Reflection of Light and Plane Mirrors
Reflection of Light and Plane Mirrors
Reflection of Light and Plane Mirrors
Light travels in a straight line, specifically in a vacuum. It has
several behaviors and is usually influenced by the medium it
will propagate through, or bounce off of.
What property of light enables it to
bounce off a medium? How does light
bounce off a medium?
In this lesson, you will learn about reflection, the types of reflection, and the characteristics
of the images formed by a plane mirror.
Observe the image of the toy airplane from the plane mirror.
Take note of its characteristics such as its height, width, and
other physical characteristics. Answer the questions that
• The idea that the path which light travels is the one that
uses the shortest time is called Fermat’s principle of least
• This means that in order for light to go from one point to
another, it takes the shortest and most efficient path
available to it.
Fermat’s Principle of Least Time