Unit 2
Unit 2
Unit 2
03/30/2024 1
Unit 2:
Bus Cycles and System Architecture
03/30/2024 2
Unit 2:
Bus Cycles and System Architecture
03/30/2024 3
• After a signal on the RESET pin, certain registers of 80386 are
set to predefined values.
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Processor State after RESET
• Contents of EAX depends on results power-up self test
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Processor State after RESET
• Control Register 0 (CR0) contains
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State of flags and other registers
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Functional Pin Diagram
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Pin Description Table
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Pin Description Table (Cont…)
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I/O Organization
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a) Separate I/O address space
(An Isolated I/O)
I/O devices treated separately from memory.
• Hardware and software architecture of
8088/8086 support separate memory I/O
address space.
Page 0:
• Certain I/O instructions can only perform
operations to ports in this part of the address
• Other I/O instructions can input/output data for
ports anywhere in the address space.
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a) Separate I/O address space
(An Isolated I/O)
Advantages: -
1 MByte memory address space is available for use
with memory.
Special instructions have been provided in the
instruction set of 8088/8086 to perform isolated
I/O input and output operations.
These instructions have been tailored to maximize
I/O performance.
Disadvantages: -
All input and output data transfers must take place
between AL or AX register and the I/O port
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b) Memory-mapped I/O
I/O devices is placed in memory
address space of the
• The memory address space is
assigned to I/O devices.
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b) Memory-mapped I/O
Many more instructions and addressing
modes are available to perform I/O
I/O transfers can now take place
between I/O port and internal registers
other than just AL/AX.
Memory instructions tend to execute
slower than those specifically designed
for isolated I/O.
Part of the memory address space is lost
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Memory Organization (Memory Banks)
• 80386DX has 32 bit address bus so it can access upto 4G-bytes of
memory location.
• Address ranges from 00000000H through FFFFFFFFH and 80386DX
can access data in this memory as byte, word or double word.
• Words are accessed from two consecutive memory locations.
• To implement this entire memory is divided into four independent
byte-wide memory banks: Bank0 to Bank3.
• Each bank is 1G-byte in size.
Memory Organization (Memory Banks)
• Bank 0, bank1, bank 2, bank 3 are selected using byte enable signals
̅B̅̅ E̅ 0, ̅B̅̅ E̅ 1, ̅B̅̅ E̅ 2, ̅B̅̅ E̅ 3 signals respectively.
Memory Organization (Memory Banks)
• Address lines A31-A2 are connected in parallel to all memory banks which make it possible to
access 1G-byte of memory.
• MOV WORD PTR DS: [2000H], 678H This instruction writes 78 to address 2000H and 56 to
address 2001H
• Similarly, when 80386 accesses Dword from address divisible by 4, it uses four consecutive
memory locations. This works fine when 80386 accesses even byte in case of word access and
address divisible by 4 in case of Dword access, since address on the A31-A2 lines is same for
word as well as Dword access.
• The data transfers using such addresses are called Aligned transfers. But to access word from odd
address or to access Dwords from address not divisible by 4 unaligned 80386 faces problem in
placing the correct address on the address bus. This problem is solved by replacing two address
pins AO and Al with four byte enable pins.
I/O Instructions
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Register I/O Instructions
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Block I/O Instructions
• The block (or string) I/O instructions INS and OUTS move blocks of
data between I/O ports and memory space.
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Read and Write Cycles
• Data transfers occur as a result of bus cycles, • When pipelining is selected and the
classified as read or write cycles. Intel386 DX has a bus request pending
internally, the address and definition of the
• Two choices of address timing are next cycle is made available even before the
dynamically selectable: non-pipelined, or current bus cycle is acknowledged by
pipelined. READY#.
• After a bus idle state, the processor always • Terminating a read cycle or write cycle, like
uses non-pipelined address timing. any bus cycle, requires acknowledging the
cycle by asserting the READY# input.
• However, the NA# (Next Address) input may
be asserted to select pipelined address • Until acknowledged, the processor inserts
timing for the next bus cycle. wait states
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Basic memory Read & Write Cycles with Timing Diagram
System Clock
• System clock syrchronizes the internal and external bus
operations in the 80386DX.
