COT1 PPT Lesson 3
COT1 PPT Lesson 3
COT1 PPT Lesson 3
Establish a purpose At the end of the lesson, the students are
for the lesson expected to :
100 Ans. 3 C h il d L a b o r
40 Ans. 6 Hunger
What is an issue?
SOCIAL ISSUES prevent the society from functioning at the most desirable
The situation can be alleviated through the joint actions of the citizens.
Drug addiction or the use of
prohibited drugs can cause the
drug user to
neglect his responsibility towards
his family,
children, career, education, and
Thus, it is a social problem that
adversely affect not only the
lives of the drug
addicts, but also their families
and the
entire community
Crime is a social issue and at the
B a n k O r g a n i z a t i o n a s h u n g e r, l a c k o f
s h e l t e r, b e i n g s i c k , a n d n o t b e i n g a b l e t o s e e
a d o c t o r. I t i s f u r t h e r d e f i n e d a s n o t h a v i n g
Contains an Contains
No solution and Contains only a adequate appropriate
does not explain few solution number of number of
solution solution
Worked with
Little or No Not everyone was Worked very well respect and
teamwork actively involved with each other complement
each others idea
Cut out pictures/print out pictures at least 3
from the old magazine or news paper that
show current social issues in the country .