Article Writing PPT G 8

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Writing Tasks

Aims of this presentation

• introduce article writing

• discuss features of article writing
• share tips and look at how to write a successful article
• consider sample plans and extracts
• provide full marked examples
• link to a revision sheet on article writing
Introduction to article writing

What do you need to know?

Have you been given a specific audience? Who is the article aimed at? What do you
need to include to engage the audience?

What is your writing trying to achieve? For example, you may need to do one of the
- Entertain a reader
- Give information about a specific topic
- Persuade the reader to take action
Introduction to article writing

What do you need to know?

What is the appropriate tone for your writing?
When writing an article you need to consider the topic, audience and purpose of the writing.
Sometimes there may be a clue in the task title (for example, produce a ‘lively’ article) that may
help you to decide the type of tone that is most suitable.

What do you need to know about layout?
There are no specific rules for an article but you should give your article a clear title. All articles
should be organised into paragraphs. Subheadings can be used, if relevant. Do not waste time
drawing detailed pictures/illustrations.
Sample examination questions

Writing an article – exam tasks:

Write a lively article for your school/college magazine with the heading:

A Teenager’s Guide to Managing Parents.

Write your article. [20]

A teenage magazine hasexam questions
invited readers to write articles on topics that
people have strong views about. The latest topic is tattoos – are they
harmless fun and fashion or something to regret in later life?

You decide to write an article on the topic for the teenage magazine, giving
your views.

Write your article. [20]

A travel magazine is inviting readers to submit articles on places for a good
day out for all the family. You decide to write about a place that you know
well, where there is a lot to do for everyone in the family.

Write your article. [20]

Getting to grips with writing an article
Write a lively article for your school/college magazine with the heading:

A Teenager’s Guide to Managing Parents.

To help you plan a response to this question, can you answer the following questions?

Do you know the types of features you might see in an article?

The audience you are writing for is other teenagers. How will you appeal to
them? What tone or techniques will you use?
Make a list of things that teenagers might find difficult about their parents.

Make a list of things that teenagers can do to help them ‘manage’ or get along
better with their parents.
Planning an answer

A travel magazine is inviting readers to submit articles on places for a good day out for
all the family. You decide to write about a place that you know well, where there is a lot
to do for everyone in the family.

Write your article.


Ask yourself the following questions to help you plan your answer:

• Who is the audience for the writing?

• What is the topic of the article?
• Do any of the words in the tasks suggest the tone for your writing (‘good day out’)?
• How can you appeal to the audience?
• What is a travel magazine?
• Can you think of any features of an article?
• Can you think of any techniques that you might like to include?
Planning an answer

A travel magazine is inviting readers to submit articles on places for a good day out for
all the family. You decide to write about a place that you know well, where there is a lot
to do for everyone in the family.

Write your article.

A place for a good day out for the family…
Introduction: establish where you are writing about. Try to grab the reader’s attention. Set
the tone for the article. Include a brief overview of the day out.
Paragraph 1: Select an aspect of the day out that will appeal to the reader – for example,
the location. Describe the location and include details that appeal to the family.
Paragraph 2: Select another aspect of the day out that will appeal to the reader – for
example, the activities. Describe what you can do and give advice, for example: time, price,
Paragraph 3: Select a final aspect of the day out that will appeal to the reader – for
example, eating out. Include anecdotes, advice and suggestions.
Conclusion: Summarise the day out. Give a few final points to persuade the reader. Make
it personal!
Article writing – sample extract

A travel magazine is inviting readers to submit articles on places for a good day out for
all the family. You decide to write about a place that you know well, where there is a lot
to do for everyone in the family.

Write your article.


Look at the opening paragraphs

then look back at the plan on the
previous page. Can you see how
the plan has helped the student
to write this answer?
Article writing – sample answer

A travel magazine is inviting readers to submit articles on places for a good day
out for all the family. You decide to write about a place that you know well, where
there is a lot to do for everyone in the family.

Write your article.