• The 80386DX can operate on four different clock speeds
1. 80386DX - 16 (16 MHz)
2. 80386DX - 20 (20 MHz)
3. 80386DX - 25 (2s MHz)
4. 80386DX- 33 (33 MHz)
• Operating frequency of the 80386DX is half of, the CLK2
• Therefore, CLK2 of an 80386DX - 20 is driven by 40 MHz
Bus states
• Each machine (bus) cycle consists of at least two bus states
T1 and T2,
• and each bus state consists of two CLK cycles.
1. During the first bus state (T1), address and bus status pin are
2. During the second bus state (T2), actual data lransfer takes
• The 80386 DX can perform two types of machine cycles :
1. Nonpipelined
2. Pipelined.
Dynamic Bus Sizing
• Dynamic data bus sizing is a feature allowing direct processor
connection to 32-bit or 16-bit data buses for memory or I/O.
• A single processor may connect to both size buses
• Transfers to or from 32 to 16 bit ports are supported by dynamically
determining the bus width during each machine cycle.
• The 80386DX microprocessor's bus size 16 (BS-16 [Bar/Complement]) )
input is used to inform the 80386DX at the currently addressed
device is a 16-bit device rather than a 32-bit device‘
Nonpipelined Bus Cycle
During T1, the 803B6DX sends the address, bus status signal and control
In case of write cycle, data to be output is also send on the data bus,
during T1.
After address access time, read or write data transfer takes place over the
data bus. 31
• IMP Internet Protocol address: address An + 1 becomes valid
during T2 of the current bus cycle and actual data transfer
for address An + 1 takes place in T2 state of the next bus
• If the processor is 80386DX-20 then one T-state time is 50
• In pipelined bus cycle the access time for memory and I/O
device is 100 ns whereas access time for memory and l/O
device in nonpipelined bus cycle is approximately 50 ns.
Non-Pipelined Read Cycle
The sequence of events for the
nonpipelined read cycle:
1. The read operation starts at the beginning of
phase in the T1 state of the bus cycle.
2. In this phase, 80386DX sends the address on
the address bus and enables signals(BE0 (Bar) -
BE3 (Bar)) according to data transfer type.
3. In the same phase, it activates ADS (Bar) signal
to indicate valid address is placed on the
address bus.
4. In phase 1 of T1 - state it also activates the
bus cycle definition signals : M/IO, D/C and
W/R. 35
Non-Pipelined Read Cycle
5. At the beginning of phase 1 of T2 state,
external device activates BS16 (BAR) signal.
6. Then samples this signal in the middle of
phase 1 of T2-state.
• 32-bit data transfer: If BS16 (BAR) =1
• 16-bit data transfer: If BS16 (BAR) =0
7. The 80386 DX does this data transfer in
phase 2 of T2-state.
8. At the end of phase 2 of T2-state the
READY (BAR) signal is sampled.
9. The logic 1 on this signal inserts wait
state in the current bus cycle to extend
the bus cycle. 36
Non-Pipelined Read Cycle
10. The LOCK (Bar) signal low
indicates that it is bus
locked cycle.
11. If bus cycles are locked the
other bus master is not
allowed to take control of
the bus between two
locked bus cycles.
Non-Pipelined Write Cycle
The sequence of events for the
nonpipelined read cycle:
1. It is similar to nonpipelined read
2. The write operation starts at the
beginning of phase 1 in the T1 state of
the bus cycle.
3. In this phase, 80386DX sends the
address on the address bus and
enables signals BE0(Bar) -BE3(Bar)
according to data transfer type.
4. After sending address in the same
phase it activates its ADS(Bar) signal to
indicate valid address is placed on 38
the address bus.
Non-Pipelined Write Cycle
10. In phase 1 of T1-state it also activates
the bus cycle definition signals M/IO,
D/C and W/R
11. At the beginning of phase 2 of T1-state,
it sends data on the data bus. This
data remains valid until the start of
phase 2 of the T1-state of the next bus
12. At the end of phase 2 of T1- state,
ADS(Bar) is returned to its inactive logic
1 states.
13. The address bus, byte enable pins, and
bus status pins remain active through
the end of the write cycle. 39
Non-Pipelined Write Cycle
10. In the middle of phase
1 of T2-State,
80386DX samples
BS16(Bar) input.
