Gram Positive Bacteria Staphylococci, Streptococci
Gram Positive Bacteria Staphylococci, Streptococci
Gram Positive Bacteria Staphylococci, Streptococci
enabling bacterial entry into the cell by phagocytosis. By entering the
cytoplasm of the host cell, it has a ready supply of nutrients and is able to
protect the bacteria from complement, antibodies, and certain other body
surface proteins found in the cell wall of various bacteria to enable them to
bind to specific receptor molecules on the surface of host.
Virulence Factor Terms
gram-positive bacteria are composed of a cell wall, a single
cytoplasmic membrane, and cytosol.
The cell wall is a thick, coarse structure that serves as an exoskeleton. Buried
within the cell wall are enzymes called transpeptidases, commonly referred
to as penicillin-binding proteins (PBPs).
PBPs are a group of enzymes responsible for the building and maintenance
of the cell wall.
PBPs normally catalyze the cross-linking of the bacterial cell wall, but they can be
permanently inhibited by penicillin and other β-lactam antibiotics. (NAM = N-
acetylmuramic acid; NAG = N-acetylglucosamine
Other protective mechanisms: outer capsule or biofilm that extends beyond
the cell wall itself and interfaces with the external milieu.
Hydrolase enzymes located within the cytoplasmic membrane, called β-
lactamases, serve a protective role for the bacteria.
Once attacked by the hydrolases, the β-lactam antibiotics are no longer
capable of binding to PBPs in normally susceptible bacteria.
Family Staphylococcaceae
Genus Staphylococcus
Species S. aureus; S. intermedius; S. epidermidis
S. hyicus, S. canis
Differentiating Staphylococcus from Streptococcus
The staphylococci produce the enzyme catalase that distinguishes them from
the streptococci which do not
◦ Hemolysin
Four antigenically distinct hemolysins causes hemolysis of erythrocytes.
They are Alpha, Beta, delta and Epsilon toxin, which produce partial
hemolysis (hot – cold hemolysis). The alpha toxin is the major toxin in
gangrenous mastitis. It causes spasm of smooth muscle and is
necrotizing and potentially lethal.
◦ Leukotoxin
It has the leukocidal activity and includes a and d toxins. By doing so,
the organisms may spread more easily to other parts where they develop
secondary lesions.
◦ Enterotoxin
It is seldom produced by animal strains. There are several antigenically
distinct types of heat stable enterotoxins. They are not destroyed at 100°C
for 80 minutes. They are responsible for food poisoning in man.
◦ Exfoliative or Dermonecrotoxin
This toxin causes necrosis of skin by exfoliation and intraepidermal
◦ Toxic shock syndrome toxin (TSST)
Induce excessive lymphokine production and results in tissue damage.
Bovine and human strains of Sta. aureus produce TSST.
Extracellular enzymes
◦ Coagulase
On their ability to coagulate plasma they are classified as coagulase positive staph.
(CPS) and coagulase negative staph. CPS are considered to be significant pathogens.
They are resistant to heat. The coagulation of plasma produces a fibrin film on the
surface of the organisms, which allows multiplying.
◦ Hyaluronidase
It hydrolyses hyaluronic acid, the mucoid ground substance of connective tissue.
◦ Nucleases
Deoxyribonucleases (DNAase) hydrolyze DNA and Ribonucleases hydrolyze RNA.
◦ Fibrinolysin
Fibrinolysin is commonly referred to as staphylokinase, is an activator of the plasma
system leading to the breakdown of fibrin.
◦ Lipases and esterases - They hydrolyze lipids.
◦ Lysozyme - Hydrolyses the peptidoglycan in the cell wall of many bacteria
Toxins (Super Antigens)
Toxic-shock-syndrome toxin
◦ Causes toxic shock syndrome
Cultural characters in selective media.
In case of food poisoning identification of the enterotoxin is of diagnostic
use. These organisms produced green or greenish brown colonies with white
centres after the milk samples are incubated for 16-20 hours.
Coagulase test: When culture added to Rabbit plasma, fibrinogen is
converted to fibrin by coagulase enzymes.
In this test, a suspension of staphylococci is mixed with rabbit plasma either
on a slide or in a small tube.
A positive reaction is indicated by clumping of bacteria within 1 to2 min.
It is the definitive test for coagulase production and positive reaction is
indicated by clot formation in the tube following incubation at 37ºC for 24
Molecular: PCR based 16S rRNA Sequencing
Structural components
◦ Protein M, which interferes with opsonization and lysis of the
bacteria and a hyaluronic acid capsule, which acts to
camouflage the bacteria