Module 13 Bruner
Module 13 Bruner
Module 13 Bruner
PowerpointPresentation by:
Abrigo, Laila Roselle Q.
Learning Objectives:
1. Representation
2. Spiral Curriculum
3. Discovery Learning
4. Categorization
1. Representation
o Enactive
o Iconic
o Symbolic
1.1 Enactive Representation
1. Predisposition to Learn
2. Structure of Knowledge
3. Effective Sequencing
4. Reinforcement
1. Predisposition to learn
“readiness to learn”; Bruner believed that any subject could be taught at any
stage of development in a way that fits the child’s cognitive abilities.
2. Structure of Knowledge
refers to the way in which a body of knowledge can be structured so that it can be most
readily grasped by the learner.
3. Effective Sequencing
“No one sequencing will fit every learner, but is general, the lesson can be presented in
increasing difficulty”.
Bruner offered considerable detail about structuring knowledge.
2. Bruner viewed “categorization” as a fundamental process in the structuring of knowledge.
3. To generate knowledge which is transferable to other contexts, fundamental principles or
patterns are best suited.
4. The discrepancy between beginning and advanced knowledge in a subject area is
4. Reinforcement
Rewards and punishments should be selected and paced appropriately.
4. Categorization
1. Identify Categories
2. Equivalent Categories
3. Coding Systems