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CONSERVATION By Mr. MOMA 0622420677 TOPIC CONTENT Definition of terms related to records preservation and conservation. Deference between preservation ,conservation and restoration. Factors affecting the life span of records. Introduction ........ Preservation and conservation slow down the rete of deterioration of archival materials and ensure their longevity and accessibility to the public. Since access to archives is key to the existence of any archival institution, preservation and conservation of archival materials become very important for accessibility of archival materials and the existence of an archival institution. This topic therefore, seeks to make learners aware of various terms related to preservation and conservation of archival materials and records in general. Definition of terms....... Preservation All managerial, financial and technical considerations applied to prevent damage and extend the useful life of material and objects in collections to ensure their availability (Williams, 2006: 168) Definition of terms.... Preservation refers to processes and operations involved in ensuring the intellectual and technical survival of authentic records through time (ISO 15489-2001). Preservation is a crucial element in the whole operation of a records program. The aim of archival preservation is to prolong the usable and life span of records so as to be useful for organization operations, protecting right of individuals as well as to be useful for research purpose Definition of terms....... preservation may be applied in two ways First, preventive preservation seeks to reduce risks of damage and to slow down the rate of deterioration. usually accomplished by selecting good quality of materials and by providing suitable storage environments and safe handling procedures. Definition of terms.... Secondly, prescriptive preservation is a means of identifying and treating or copying damaged materials to restore useful access to the information.(IRMT,1999) Conservation refers to specific work undertaken to protect archival materials and improve the environment. Conservation activities include examination, documentation, treatment, and preventive care, supported by research and education. Definition of terms.... Restoration means measures undertaken to return selected damaged archival material to its original condition. Restoration refers to the repair of an item when aesthetics and reproduction of original appearance is more important than the preservation of the integrity of the original. Definition of terms.... Restoration Treatment procedures intended to return cultural property to a known or assumed state, often through the addition of non-original material. Examination Refers to the preliminary procedure taken to determine the original materials and structure. Definition of terms.... Maintenance refers to day-to-day care of records in an archival institution. This is the daily care of archives particularly in the current and semi current records. When they are housed in offices or records centres. Maintenance ensures the general protection of records against hazards or other physical dangers . Definition of terms.... Archives i. Are records usually but not necessarily noncurrent records, of enduring value selected for permanent preservation. ii. Refers to the place (building/room/storage area) where archival materials are kept. iii. It also refers to the organisation responsible for appraising, acquiring, preserving and making available archival materials. Relationship between preservation and conservation Preservation and conservation slow down rate of deterioration of records and archival materials and ensure their longevity preservation and conservation ensure accessibility of archival material. Relationship between preservation and conservation • General Preservation: A term referring to the passive protection of archival material in which no physical or chemical treatment to the item occurs. Conservation: The intrusive protection of archival material, by the minimal physical and chemical treatments necessary to resist further deterioration, which will not adversely affect the integrity of the original. Importance of preservation and conservation To ensure the longer life (longevity) of records. To ensure future reference of records. To ensure records availability for evidence in legal proceedings and protecting individual rights. To assist in decision making. To maintain the quality of records to its originality Making records accessible and to be easily obtained. Factors affecting the life span of records Number of factors influencing deterioration of records and hence the life span of records become shorter than it was expected when they are created . Those factors ; Biological factors Disasters Chemical Factors Temperature and humidity Human factors and Environmental factor Factor affecting life span ... Biological factors mostly caused by micro organism such as Insects (pests) Cockroaches Mouse Bookworm Rats + Mice Factor affecting life span ... Disaster It includes both man made and natural disasters and this may affect life span of records and archives through Fire: is one of the greatest disasters in registry and archives. – Can occur accidentally through poor wiring or intentionally. – Can arise from equipment's; – The methods and tools used to fight for fire break (e.g. water) are harmful to documents. Factor affecting life span ... disasters Floods occur through broken pipes, poor drainage, heavy rainfall/stone, overflow of river banks. – In order to minimize floods, we have to limit and reduce the number of pipes Earthquakes Strong winds Factor affecting life span ... Chemical factors Pollutants: usually come from industries that emit chemicals which are pollutants. – Pollutant does not act on its own; – when combined with other factors like high temperature, high humidity it is when it starts destroying the records. acidity Factor affecting life span ... Human factor Abuse and mishandling of records and archives poor photocopying practices poor retrieval and filing practices inappropriate storage of oversized materials inappropriate equipment for transporting materials writing on documents, particularly archival materials spilling food or drink on records and archives Factor affecting life span ... Environmental factor Light from the sun Air pollution Improper choice of building area ANY QUESTGION