10 AVL Heap Expression Trie Coding Trees

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Other Binary Trees

AVL Trees
• An AVL tree is a binary search tree with a balance condition.
• AVL is named for its inventors: Adel’son-Vel’skii and Landis
• AVL tree approximates the ideal tree (completely balanced tree).
• AVL Tree maintains a height close to the minimum.

An AVL tree is a binary search tree such that
for any node in the tree, the height of the left and
right subtrees can differ by at most 1.

Balance Factor
• With each node of the AVL tree is associated a balance factor
that is left high, equal or right high according, respectively, as the
left subtree has height greater than, equal to, or less than that of
the right subtree.

A bad binary tree. Requiring balance at the root is not enough.

Figure 19.21
Two binary search trees: (a) an AVL tree; (b) not an AVL tree (unbalanced nodes are

Figure 19.22
Minimum tree of height H

• The depth of a typical node in an AVL tree is very
close to the optimal log2 N.
• Consequently, all searching operations in an AVL
tree have logarithmic worst-case bounds.
• An update (insert or remove) in an AVL tree could
destroy the balance. It must then be rebalanced
before the operation can be considered complete.
• After an insertion, only nodes that are on the path
from the insertion point to the root can have their
balances altered.
• Suppose the node to be rebalanced is X. There are
4 cases that we might have to fix (two are the
mirror images of the other two):
1. An insertion in the left subtree of the left child of X,
2. An insertion in the right subtree of the left child of X,
3. An insertion in the left subtree of the right child of X, or
4. An insertion in the right subtree of the right child of X.
• Balance is restored by tree rotations.

Balancing Operations: Rotations
• Case 1 and case 4 are symmetric and
requires the same operation for balance.
– Cases 1,4 are handled by single rotation.
• Case 2 and case 3 are symmetric and
requires the same operation for balance.
– Cases 2,3 are handled by double rotation.

Figure 19.23
Single rotation to fix case 1: Rotate right

Figure 19.26
Symmetric single rotation to fix case 4 : Rotate left

Example 1: Single rotation fixes an AVL tree after insertion of 1.

Example 2: Single rotation fixes an AVL tree after insertion
of 6.5

• One rotation suffices to fix cases 1 and 4.
• Single rotation preserves the original height:
– The new height of the entire subtree is exactly the same
as the height of the original subtree before the insertion.

• Therefore it is enough to do rotation only at the

first node, where imbalance exists, on the path
from inserted node to root.
• Thus the rotation takes O(1) time.
• Hence insertion is O(log2N)
Double Rotation
• Single rotation does not fix the inside cases
(2 and 3).
• These cases require a double rotation,
involving three nodes and four subtrees.

Figure 19.28
Single rotation does not fix case 2.

Left–right double rotation to fix case 2
Lift this up:
first rotate left between (k1,k2),
then rotate right betwen (k3,k2)

Left-Right Double Rotation
• A left-right double rotation is equivalent to
a sequence of two single rotations:
– 1st rotation on the original tree:
a left rotation between X’s left-child and
– 2nd rotation on the new tree:
a right rotation between X and its new left

Figure 19.30
Double rotation fixes AVL tree after the insertion of 5.

Right–Left double rotation to fix case 3.

AVL Tree -- Deletion
• Deletion is more complicated.
• We may need more than one rebalance on
the path from deleted node to root.
• Deletion is O(log2N)

Case 1
Case 1: The current node p has balance factor equal.
– Change the balance factor of p.

p p • No rotations
 \
• Height unchanged

T1 T2 T1 T2


Case 2
Case 2: The balance factor of p is not equal and the taller subtree
was shortened.
– Change the balance factor of p to equal

p p • No rotations
/ 
• Height reduced

T1 T2 T1 T2


Case 3a
Case 3a: The balance factor of q is equal.
– Apply a single rotation

height unchanged

p q
 p
h-1 T1 h T3

h T2 h T3
deleted h-1 T1 T2

Case 3b
Case 3b: The balance factor of q is the same as that of p.
– Apply a single rotation
– Set the balance factors of p and q to equal
height reduced

p q
q p -

h-1 T1 T3
h-1 h-1
h-1 T1 T2
T2 h T3

Case 3c
Case 3c: The balance factors of p and q are opposite.
– Apply a double rotation
– set the balance factors of the new root to equal

height reduced
p r
\ -
q p q
h-1 T4
h-1 T2 T3 h-1 T4
h-1 T1 or
T2 or T3 h-2

A heap is a binary tree with a key
in each node such that
1.All the leaves of the tree are on
adjacent levels.
2.All leaves on the lowest level
occur to the left and all levels,
except possibly the lowest, are
3.The key in the root is at least as
large as the keys in its children (if
any), and the left and right
subtrees (if they exist) are again
Examples (not heaps)

