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Flood Routing

Routing is a mathematical technique used to predict the temporal and spatial

variations of a flood hydrograph as it moves through a river reach or reservoir.
Routing takes into account the effects of storage and flow resistance.
Routing methods combine the continuity equation with some relationship between
storage, outflow, and inflow.
These relationships are based on continuity equation and are usually empirical, or
analytical in nature.
Continuity equation
The change in storage (dS) equals the difference between inflow (I) and outflow (O):
∆S = I - O ………………. (1)
Routing Applications
Purposes: Flood forecasting, reservoir and channel design, floodplain studies, etc.
Routing Techniques
Hydraulic routing techniques
• Involve conservation of mass and momentum
• Range from the full dynamic wave equations to the kinematic wave approximation
Hydrologic routing techniques
• Involve conservation of mass and relationship between storage and outflow
Flood Routing Q

• Procedure to
determine the flow Q
hydrograph at a
point on a
watershed from a t
known hydrograph Q
• As the hydrograph
travels, it t
– attenuates Q
– gets delayed

Time Lag

The reduction in the peak of the outflow hydrograph due to storage effects is called
The time difference between the peaks of inflow and outflow hydrographs is known as
the time lag.
River (Channel) Routing
• Why do we route flows?
– Account for changes in flow
hydrograph as a flood wave
passes downstream
• This helps in
– Accounting for storages
– Studying the attenuation of
flood peaks
- Determination of time of
movement of flood peak
Flood Flow in a Channel
As a flood hydrograph moves down a channel, its shape is modified as
water is stored in the channel. The channel storage is composed of two
parts: the prismatic storage which is the water in the channel when
inflow and outflow are equal, and the wedge storage which is
proportional to the difference between inflow and outflow.
wedge prism wedge

prism prism
River Routing
(Muskingum Method)
Prism and wedge storages in reach
S Prism  KQ Advancing I
Flood Q
S Wedge  KX ( I  Q) Wave
K = travel time of peak through the reach I  Q
X = weight on inflow versus outflow Q
(0 ≤ X ≤ 0.5) Q
X = 0  Reservoir, storage depends on
outflow, no wedge
X = 0.0 - 0.3  Natural stream I Q

Storage = SPrism + SWedge Receding

Flood QI
S  KQ  KX ( I  Q)
S  K [ XI  (1  X )Q ]
Muskingum Method
S  K [ XI  (1  X )Q]
S j 1  S j  K {[ XI j 1  (1  X )Q j 1 ]  [ XI j  (1  X )Q j ]}
I j 1  I j Q j 1  Q j
S j 1  S j  t  t
2 2
t  2 KX
Combine: C0 
2 K (1  X )  t
Q j 1  C0 I j 1  C1 I j  C 2 Q j t  2 KX
C1 
2 K (1  X )  t
2 K (1  X )  t
C2 
2 K (1  X )  t
If I(j), K and X are known, Q(j) can be calculated using above equations
Muskingum Method

C 0  C1  C 2  1

Note that the denominators of all the equations

are same.
Need K and Dt in the same units
Muskingum Method
Example Period Inflow
• Given: (hr) (cfs)
1 93
– Inflow hydrograph 2 137
– K = 2.3 hr, X = 0.15, Dt = 1 hour, Initial 3 208

Q = 85 cfs 4 320
5 442
• Find: 6 546
– Outflow hydrograph using Muskingum 7 630

routing method 8 678

9 691
10 675
11 634
t  2 KX 1  2 * 2.3 * 0.15
C0    0.0631 12 571
2 K (1  X )  t 2 * 2.3(1  0.15)  1 13 477

t  2 KX 1  2 * 2.3 * 0.15 14 390

C1    0.3442 15 329
2 K (1  X )  t 2 * 2.3(1  0.15)  1 16 247

2 K (1  X )  t 2 * 2.3 * (1  0.15)  1 17 184

C2    0.5927 18 134
2 K (1  X )  t 2 * 2.3(1  0.15)  1 19 108
20 90
Muskingum Method
Q j 1  C 0 I j 1  C1 I j  C 2 Q j
Period Inflow C0Ij+1 C1Ij C2Qj Outflow
(hr) (cfs) (cfs)
C0 = 0.0631, C1 = 0.3442, C2 = 0.5927 1 93 0 0 0 85
2 137 9 32 50 91
3 208 13 47 54 114
4 320 20 72 68 159
5 442 28 110 95 233
800 6 546 34 152 138 324
7 630 40 188 192 420
8 678 43 217 249 509
9 691 44 233 301 578
10 675 43 238 343 623
500 11 634 40 232 369 642
Discharge (cfs)

12 571 36 218 380 635

13 477 30 197 376 603
300 14 390 25 164 357 546
15 329 21 134 324 479
16 247 16 113 284 413
100 17 184 12 85 245 341
18 134 8 63 202 274
0 19 108 7 46 162 215
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
20 90 6 37 128 170
Time (hr)
Muskingum Method
S  K [ XI  (1  X )Q ]
Estimating K and X
The constant K is called the storage constant. It is the ratio of the
storage to the discharge and has the unit of time.
K is estimated to be the travel time through the reach.
The parameter X may be thought of as a weighting coefficient for inflow
and outflow.
The value of X must be between 0.0 and 0.5.
When X = 0, the inflow has no effect on storage. When X = 0.5, both
inflow and outflow are equally effective.
Values of X = 0.2 to 0.3 are the most common for natural streams. This
means that while routing the storage is dominated by the outflow.
If flow data of previous floods are available, then K and X are
determined by plotting S and XI + (1 – X)O for various values of X.
The best value of X is that which causes the data to plot most nearly as a
single value curve.
The Muskingum method assumes that this curve is a straight line with
slope K.
Example: Estimating K and X (Muskingum parameters)
S  K [ XI  (1  X )Q ]
Remember the unit of Δt in the storage equation.

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