11. If this signal is high,
80386 DX does the
32-bit data transfer
otherwise 80386DX
performs 16-bit data
Non-pipelined read & write cycles
• At the end of the second bus state
within the bus cycle, READY# is
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Pipelined read & write cycles
Pipelined read & write cycles
• It then samples NA signal at
the beginning of phase 2 of
any T state in which ADS is
not active, specifically.
In the second T-state of a non-
pipelined address cycle
In the first T-state of a
pipelined address cycle
In any wait state of a non-
pipelined address or pipelined
address cycle unless NA has
already been sampled active 43
Pipelined read & write cycles
The NA(Bar) is tested as 0
(active) during T2 of cycle
2 which ensures that
80386DX has to execute
next cycle as pipelined bus
The cycle 2 (nonpipelined read
cycle) is also extended
with one wait state
because READY pin is not
in wait state, the valid address
for the next bus cycle is
sent on the address bus as
next bus cycle is pipelined
bus cycle.
Pipelined read & write cycles
The next cycle (cycle 3) is
pipelined write cycle.
In this, data is sent on the data
bus in phase 2 of T1p-state
and remains valid for the
rest of the cycle.
The READY signal is sampled at
the end of T2p - state.
As it is low, write cycle is
completed without wait
Pipelined read & write cycles
Unit 2:
Bus Cycles and System Architecture
System Architecture
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Systems Registers
• Control Registers
• Debug Registers
• Test Registers
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Systems Registers
• Control Registers
• Debug Registers
• Test Registers
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• Control Registers
• Debug Registers
• Test Registers
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Memory-Management Registers
• Four registers of the 80386 locate the data structures that control segmented
memory management:
GDTR Global Descriptor Table Register
LDTR Local Descriptor Table Register
• These registers point to the segment descriptor tables GDT and LDT.
• TR Task Register
This register points to the information needed by the processor to define the
current task.
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System Registers
• GDTR (Global Descriptor Table Register)
• IDTR (Interrupt Descriptor Table Register)
• LDTR ( Local Descriptor Table Register )
• CR0 - CR3 ( Control Registers )
• TR ( Task Register)
• DR0 - DR7 (Debug Registers)
• TR6 - TR7 (Test Registers)
• These registers hold:
• 32-bit linear base address and
• 16-bit limit of GDT and IDT
• GDT segments are global to all tasks in
the system.
• IDT is used to locate Gates in
Interrupt/Exception handling.
• LDTR ( Local Descriptor Table Register ) is a 16-bit register always
points to GDT to access LDTD ( Local Descriptor Table Descriptor ) in
turn responsible for allocating and accessing local memory via
LDT( Local Descriptor Table ).
Systems Registers
Control Registers
• Debug Registers
• Test Registers
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Control Registers
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Control Registers
• Intel386 DX has three control registers of 32 bits, CR0, CR2 and CR3,
to hold machine state of a global nature
• These registers along with System Address Registers hold machine
state that affects all tasks in the system.
• To access Control Registers, load and store instructions are defined.
Control Register (CR0)
CR0 : Machine Control Register
• Control Registers
Debug Registers
• Test Registers
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Debug Registers
• Six registers: to control debug
• Accessed by variants of the MOV
• debug registers are privileged
Registers are:
Debug Address Registers (DRO-
Debug Status Register (DR6)
Debug Control Register (DR7)
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Debug Registers
• Debugging of 80386 allows data access breakpoints as well as code
execution breakpoints.
• 80386 contains 6 debug registers to specify
• 4 breakpoints
• Breakpoint Control options
• Breakpoint Status
Debug Registers
Linear Breakpoint Address
• The breakpoint addresses specified are 32-bit
linear addresses
• While debugging, Intel 386 h/w continuously
compares the linear breakpoint addresses in
DR0-DR3 with the linear addresses generated
by executing software.
Debug Control Register
Debug Registers
Debug Control Register
Debug Control Register
• GD: Global Debug Register Access Detect
• This additional protection feature is provided to guarantee
that a software debugger can have full control over the
Debug Register resources when required.
• The GD bit, when set, causes an exception 1 fault if an
instruction attempts to read or write any Debug Register.
