Clanovi I Zamenice (The Article and Pronouns)

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Vrsta reči koja se upotrebljava uz imenicu

Dve vrste članova: neodređeni –
indefinite article : a, an
Određeni – definite article: the
Imenice: sa neodređenim članom, sa
određenim članom, bez člana
Sa neodređenim članom: zajedničke
imenice u jednini
Sa određenim članom: zajedničke imenice
u jednini i množini, gradivne, apstraktne
Bez člana: lične, gradivne, apstraktne i
zajedničke imenice u množini
Zajedničke imenice
A book books
The book the books
This is a book. These are books.
This is the book I was talking about.
These are the books I need to buy.
Gradivne imenice
The milk
The baby has milk for breakfast.
The milk you got this morning has turned
Apstraktne imenice
The obedience
Soldiers are expected to show obedience
to their officers.
The obedience those boys showed to their
teacher was astonishing.
A room rooms
The room the rooms
There is plenty of room for all of us.
This is a room.
Rooms should be aired every day.
The room I live in is small.
The rooms on the first floor are big.
A/an i the (Neodređeni i određeni
I had a sandwich and an apple for lunch.
The sandwich wasn’t very good, but the
apple was nice.
Opšte pravilo: neodređeni član se koristi
kada nešto pominjemo po prvi put. Određeni
član se koristi kada oba sagovornika znaju o
kojim stvarima ili osobama se govori.
A man and a woman were sitting opposite
me. The man was American and the woman
was Spanish.
The 1
Određeni član the koristimo
1. kad govorimo o jednoj određenoj stvari:
Tim sat down on a chair. (any chair)
Tim sat down on the chair nearest the door.
Paula is looking for a job. (not a specific job)
Did Paula get the job she applied for?
Have you got a car? (not a specific car)
I cleaned the car yesterday. (my car)
 2. kada je iz konteksta jasno na šta mislimo:
 Npr. ako smo u sobi, kažemo the floor, the
ceiling, the carpet.
 Can you turn off the light, please?
 I took a taxi to the station.
 3. the bank, the post office
 I have to go to the bank and then I’m going to the
post office. (određena banka i pošta, u tom gradu)
 4. the doctor, the dentist
 I don’t like going to the dentist.
5. Ali once a week, three times a day, twice
a month
How often do you go to the cinema? –About
once a month.
6. kada postoji samo jedno:
What is the longest river in the world?
The earth goes round the sun.
7. the sky, the sea, the ground, the
environment ali space (bez člana)
The stars are in the sky.
There are millions of stars in space.
8.The cinema, the theatre, the radio ali
television (bez člana).
I heard the news on the radio.
They heard the news on television.
Ali Can you turn off the television, please?
9. Breakfast, lunch, dinner – nazivi obroka
obično idu bez člana:
What did you have for breakfast?
We had lunch in a very nice restaurant.
Osim kada ispred ide pridev:
We had a very nice lunch.
U kombinaciji imenica + broj ne
koristimo the:
Have you got these shoes in size 38?
She is in Room 126.
Our train leaves from Platform 5.
Please turn to page 29.
I didn’t know the answer to question 3.
 Alice is 10 years old. Every  Today Alice’s mother wants
day she goes to school. to speak to her daughter’s
School begins at 9 and teacher. So she has gone to
finishes at 3. the school to see her.
 Go to school bez člana  Pošto njena majka nije

znači da se radi o učeniku. učenik, ne može se reći go

 Škola kao opšti pojam, ne
to school
 Misli se na određenu školu,
neka određena škola
onu koju pohađa Alice.

The 2 (school/the school)

