COT1 PPT Lesson 3

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Lesson 3:

Determining Various Social,

Moral and Economic Issues
Discussed in Text Listened to

Establish a purpose At the end of the lesson, the students are
for the lesson expected to :

identify the various social issues

01. discussed in a texts;

express opinions on social issues

02. discussed in a text listened to;

suggest possible solution relating personal

03. experience pertaining to the issues
discussed through different collaborated activities.
Directions: Identify the social issues reflected in each image by
solving the given equation.Choose the correct answer from the
given answers inside the box.

4= Poverty 6= Hunger 8= Unemployment

3= Child Labor 2= Bullying 5=Prostitution

4= Poverty 6= Hunger 8= Unemployment

3= Child Labor 2= Bullying 5=Prostitution

100 Ans. 3 C h il d L a b o r
40 Ans. 6 Hunger

4= Poverty 6= Hunger 8= Unemployment

3= Child Labor 2= Bullying 5=Prostitution

36 Ans. 2 Bullying

4= Poverty 6= Hunger 8= Unemployment

3= Child Labor 2= Bullying 5=Prostitution


What is an issue?

An issue is an important problem or topic that

people in the society argue about or discuss
since it negatively affects many people in the
society. It could be a social, moral, or economic
What are common issues in the society?

SOCIAL ISSUES prevent the society from functioning at the most desirable

An issue becomes a social issue under the following circumstances:

The issue involves people in the society.

 The public, as a whole, recognizes the situation as a problem.

 A large segment of the population sees the situation as a valid


 The situation can be alleviated through the joint actions of the citizens.
Drug addiction or the use of
prohibited drugs can cause the
drug user to
neglect his responsibility towards
his family,
children, career, education, and
Thus, it is a social problem that
adversely affect not only the
lives of the drug
addicts, but also their families
and the
entire community
Crime is a social issue and at the

same time a moral issue since it

affects the safety and security of
citizens and it is against the values
and beliefs of the people.

It is prohibited by the law as it is

harmful or offensive to the people
or the society.
Poverty is described by the World

B a n k O r g a n i z a t i o n a s h u n g e r, l a c k o f

s h e l t e r, b e i n g s i c k , a n d n o t b e i n g a b l e t o s e e

a d o c t o r. I t i s f u r t h e r d e f i n e d a s n o t h a v i n g

access to school, not having a job, fear of the

future, and living a kind of hand-to-mouth


It is a social problem since a large

segment of the population experiences such

situation and sees it as a valid concern.

Group work: Think Before you Click!
D i r e c t i o n s : L i s t e n t o t h e n e w s r e p o r t i n t h e f o l l o w i n g l i n k a n d a n s w e r t h e q u e s t i o n s b e l o w.
LINK: Failon Ngayon: Anti Cyberbullying Act of 2015
h t t p s : / / w w w. y o u t u b e . c o m / w a t c h ? v = w B X 2 P h f S G n 4
What issue is discussed in the news report?
What are the causes of this problem?
How does the issue affect the victims?
What possible solutions are presented in
04. the report?

What possible solutions do you suggest to

05. address the problem?
Practical Application of concepts
and skills in daily living

If you would be the

Chairman for a day what one
important social issue are you
going to address and solve? Why?
Making Generalization and
Abstraction of the Lesson

What are social issues that

affect you as Grade 8 student?
How do you handle it? What
solution can you suggest to that
Issue in a Snapshot
Directions: Identify the issue shown in
the pictures. Then, complete the
concept map
below by filling in the boxes with
possible SOLUTION of the identified
issue. Copy the graphic organizer and
write your answer in the provided
manila paper.
Some Good Very good(15 Excellent(20
Details(10 points) points) points)
(5 points)

Most concepts All concepts are

Concept Insufficeint are acceptable acceptable and
number of
(Knowledge) concepts and related to related to the
the issue issue

Contains an Contains
No solution and Contains only a adequate appropriate
does not explain few solution number of number of
solution solution

Worked with
Little or No Not everyone was Worked very well respect and
teamwork actively involved with each other complement
each others idea
Cut out pictures/print out pictures at least 3
from the old magazine or news paper that
show current social issues in the country .

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