01b - Networking Fundamentals

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Networking Basics


Version 3.0
Cisco Regional Networking Academy

• Explain the importance of bandwidth in networking.

• Identify each of the seven layers of the OSI &
TCP/IP model.
• Describe the similarities and differences between
the two models.
• Identify devices used in networking.
• Define LAN, WAN, MAN, and SAN.
• Explain VPNs and their advantages.
• Describe the differences between intranets and
Table of Content

1 Networking Terminology
2 Digital Bandwidth
3 Network Models
Data Networks

• How to avoid duplication of equipment and resources

• How to communicate efficiently
• How to set up and manage a network
Network history

Research network history
Network Devices

• End-user devices (hosts)

– Include computers, printers, scanners, etc.
– Allow users to share, create, and obtain information.
– Exist without a network, but capabilities are greatly
– connected to the network media using a network
interface card (NIC)
Network Devices (cont)

• Network devices
– Provide transport for the data that needs to be
transferred between end-user devices.
– Provide extension of cable connections,
concentration of connections, conversion of data
formats, and management of data transfers.
– E.g. Repeaters, Hubs, Bridges, Switches, Routers
Network Topology: Physical layout

• A bus topology uses a single backbone cable

that is terminated at both ends.
• All the hosts connect directly to this backbone.
Network Topology: Physical layout

• A ring topology connects one host to the next and

the last host to the first.
• This creates a physical ring of cable
Network Topology: Physical layout

A star topology
Connects all cables
to a central point
of concentration.

An extended star
topology links
individual stars
together by
connecting the
hubs or switches.
Network Topology: Physical layout

• A hierarchical topology is similar to an extended star

• Instead of linking the hubs and/or switches together
the system is linked to a computer that controls the
traffic on the topology.
Network Topology: Physical layout

• Each host has its own connections to all other hosts

• Although the Internet has multiple paths to any one
location, it does not adopt the full mesh topology.
Network Topology: Logical layout
Network Protocols

• A protocol is a formal description of a set of rules

and conventions that govern a particular aspect of
how devices on a network communicate.
Network Protocols (cont.)

• Protocols control all aspects of data communication,

which include the following:
– How the physical network is built
– How computers connect to the network
– How the data is formatted for transmission
– How that data is sent
– How to deal with errors
Local-area Networks (LANs)
 Wide-area Networks (WANs)
Metropolitan-area Networks (MANs)

Customer Premises
Customer Premises

POP Leaf

Access Network

Area network

SAN Site Cololation Site

Storage-area Networks (SANs)

• Performance
– Concurrent access of
disk or tape arrays
• Availability Internet

– disaster tolerance built in

• Scalability
– easy relocation of backup
data, operations, Storage-area
file migration, and
data replication
between systems.
Virtual Private Network (VPN)


A VPN is a private network VPN

that is constructed within

a public network
such as the
global Internet.

Head Quarter Branch SOHO Telecommuter

Three type of VPNs
Intranets and Extranets

Intranet VPN
Intranet VPN

Company A
Remote Site

Extranet VPN

Company A
Core Site

Company B
Importance of Bandwidth

• How much information can flow from one place to

another in a given amount of time.
• 4 reasons to understanding
– Bandwidth is finite
– Bandwidth is not free
– Bandwidth is a key factor in analyzing network
performance, designing new networks, and
understanding the Internet.
– The bandwidth is ever increasing
Analogy for Bandwidth: Pipe
Limitations: LAN Media
Limitations: WAN Services
Throughput <= Bandwidth

• Throughput refers to actual measured bandwidth,

at a specific time of day, using specific Internet
routes, and while a specific set of data is
transmitted on the network.
• Factors that determine throughput
– Type of data being transferred
– Network topology
– Number of users on the network
– User computer
– Server computer
– Power conditions
Data transfer calculation
Using Layers To Analyze Problems
In A Flow Of Materials

What is
is flowing
flowing ??

What objects
objects flowing?

What rules
rules govern
govern flow
flow ??

Where does
does the
the flow
flow occur
occur ??
Analyzing Data network in layers

What is
is flowing
flowing ??

What different
different forms
forms flow
flow ??
Text, Graphic, Video ...

What rules
rules govern
govern flow
flow ??
Standard, Protocol ...

Where does
does the
the flow
flow occur
occur ??
Cable, Atmosphere ...
Communication process



Source Medium Destination

Address Address
Communication characteristics

• Addresses
– Who are the source and the destination of a
communication process?
• Media
– Where is the communication take place?
• Protocols
– is a set of rules how to make communication
on a network more efficient.
Using Layers To Describe Data Communication

Source Destination

Provide services
Peer layers - PDUs
4 4

Request services

Physical Medium
Evolution of networking standards


• Interconnection
• Development
• Simplification

OSI reference model development

• Researched and developed by the ISO -

International Organization for Standardizations.
• 1977: establish a subcommittee to develop a
communications architecture.
• 1984: publish ISO-7498, the Open System
Interconnection (OSI) reference model.
OSI reference model

model A framework that is

• The OSI reference model:
used to understand how information travels
throughout a network.
– It provided vendors with a set of standards that
ensured greater compatibility and
interoperability between the various types of
network technologies that were produced by the
many companies around the world.

Proprietary vs. Open

OSI reference model (cont.)

• Dividing the network into seven layers

provides the following advantages:
– It breaks network communication into smaller,
more manageable parts.
– It standardizes network components to allow
multiple vendor development and support.
– It allows different types of network hardware and
software to communicate with each other.
– It prevents changes in one layer from affecting
other layers.
– It divides network communication into smaller
parts to make learning it easier to understand.
Benefits of the OSI model

• Reduces complexity
• Standardizes interfaces
• Facilitates modular engineering
• Insures interoperable technology
• Accelerates evolution
• Simplifies teaching & learning
Layers of OSI reference model

• Layer 7: Application
• Layer 6: Presentation
• Layer 5: Session
• Layer 4: Transport
• Layer 3: Network
• Layer 2: Data Link
• Layer 1: Physical
•All People Seem To Need Data Processing
OSI layers: layer 1
OSI layers: layer 2
OSI layers: layer 3
OSI layers: layer 4
OSI layers: layer 5
OSI layers: layer 6
OSI layers: layer 7
OSI layers: Summary
Peer-to-peer communications
The TCP/IP model

• Layer 4: Application
• Layer 3: Transport
• Layer 2: Internet
• Layer 1: Network access

It is important to note that some of the

layers in the TCP/IP model have the same
name as layers in the OSI model.
Do not confuse the layers of the two models.
TCP/IP protocol stack
Comparing TCP/IP with OSI
Comparing TCP/IP with OSI (cont.)

– Both have layers.
– Both have application layers, though they
include very different services.
– Both have comparable transport and network
– Both models need to be known by networking
– Both assume packets are switched.
Comparing TCP/IP with OSI (cont.)

– TCP/IP combines the presentation and session
layer issues into its application layer.
– TCP/IP combines the OSI data link and
physical layers into the network access layer.
– TCP/IP appears simpler because it has fewer
Focus of the CCNA curriculum
Common TCP/IP Protocols
Detailed Encapsulation Process
Encapsulation example: E-mail

• The seven layers of the OSI are application,

presentation, session, transport, network, data link,
and physical
• The four layers of the TCP/IP are application,
transport, internet, and network access
• The TCP/IP application layer is equivalent to the
OSI application, presentation, and session layers
• LANs and WANs developed in response to business
and government computing needs
• Fundamental networking devices are hubs, bridges,
switches, and routers

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