Expression Trees
• The leaves of an expression tree are operands, such as
constants or variable names, and
• The other nodes contain operators.
• This tree is binary, because all of the operations are binary,
and it is possible for nodes to have more than two children. It
is also possible for a node to have only one child, as is the
case with the unary minus operator.


Expression tree for (a + (b * c)) + (((d * e) + f ) * g)

Prefix expression: + + a * b c * + * d e f g
Postfix expression: a b c * + d e * f + g * +
Infix expression: a + b * c + d * e + f * g
• The term trie comes from retrieval.
• A trie structure is used to store pieces of data that have a key
and a value.
Key: used to identify data (i.e., word)
Value: holds additional data associated with the key (i.e.,

b s

e i u e t

a l d l y l o

r l l l c p

k 30
Trie (cont.)
• Trie is used for
– storing words in a dictionary,
– fast dictionary look-up,
– less memory space to store words in a dictionary.
• Each node stores a character and pointers to other
• Each node should have one pointer for each letter
in the alphabet.
• Leaf nodes store the values.

Coding Trees
• Used to compress data.
• For each character in the data, a binary code is computed, and
the character is replaced with its corresponding code.
• Frequently occurring characters have short codes.

Example: BABACABA  8 chars = 64 bits

Character Code Character Frequency Code

A 00 A 4 0
B 01 B 3 10
C 10 C 1 11

8 * 2 = 16 bits 4*1 + 3*2 + 1*2 = 12 bits 32

Huffman Coding Tree
• Sort characters w.r.t. frequencies in descending order.
• Take the two characters having the lowest frequency and connect
them via an internal node.
• Compute the frequency of the internal node by adding the
frequencies of the connected characters.
• Remove the two characters from the list.
• Insert the internal node into the list.
• Sort the list w.r.t. frequency values in descending order and repeat
the above steps until only one element left in the list.
• The remaining element forms the root of the tree.
• Start from the root node, assign 0 to each left branch, and 1 to each
right branch.
• To generate the codes for the characters, start from the root node,
take the label given to each branch until the leaf node.
For the characters and their frequency values given in the table
generate binary codes using Huffman coding tree.

Character Frequency
A 20
B 14
C 10
D 8
E 7

Space requirement = 59 bytes = 59 * 8 = 472 bits

Example (cont.)
Character Frequency
A 20
B 14
C 10
D 8
D + E : 15
E 7

Character Frequency
A 20
D+E 15
B 14
B + C : 24
C 10
Example (cont.)
Character Frequency
B+C 24
A 20 A + (D + E) : 35
D+E 15

Character Frequency
A +(D + E) 35
(A + (D + E)) + (B+C) : 59
B+C 24

Example (cont.)
(A + (D + E)) + (B+C) : 59

Character Code
A 00
B 10
C 11
D 010
E 011

Space required = 20*2 + 14 *2 + 10*2 + 8*3 + 7*3=133 bits

Shannon-Fano Coding
1. Sort the characters w.r.t their probabilities in
descending order.
Probability = Frequency / Total frequency
2. Divide characters into 2 sets S1 and S2 such that
total probability for S1 and S2 are equal or near
to each other.
3. Assign 1 to S1, 0 to S2.
4. Continue to divide each set into 2 sets until each
set has 1 element.

• Compute codes by using Shannon-Fano coding for the characters
with the given probability values.

S = { a: 0.10, b: 0.05, c: 0.20, d: 0.15, e: 0.15, f: 0.25, g: 0.10}

f: 0.25 11
c: 0.20 10
d: 0.15 011
e: 0.15 010
a: 0.10 001
g: 0.10 0001
b: 0.05 0000

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