Share Hydrology Lec13 1
Share Hydrology Lec13 1
Share Hydrology Lec13 1
• Procedure to
determine the flow Q
hydrograph at a
point on a
watershed from a t
known hydrograph Q
• As the hydrograph
travels, it t
– attenuates Q
– gets delayed
Time Lag
The reduction in the peak of the outflow hydrograph due to storage effects is called
The time difference between the peaks of inflow and outflow hydrographs is known as
the time lag.
River (Channel) Routing
• Why do we route flows?
– Account for changes in flow
hydrograph as a flood wave
passes downstream
• This helps in
– Accounting for storages
– Studying the attenuation of
flood peaks
- Determination of time of
movement of flood peak
Flood Flow in a Channel
As a flood hydrograph moves down a channel, its shape is modified as
water is stored in the channel. The channel storage is composed of two
parts: the prismatic storage which is the water in the channel when
inflow and outflow are equal, and the wedge storage which is
proportional to the difference between inflow and outflow.
wedge prism wedge
prism prism
River Routing
(Muskingum Method)
Prism and wedge storages in reach
S Prism KQ Advancing I
Flood Q
S Wedge KX ( I Q) Wave
K = travel time of peak through the reach I Q
X = weight on inflow versus outflow Q
(0 ≤ X ≤ 0.5) Q
X = 0 Reservoir, storage depends on
outflow, no wedge
X = 0.0 - 0.3 Natural stream I Q
C 0 C1 C 2 1
Q = 85 cfs 4 320
5 442
• Find: 6 546
– Outflow hydrograph using Muskingum 7 630