Na isti način upotrebljavaju se imenice
prison, hospital, church, university, college
A.Ken’s brother is in prison for robbery.
B.Ken went to the prison to visit his brother.
A.Joe is still in hospital.
B.Jane has gone to the hospital to visit him.
A.My grandma goes to church every
B.Some workmen went to the church to
repair the roof.
2. Bed / work / home – ove imenice se
obično koriste bez člana:
It’s time to go to bed now. (=go to sleep)
Ali I sat down on the bed. (=a piece of
Go to work/be at work/ start
work/finish work
Go home/come home/arrive home/be at
The 3
Opšte pravilo: imenice sa the znače nešto
određeno, a bez the opšti pojam:
A.I’m afraid of dogs.
B.The dogs his brother keeps are fierce.
A.Children learn from playing.
B.We took the children to the zoo.
A.I couldn’t live without music.
B.The film wasn’t very good, but I liked
the music.
The 4
Osim gore navedenog, the se koristi i uz:
1. pridev (bez imenice) da bi označili
određenu grupu ljudi:
The young = the young people
The old
The rich
The poor
The homeless
The unemployed
The dead
2.prideve koji označavaju nacionalnost:
The French
The English
The Spanish
The Chinese
The Japanese
The Swiss
Ako želimo da kažemo “jedan Englez /
Francuz” ne možemo reći *a French, već a
Pridevi na –ese imaju istu jedninu i
A Japanese (Japanac) – the Japanese
Pridevi za druge nacionalnosti imaju
množinu sa –s:
An Italian – Italians
A Mexican – Mexicans
A Turk - Turks
Nazivi sa i bez the 1
Ima mnogo pravila i izuzetaka u upotrebi the
sa imenima i nazivima:
1. The se ne upotrebljava:
Sa ličnim imenima: Helen / Helen Taylor
Sa geografskim pojmovima:
Kontinenti – Africa, Europe, South America
Države – France, Japan, Texas
Ostrva – Sicily, Crete, Hawaii
Gradovi – New York, Barcelona, Venice
Planine – Everest, Etna, Kilimanjaro
Kada se u imenima država pojavljuje
Republic, Kingdom, States
The United Kingdom
The United States of America
The Czech Republic
Sa titulama uz ime:
Mr/Mrs/Captain/Doctor/President + name
Mr Johnson / President Johnson/Princess
Maria/ Saint Catherine/ Doctor Angela
We called Doctor Taylor immediately.
Sa imenima planina i jezera:
Mount Everest / Mount Etna / Lake
Superior / Lake Windermere
He bought a house near Lake Windermere.
2. The se upotrebljava:
Sa nazivima reka, kanala, mora i okeana:
The Atlantic (Ocean) / The Mediterranean
(Sea) / the Red Sea / The English Channel /
The Amazon / the Nile / the River Tnames
Sa nazivima pustinja:
The Sahara (Desert) / the Gobi Desert
Sa imenima ljudi i mesta ukoliko su u
Ljudi – the Taylors (=the Taylor family)
Država – the Netherlands, the Phillipines
Grupa ostrva – the Bahamas
Planinskih lanaca – the Alps, the Rocky
Sa stranama sveta: the north/the south/
the south-east / the Middle East / the Far
Ali bez the: northern Europe / southern
Serbia / North America (ime kontinenta)
Nazivi sa i bez the 2
3. The se ne upotrebljava:
Sa nazivima ulica / trgova/ parkova: Wall Street
/ Times Square / Hyde Park
Sa nazivima javnih zgrada i institucija:
Manchester Airport / Victora Station / Harvard
University / Buckingham Palace
Sa nazivima restorana, hotela, prodavnica,
banaka jer one u nazivu često sadrže lično ime
Lloyds Bank/Brown’s Restaurant/Macy’s (robna
Sa imenima crkava: St John’s Church / St
Patrick’s Cathedral
4. The se upotrebljava sa nazivima:
Hotela/restorana – the Sheraton Hotel/the
Bombay Restaurant
Pozorišta/bioskopa – the Odeon (Cinema)/the
Royal Theatre
Muzeja/galerija – the Louvre/the British
Museum/the Tate Gallery
Drugih važnih građevina – the Eiffel Tower /
the White House / the Empire State
Building/the Acropolis/the Kremlin/the
Organizacija – the European Union/the BBC/the
Red Cross/the FBI
Novinskih kuća – the Times/the Washington
Post/the Daily Mail
Ali nazivi preduzeća ili firmi nemaju the:
British Airways
1. LIČNE ZAMENICE (Personal Pronouns)
Imaju funkciju subjekta u rečenici.
1.I – ja
2. you – ti
3. he/she/it – on/ona/ono
1. we – mi
2. you – vi
3. they – oni
Engleski jezik ima prirodni rod, tj. svi predmeti
pojmovi označavaju se sa it, bića muškog pola sa
he, a ženskog sa she.
Označavaju pripadanje i zamenjuju imenicu.
I have a book. The book is mine.
1. I – mine (ja – moje) 1. we - ours
2. you – yours 2. you - yours
3. he – his 3. they - theirs
 she – hers
 it - its
Prisvojne zamenice treba razlikovati od
označavaju pripadnost, ali idu uz imenicu, tj. ne
mogu da stoje sami.
I have a book. This is my book.
1. I – my book 1. we – our book
2. you – your book 2. you – your book
3. he – his book 3. they – their book
 she – her book
 it – its book
Upotrebljavaju se kada je subjekat rečenice isti
kao objekat.
I don’t want you to pay for me. I will pay for
He is really odd. He always talks to himself
1.myself 1. ourselves
2. yourself 2. yourselves
3.himself/herself/itself 3.themselves
(Demonstrative Pronouns)
Za pokazivanje: this book, those cars
Jednina Množina
 This book (ova knjiga) These books (ove knjige)
 That chair (ona stolica) Those chairs (one stolice)

Do you see that car over there?

I can’t bring all these books with me.

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