• The GD bit is then automatically cleared when the exception
1 handler is invoked, allowing the exception 1 handler free
access to the debug registers.
Debug Control Register
Debug Status Register
• A Debug Status Register allows the exception 1 handler to easily
determine why it was invoked.
• It can be invoked as a result of one of several events:
1) DR0 Breakpoint fault/trap.
2) DR1 Breakpoint fault/trap.
3) DR2 Breakpoint fault/trap.
4) DR3 Breakpoint fault/trap.
5) Single-step (TF) trap.
6) Task switch trap.
7) Fault due to attempted debug register access when GD = 1.
Debug Status Register
Debug Status Register
Debug Status Register
Debug Status Register
Systems Registers
• Control Registers
• Debug Registers
Test Registers
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Test Registers
• Two test registers are provided for the purpose of testing.
• TR6 is the test command register, and TR7 is the test data register.
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The Test Command Register (TR6)
• C: Command bit, two commands: ‘0’- write • V: The Valid bit for this TLB entry. The TLB uses the
entries into the TLB and ‘1’ perform TLB valid bit to identify entries that contain valid data.
lookups Entries of the TLB that have not been assigned values
have zero in the valid bit. All valid bits can be cleared
• Linear Address: by writing to CR3.
on a TLB write command, a TLB entry is
allocated to this linear address and the rest of • D, D#: The dirty bit for/from the TLB entry
that TLB entry is set as per the values of TR7 • U, U#: The U/S bit for/from the TLB entry
& TR6 • W, W#: The R/W bit for/from the TLB entry
on a TLB lookup command, the TLB is
interrogated as per this value and if one and Meaning of D, U, and W Bit Pairs
only one TLB entry matches, the rest of the
fields of TR6 & TR7 are set from the matching
TLB entry.
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The Test Data Register (TR7)
Holds data read from or data to be written to the TLB
• Physical Address: This is the data field of the TLB. On a write to the TLB, the
TLB entry allocated to the linear address in TR6 is set to this value. On a TLB
lookup, if HT is set, the data field (physical address) from the TLB is read out to
this field. If HT is not set, this field is undefined.
• HT: For a TLB lookup, the HT bit indicates whether the lookup was a hit (HT <- 1)
or a miss (HT <- 0). For a TLB write, HT must be set to 1.
• REP: For a TLB write, selects which of four associative blocks of the TLB is to be
written. For a TLB read, if HT is set, REP reports in which of the four associative
blocks the tag was found; if HT is not set, REP is undefined.
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Test Operations
To write a TLB entry
• Move a doubleword to TR7 that contains the desired physical address, HT,
and REP values. HT must contain 1. REP must point to the associative block in
which to place the entry
• Move a doubleword to TR6 that contains the appropriate linear address, and
values for V, D, U, and W. Be sure C=0 for "write" command.
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Systems Instructions
1. Verification of pointer parameters: 3. Multitasking:
• ARPL ── Adjust RPL • LTR ── Load Task Register
• LAR ── Load Access Rights • STR ── Store Task Register
• LSL ── Load Segment Limit
• VERR ── Verify for Reading
• VERW ── Verify for Writing 4. Coprocessing and Multiprocessing :
• CLTS ── Clear Task-Switched Flag
2. Addressing descriptor tables: • ESC ── Escape instructions
• LLDT ── Load LDT Register • WAIT ── Wait until Coprocessor not
• SLDT ── Store LDT Register Busy
• LGDT ── Load GDT Register • LOCK ── Assert Bus-Lock Signal
• SGDT ── Store GDT Register
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Systems Instructions
5. Input and Output : 7. Debugging :
• IN ── Input • MOV ── Move to and from debug
• OUT ── Output INS ── Input String registers
• OUTS ── Output String
8. TLB testing :
• MOV ── Move to and from test registers
6. Interrupt control :
• CLI ── Clear Interrupt-Enable Flag 9. System Control:
• STI ── Set Interrupt-Enable Flag • SMSW ── Set MSW
• LIDT ── Load IDT Register • LMSW ── Load MSW
• SIDT ── Store IDT Register • HLT ── Halt Processor
• MOV ── Move to and from control
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