Presenting Data

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Write a research paper
following the IMRAD format
( Presenting, Analyzing and Discussing Data )
Presenting your
Presenting data or the results
of your experiments requires
logical thinking. You need to
know the flow which can best
present your obtained
It is good to follow the flow
below as presented by De
Araujo ((2014) in his article
entitled Detailing the Writing
of Scientific Manuscripts:
1. Start with the presentation
of your general data. This
includes the description of
sample and information about
the section flow and actual
performance of the study.
2. Present your:
a. Main Results- these are the most important
variables in the study
b. Main Results II- these are additional results and
other analysis of the most important variables
c. Secondary Results- these are the other study
d. Secondary Results II- these are additional results of
variables or the interrelation or interaction between
e. Other results and analysis carried out in the
Analyzing your data
Data analysis is a process of
cleaning, transforming and
modeling data which aims to
discover or unfold useful
information that can be used in
arriving to conclusions of the
Before you proceed to the analysis, you
first have to prepare your data where the
aim is to convert raw data into something
meaningful and readable. This process
includes four steps as shown by Bhatia
(2018) in an article entitled Your Guide to
Qualitative and Quantitative Data
Analysis Methods:
If you would like to understand the relationship between
two or more variables, you can perform Relational
Analysis such as the:
(a) Correlation analysis which identifies the strength of
the relationship between two variables. A positive
relationship means both variables are going in the same
direction, whereas a negative relationship means the
variables are going in opposite directions. A zero value
means there is no relationship between the two variables;
(b) Regression analysis with the goal of estimating the
value of one variable as a function of one or more other
If you would like to test hypotheses
on a sample mean or to compare
means of two samples, you may do
a Comparison Analysis. This type
of analysis results to either “there is
a statistically significant difference”
or “there is no statistically significant
difference” between variables
Discussing your data
Bear in mind that no matter how
good your data are, if you cannot
discuss it properly, the readers may
not understand what you are trying
to show them. This means that a
good data must always be
accompanied by an effective
This will be followed by the interpretation of
the main result or what has been found in
the study. Compare this result with the
existing literature and see how it confirms
previous data. For further comparison with
the literature, you may explore
methodological or mechanistic differences.
Next, you may proceed to the main result’s
contribution to knowledge or its main
Afterwards, you may interpret
the secondary results and
discuss what these results
inform or mean. Compare the
results with the literature as well
and highlight some
You also have to include the limits of
the study, its strengths and
weaknesses that hindered the
practical application of the results
and their interpretations. Emphasize
the strengths of the study and open
the possibilities for the weaknesses
to be further researched.
Lastly, you need to end your
discussion with the
conclusions and implications.
These validate your
hypotheses and answer your
research questions.

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