The following slides contain a marked answer to this task. Read the article and
think about:

1. the errors that have been underlined by the examiner

2. the comments made by the examiner
3. the ways in which you could improve on the content
4. see if you can correct the spelling errors
Article writing – sample answer
Article writing – sample answer
Article writing – task

A teenage magazine has invited readers to write articles on topics that people have
strong views about. The latest topic is tattoos – are they harmless fun and fashion or
something to regret in later life?

You decide to write an article on the topic for the teenage magazine, giving your

Write your article. [20]

The example that you looked at on slides 13 and 14 had a range of interesting
ideas but could have been more accurate.

Use the guidance on how to plan from the previous slides in this presentation and
plan your own answer to this question.

When you have a plan that you are happy with spend 25-30 minutes writing an
answer to this question.
Making your article effective

So, what’s going on in the world of….MUSIC?’

If you want to produce a successful article, you
I’m certain that most of us, at one point or
might like to consider: another, have experienced a complaint from
irate parents about our tastes in modern
• techniques to engage the reader – confide in music. Be it a harassed shout to ‘Turn that
racket down!’ or a wistful ‘We didn’t have
them lyrics like that when the Beatles were around’,
• write about shared experiences – look at the it seems that adults today are generally
details about the parents unimpressed with the new generation of pop
• don’t be afraid to stereotype - the reader will be To be fair, not all adults have lost touch with
able to appreciate the point you are making the latest developments in music. However,
• choose interesting verbs/words to make the I’ve given up hope for my own parents.
Watching my mum tapping her foot
writing more interesting enthusiastically to Harry Styles was enough to
• don’t be afraid to have a sense of humour – you put me off watermelons for life. When she
can lightly mock others or even yourself turned to me, gave me a knowing wink and
claimed he was headed ‘straight for the top’, I
• be very specific in the details you include – was lost for words.
include place names, proper nouns, titles Parents may not like loud music (or swear
• using subordinate clauses (asides) to add more words), but at least they should be grateful
that the majority of us are intuitive enough to
details avoid the colourful, plastic grasp of ‘pop’
• carefully consider the use of punctuation for music. It is in this area of music that the worst
effect. crimes are most commonly found: repetitive
tunes, cliched lyrics, dubbed vocals and an
absence of real music.
Features of article writing
Dress to Impress? Picture of fashion Do not waste time
icons drawing pictures,
Include a heading. If you can,
Haven’t found your style yet? just write down
try to think of something
Not sure what’s ‘in’ and what’s not? what you would
catchy. You could use a pun, a
Don’t worry, because help is at hand! have a picture of.
question or even something
It’s difficult these days to keep up
with trends and fashions. Even
keeping up with your friends is hard enough! What’s ‘hot’
and what’s ‘not’ changes as often as Kylie Jenner’s hair! Not
to mention the money issues.
We’ve all been there. Your mates have decided to go ‘punk’ Appeal to your
Always organise your writing reader. Use
into paragraphs. It will help this month and you’ve just gone out and bought your new
gear. You’re chuffed with the fishnet tights, and still getting pronouns, be
you to make your ideas clear friendly, empathise
and easy to follow. over having your nose pierced, when quicker than you can
say ‘I’m a punk chick’, the trend has changed and you are so and use asides.
five minutes ago (and broke)!
The latest fashion hot spot has got to be the mini, mini
Vary your punctuation, where shorts. You know, those teeny little denim things you’ve
relevant. Different sentence seen that gorgeous, leggy girl next door wearing. Well, do
types can make your writing not despair! If, like most of us modest females, you
more engaging and effective. absolutely hate your legs….and all the rest of it. Then don’t.
Just because Victoria Beckham does, and your best mate Use language to
says you’ve just got to, it doesn’t mean you are going to be appeal to the
the only one not flashing your thighs. My advice to you is reader. Try to use
wear what you like. Wear what you feel comfortable in and topic specific
what makes you feel like a million dollars! language too.
Who cares if tiny skirts are hot this month? It’ll just be
something else next month. So save your money girls, and
spend it on making yourself feel good.
Revision sheet
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