Lecture 3 - Biochemical Conversion of Biofuels
Lecture 3 - Biochemical Conversion of Biofuels
Lecture 3 - Biochemical Conversion of Biofuels
Should be able to describe the key processes of energy conversion of biomass resource to
bioenergy though biochemical processes.
Naturally produces methane from biological feedstock as the useful fuel, with
residuals and by products
Why biogas in important
It is integrated to
Biogas use and distribution networks
Distribution networks
US gal/acre
Source: www.svenskraps.se
The jatropha plant
Holding a promise for oil production in warm, arid, poor-soil areas
Source: http://thecostaricanews.com
Straight Vegetable Oil vs. Biodiesel
Vegetable oils can be used in two different forms:
•Raw Straight Vegetable Oils (SVO), aka Pure Plant Oils (PPO) –
the only treatment is pressing and filtering;
•Chemically converted into esters biodiesel.
•Other physicochemical treatment methods biodiesel.
Source: www.emerging-
Biodiesel = RME or FAME
Biodiesel production is a chemical process for trans-esterification of the
complex triglyceride molecule of the fatty acid by alcohols (methanol).
The result is a mixture of fatty esters with properties close to fossil
The biggest disadvantage of biodiesel is its higher cost than SVO!
Biodiesel (methyl ester) and
diesel fuel
Biodiesel production
Source: www.longhini.eu
Raw SVO instead of biodiesel
Directly delivered by oil plants. Simplest and cheapest biofuel.
Can easily be produced and used at small scales, free from
centralized manufacturing or from political/corporate misuse.
High viscosity and prone to waxing, coking, freezing, acidification via
aging. Difficult cold start of the engine, cokes on injectors or valves.
Engines need to be specially converted /adapted to SVO.
Combustion characteristics:
•Both SVO and biodiesel behave in the same way and produce the
same pollutant emissions when combusted, just as fossil diesel
HVO instead of FAME
Hydrogen-treated vegetable oil (HVO) – very similar to fossil diesel
Uses a different process than FAME and consists mostly of paraffinic hydrocarbons
Stable conversion process and higher-quality product than biodiesel.
Better properties at freezing and at combustion temperatures, even better than fossil diesel.
Expensive hardware and process control, can only be done by large oil refineries.
Source: www.nesteoil.fi
Summary - biochemical conversion of biomass resources
• Introduced the process and applications of anaerobic digestion, fermentation and plant oil
extraction of biomass for bioenergy applications.
- To the furture
- Biomass use in power generation and carbon capture and storage (BECCS)
- Forest management through returning of biochar to soil condtioning can enhanced the
CO2 removal process.
Carbon Negative – Forest resources are the key to removal of
Carbon dioxide from the atmosphere
Carbon Negative – (BECCS) Projects
Stockholm Exergi – estimates removal of 0.8 million tons of CO2 from Atmosphere though its operations.
Overall in Stockholm 2 million tons of CO2 removal is the potential