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Ministry of Higher Eduction
Cheragh Medical University
Faculty of Dentistry Fixed Prosthodontics
Fundamentals of Occlusion (Chapters 2) Semster 4
Lecturer: Dr. Ahmad Mustafa Akhundzadah, DMD
Fundamentals of Occlusion ● Long-term successful restoration with cast metal or ceramic restorations is dependent on the maintenance of occlusal harmony. Centric Relation ● is an anteriorly, superiorly braced position along the articular eminence of the glenoid fossa. ● maximal intercuspation of the teeth ● the most posterior condylar position in the fossa Mandibular Movements ● occur around three axes 1. Around Horizontal axis: ● The movement occurs in the sagittal plane ● mandible in centric relation makes a purely rotational opening and closing border movement Mandibular Movements 2. Around Vertical axis: ● The movement occurs in the horizontal plane ● the mandible moves into a lateral excursion ● The center for this rotation is a vertical axis extending through working-side condyle Mandibular Movements 3. Around saggital axis: ● The movement occurs in the frontal plane ● the mandible moves to one side, the condyle on the opposite side travels forward and downward ● The center for this rotation is a saggital axis extending through non- working-side condyle Organization of the Occlusion ● There are three recognized concepts that describe the manner in which teeth should and should not contact in the various functional and excursive positions of the mandible: 1- bilateral balanced occlusion 2- unilateral balanced occlusion 3- mutually protected occlusion. 1. Bilateral balanced occlusion • a maximum number of teeth should contact in all excursive positions of the mandible. • particularly useful in complete denture construction, in which contact on the nonworking side is important to prevent tipping of the denture • reduce the load on individual teeth by sharing the stress among as many teeth as possible 2. Unilateral balanced occlusion • Also commonly known as group function • widely accepted and used method of tooth arrangement in restorative dental procedures today • This concept had its origin in the work of Schuyler 44 and others who began to observe the destructive nature of tooth contact on the nonworking side. • eliminate all tooth contact on the nonworking side 3. Mutually protected occlusion • also known as canine-protected occlusion or organic occlusion • the overlap of the anterior teeth prevent the posterior teeth from making any contact on either the working or the nonworking side during mandibular excursions (termed disocclusion) • the anterior teeth bear the entire load, and the posterior teeth are disoccluded in any excursive position of the mandible. • probably the most widely accepted because of its ease of fabrication and greater tolerance by patients • necessary to have anterior teeth that are periodontally healthy Anatomical Determinants Molar disocclusion • The measured deviation averages 0.2 mm in centric relation, 0.3 mm in working movements, and 0.8 mm in both protrusive and nonworking movements. • Measurements of disocclusions from the mesiofacial cusp tips of mandibular first molars in asymptomatic test subjects with good occlusions showed separations averaging 0.5 mm in working, 1.0 mm in nonworking, and 1.1 mm in protrusive movements. Anatomical Determinants Condylar guidance • protrusive condylar path inclination and mandibular lateral translation are among those aspects of condylar guidance that will have an impact on the occlusal surface of posterior teeth. • If the protrusive inclination is steep, the cusp height may be longer. • if the inclination is shallow, the cusp height must be shorter. Anatomical Determinants Condylar guidance Anatomical Determinants Anterior guidance • Therefore, when the mandible moves protrusively, the anterior teeth guide the mandible downward to create disocclusion, or separation, between the maxillary and mandibular posterior teeth. • The same phenomenon should occur during lateral mandibular excursions. • Anterior guidance, which is linked to the combination of vertical and horizontal overlap of the anterior teeth, can affect occlusal surface morphology of the posterior teeth. • The greater the vertical overlap of the anterior teeth, the longer the posterior cusp height may be. • The greater the horizontal overlap of the anterior teeth, the shorter the cusp height must be. Anatomical Determinants Anterior guidance Thank You For Your Attention!