLGU Printer, laptop,
and planning/designing with the RC for review of guide for intervention pens, marker, bond
intervention process. results paper
2-Identify learners needs and
Assessment results, planning sheets,
create groupings per need or SH, RC
guide for intervention Teachers listing
reading category
3- Identify teachers to handle
Teachers assignment
4-Planning for sessions in the
intervention Session guides for intervention pictures, bond
paper, printer,
5-Material development and
Materials developed, reproduced forms
6-Information drive to BLGU
and parents for the result of RC, Teachers, BLGU
assessment List of learners to undergo remediation
and those who passed
Those who passed will no longer
undergo intervention…
3- Intervention Phase G-1 pictures, attendance, parental consent, Letter sort, Reading teacher assigned,
sound video, alphabet story, Learners, School Nurse,
(AK/ PA group) Health officers
Explicit teaching of alphabet and its sounds
G-2 Mrs.______
Pictures, attendance, list of learners, consent, Word
families, basic sight words
(Decoding/Word Reading Group)
July 27-31, 2022
Teaching Marungko
(Fluency group and Vocabulary)
Fuller method, word list word families Mrs.______
Pictures, list of learners, consent
(Comprehension group)
Passage reading, listening comprehension,
Reading comprehension
4-Post Conduct August Pictures, tools, SH, RC, All Bond
Intervention assessment to 1-3, attendance, consent, teachers, paper,
Assessment learners that 2022 Assessment tools, BLGU, printer,
undergo Summary of class Learners ink,
intervention and reading report, pre- snacks,
remediation assessment results facemask,
*Cyclical Planning based from the result of the Post Assessment
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Noted by: