DR. MAS Urostomy in Malignancies Urology

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Urostomy In Malignancies Urology


ORCID ID 0000-0002-9425-003X
dokter MAS
Napoleon Bonaparte
• Surgical procedure that creates a
stoma (artificial opening) for the
urinary system.
• To avail for urinary diversion
• In cases where drainage of urine
through the bladder and urethra
is NOT POSSIBLE, e.g. after
extensive surgery or in case of
The ileal conduit
• first described by Zaayer in
1911due to vesicovaginal fistula
and bladder cancer
• Eugene M Bricker perform pelvic
exenterations in advanced post-
irradiation carcinoma of the
cervix; established as a standard
technique by in 1950
• Pouch: Koch, Hauttman

D.T. Basic etal, Institute of Urology and Nephrology, Clinical Center of Serbia. The history of urinary diversion.
ACI VOL LIV, UDK 616.6-006.04-089.843(091)
• In 1856, Gigon considered ureterotomy to have
the same effect as colostomy on the bowel.
• In 1889, 1st unilateral cutaneous ureterostomy
was carried out by Le Dentu, , due to obstructive
anuria caused pelvic malignancy.
• In 1925, Papin reported a series of 100 total
cystectomies with cutaneous ureterostomy or
nephrostomy following by lethality rate of 28.7%
and 81 cystectomies with ureterosigmoidostomy
following by lethality rate of 59.2%.
• The morbidity and lethality following skin
implantations were caused by poor methods of
anastomosis which had led to obstruction and
1920 Koenig Rutzen
constructed the prototype of a rubber bag

modification stoma site two pieces

D.T. Basic, The history of urinary diversion.

Priyank Yadav T, A modified cutaneous ureterostomy provides satisfactory short and midterm outcomes in select cases
irritated and red skin
leaking seal urostomy bag, urine
irritates the skin
• urostomy opening is too big than
dry skin
moist skin
hair create gaps
• the skin around the stoma is
uneven, wrinkled
mild pressure gauze
• a spot of blood is a sign that the
stoma is viable, pressing for a
few minutes usually stops
• clean exudate, serum
• besides cleaning the ileum
mucouse, urine so it doesn't
irritate the skin also holds it so
that the stoma glue can stick
sign of infection

• reposition
• if red and moist is not na
medical emergency
Urostomy complications
• stomal retraction, stenosis or obstruction, herniation, prolapse, and
peristomal skin irritation
• asymptomatic parastomal hernias are the most common in obesity,
advanced age, and malnutrition caused by fascial defects hernias are
typically , may complain of abdominal discomfort, bulge, or bowel
• Stomal stenosis may result from long-term ischemia, skin irritation
from chronic cutaneous exposure to urine, stoma retraction, or fascial
Rodrick Babakhanlou etal : Stoma-related complications and emergencies.Int J Emerg Med. 2022
doi: 10.1186/s12245-022-00421-9
• is functioning below skin level
unlikey disapears
• can difficult to maintain good
pouch seal
• no output : from urostomy,
leakage into body

• Observe the possibility of stoma

prevent stoma problem
• 1945-1957: Different techniques by
Hecke, Schinagel, Sewwel, Mc Donald and
Heckel, have been designed to support an
adequate nipple of ureter by skin flaps.
• A novel modifications of the technique by
implantation of ureters side by side and
double ureterostomy, have been
advocated by Eckstein and Chutte and
Sallade (1963)
• De Vries reported, in 1955, that 33% of
American urologists prefer cutaneous
ureterostomy than implantation into the
Metabolic complications
• the ileum is responsible for the absorption of vitamins, minerals, and bile salts,
urinary diversion can be associated with serious metabolic complications,
including electrolyte and metabolic disturbances, nutritional deficiencies,
bone disorders, and urolithiasis
• the ileum absorbs ammonium and chloride and excretes bicarbonate resulting
in hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis in 70% of patients with intestinal urinary
• Clinically patients may present to the emergency department complaining of
fatigue, lethargy, weakness, or weight loss
• Treatment in the emergency department includes correction of the acidosis
with sodium bicarbonate or sodium citrate and replacement of the electrolytes
and hydration.
Rodrick Babakhanlou etal : Stoma-related complications and emergencies.Int J Emerg Med. 2022
doi: 10.1186/s12245-022-00421-9
Bricker ileal conduit vs. Cutaneous ureterostomy
Comparison : ureterocutaneostomy versus ilealconduit
2004 - 2016 the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) database.

Huang et al . BMC Geriatrics (2021) https://doi.org/10.1186/s12877-020-01861-9

Quality of Life
Ileal Orthotopic NeoBladder, Ileal Conduit, Cutaneus Ureterostomy

continent urinary diversion and incontinent urinary diversion

•QLQ-C30 higher in IONB group compared to the IC group at 3 months of follow up (p = 0.02).These differences
were not significant at the 6-month follow-up
•SF-36 A significant lower body pain (SF36) was found in the IONB group compared with the IC group: (p = 0.05)
Arman Tsaturyan etal. Assessment of health-related quality of life of male patients with ileal orthotopic neobladder compared to cutaneous
ureterostomy.Cent European J Urol. 2020 doi: 10.5173/ceju.2020.0028

focusing on functional outcomes, sexual function, and health related QoL for female
• EORTC-QLQ-C30 : physical functioning, global health status (IONB vs. CU) PF(66.5 vs. 57.9, p = 0.011) GS 58.1
vs. 42.6, p <0.001) were superior in the IONB arm
• FACT-Bl-Cys questionnaire : functional health (15.3 vs. 11.9, p <0.001) and total score (110.1 vs. 101.7, p =
0.009) were superior in the IONB arm
Salvatore Siracusano etal. Quality-of-Life Outcomes in Female Patients With Ileal Conduit or Orthotopic Neobladder Urinary Diversion: 6-Month Results
of a Multicenter Prospective Study. Sec. Genitourinary Oncology, 12 April 2022. doi.org/10.3389/fonc.2022.855546
Jawa Tengah


• Urostomy one of the standard urinary diversion procedures after

bladder removal
• Developments in surgical techniques and equipment have made
urostomy accepted by the public
• Stoma care can be used as a mitigation of complications so that
problem solving can be done earlier and increasing quality of life

dokter MAS 2022

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