DR. MAS Urostomy in Malignancies Urology
DR. MAS Urostomy in Malignancies Urology
DR. MAS Urostomy in Malignancies Urology
ORCID ID 0000-0002-9425-003X
dokter MAS
Napoleon Bonaparte
• Surgical procedure that creates a
stoma (artificial opening) for the
urinary system.
• To avail for urinary diversion
• In cases where drainage of urine
through the bladder and urethra
is NOT POSSIBLE, e.g. after
extensive surgery or in case of
The ileal conduit
• first described by Zaayer in
1911due to vesicovaginal fistula
and bladder cancer
• Eugene M Bricker perform pelvic
exenterations in advanced post-
irradiation carcinoma of the
cervix; established as a standard
technique by in 1950
• Pouch: Koch, Hauttman
D.T. Basic etal, Institute of Urology and Nephrology, Clinical Center of Serbia. The history of urinary diversion.
ACI VOL LIV, UDK 616.6-006.04-089.843(091)
• In 1856, Gigon considered ureterotomy to have
the same effect as colostomy on the bowel.
• In 1889, 1st unilateral cutaneous ureterostomy
was carried out by Le Dentu, , due to obstructive
anuria caused pelvic malignancy.
• In 1925, Papin reported a series of 100 total
cystectomies with cutaneous ureterostomy or
nephrostomy following by lethality rate of 28.7%
and 81 cystectomies with ureterosigmoidostomy
following by lethality rate of 59.2%.
• The morbidity and lethality following skin
implantations were caused by poor methods of
anastomosis which had led to obstruction and
1920 Koenig Rutzen
constructed the prototype of a rubber bag
• reposition
• if red and moist is not na
medical emergency
Urostomy complications
• stomal retraction, stenosis or obstruction, herniation, prolapse, and
peristomal skin irritation
• asymptomatic parastomal hernias are the most common in obesity,
advanced age, and malnutrition caused by fascial defects hernias are
typically , may complain of abdominal discomfort, bulge, or bowel
• Stomal stenosis may result from long-term ischemia, skin irritation
from chronic cutaneous exposure to urine, stoma retraction, or fascial
Rodrick Babakhanlou etal : Stoma-related complications and emergencies.Int J Emerg Med. 2022
doi: 10.1186/s12245-022-00421-9
• is functioning below skin level
unlikey disapears
• can difficult to maintain good
pouch seal
• no output : from urostomy,
leakage into body
focusing on functional outcomes, sexual function, and health related QoL for female
• EORTC-QLQ-C30 : physical functioning, global health status (IONB vs. CU) PF(66.5 vs. 57.9, p = 0.011) GS 58.1
vs. 42.6, p <0.001) were superior in the IONB arm
• FACT-Bl-Cys questionnaire : functional health (15.3 vs. 11.9, p <0.001) and total score (110.1 vs. 101.7, p =
0.009) were superior in the IONB arm
Salvatore Siracusano etal. Quality-of-Life Outcomes in Female Patients With Ileal Conduit or Orthotopic Neobladder Urinary Diversion: 6-Month Results
of a Multicenter Prospective Study. Sec. Genitourinary Oncology, 12 April 2022. doi.org/10.3389/fonc.2022.855546
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