E Waste Water Treatment Managment Unit 5A

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Community Waste Management

(A neglected public health issue)

By: Muhammad Aurangzeb

Khyber Medical University
By the end of presentation, learners will be able to:
• Define refuse/solid waste and sewage
• Identify methods for solid waste and sewage disposal
• List the types of latrines
• Describe fecal borne diseases
• Know the control of fecal borne diseases
• Types of rodents
• Disease transmission by rodent
• Control of rodents
Definition of Solid waste, Refuse and Sewage

• Refuse: Garbage heap (All refuse other than industrial-waste

and effluents e.g. animals, vegetables and food wastes)
• Solid waste: Garbage from residential, commercial,
institutional and industrial sources, eg, containers and
packaging, food wastes, yard trimmings and miscellaneous
organic and inorganic wastes.
• Sewage: Water-carried wastes, in either solution or
suspension, that flow away from a community. It is the used
water supply of the community. Depending on their origin,
wastewaters can be classed as sanitary, commercial or
Option 1 – Hopper/Trunk main
Functions of Environmental Protection Agency

• The Environmental Protection Agency regulates and

monitors the disposal of solid waste to protect
environmental and human health.
• The EPA performs this vital function by promoting
the reuse and reduction of solid waste, enforces waste
disposal legislation and helps clean up areas
contaminated by waste.
Tips to Reduce Waste
• The best way to help the environment is by reducing the
resources you use.
• The EPA recommends that you buy items in bulk packaging,
and choose open-air fruit instead of fruit in bags. Instead of
buying one-time use items, buy reusable items like cloth
napkins instead of paper ones.
• In Europe and North America 30–60% of sludge is spread on
agricultural land. The use of raw sewage as a fertilizer (long
practised in China) has the drawback that disease-causing
micro-organisms can survive in the soil and be transferred to
people or animals by consumption of subsequent crops.
Tips to Reduce Waste
• In the industrialized countries of the West, most
industries are responsible for disposing of their own
wastes. Government agencies establish industrial
waste-disposal standards. The solid waste (sludge)
may be spread over fields as a fertilizer or, in a few
countries, dumped at sea.
• While recycling and reclaiming materials goes a long
way toward reducing pollution.
• Ideally, everyone should create a compost (fertilizer)
with yard waste like leaves and branches. Organic
matter creates methane in landfills and contributes to
greenhouse. Instead of throwing out yard trimmings,
using them as a compost refills soil and reduces the
need to pay for land reclamation.
• For non-hazardous waste that cannot be recycled,
landfills method is used. A good landfill has lining to
protect from toxins leaking into water supplies and
covers for full landfills.
• A landfill may offer a cheap solution to large
amounts of waste, but incineration (burning) can
quickly reduce the volume.
• Scrubbers and filters prevent acidic gases from
release and prevent ash from burning into the air.
Benefits of sewage treatment
• There are significant advantages of sewage treatment
both to humans and the natural environment.
• With regard to people, the most significant benefit is
a major decrease in incidence of waterborne disease.
• With regard to favorable impacts to ecosystems as a
whole, there are appreciable benefits to health of
aquatic animals and plants.
• Minimization of nutrient input to natural waters
avoids eutrophic (nourishing) effects from
potential algae.
Types of Latrines used in
• Latrine (from Latin lavatrina meaning bath)
is a public space that is designed
for defecation and urination.
Types of Latrines
1. Pit latrine
2. Trench latrine
3. Composting latrine
4. VIP latrine
5. Commode latrine
Pit Latrines
• Pit toilets, or pit latrines, are the simplest and
cheapest type, minimally defined as a hole in the
ground. The most basic improvement is installation
of a floor plate.
Trench Toilets
• The regulation Trench Latrine in the Great War was
supposed to be dug in pits 4-5 feet deep often at the
rear (last, back) of the Trench, but sometimes at the
frontline , forward, so that men did not remain longer
than was necessary.

• A bucket was placed in the pit. Each company would

have two 'Sanitary personnel' whose job it was to
empty the Latrine buckets, bury the contents, and dig
new pits. Obviously this was not a particularly
pleasant duty, and was often reserved as a
punishment for defaulters.
Composting Toilets
• In composting latrines human excreta are mixed with
soil and ash to decompose into a compost which can
be dug out and used in agriculture.
VIP Toilets
• A Ventilated Improved Pit (VIP) Latrine is one that
reduces two of the most common problems with a
simple pit latrine: odor and fly/mosquito breeding.
• Adding a ventilating pipe is the key improvement of
the ventilated improved pit latrine.
Toilet or commode
• A toilet is an advanced form of latrine with
a sanitation fixture used for the storing or disposal of
human urine and feces.
• In developed countries, different forms
of porcelain flush toilets are common: seats are
usually used in the West while squat toilets are
common in East Asia.
Transmission of fecal oral diseases
The fecal-oral route, or alternatively orofecal route is a route of
transmission of diseases, in which they are passed
when fecal particles from one host are introduced into the oral
cavity of another potential host.
There are usually intermediate steps, sometimes many of them.
Among the more common causes are:
• Water that has come in contact with feces and is then
inadequately treated before drinking;
• Food that has been handled with feces present.
• Poor sewage treatment along with disease vectors
like houseflies.
• Poor or absent cleaning after handling feces or anything that
has been in contact with it.

Transmission of fecal oral diseases
• Sexual fetish that involve feces, known collectively
as coprophilia (its eating is known as coprophagia).
• Diseases transmitted by the method of ingestion
• Main vehicle of micro-organisms are water and food
• So diseases can also caused by contaminated water
and food
Diseases of fecal-oral route include
1. Giardiasis
2. Hepatitis A
3. Hepatitis E
4. Rotavirus
5. Shigellosis (bacillary dysentery)
6. Typhoid fever
7. Enteroviruses, including poliomyelitis
8. Cholera
9. Ascariasis
10. Transmission of Helicobacter pylori by oral-fecal route has
been demonstrated.

Control of Fecal Borne diseases
1. Control the source
2. Control the vector
3. Immunize the population
4. Frequent hand-washing by staff and a general
awareness of microbial presence can reduce
hospital-acquired infections.
5. Disinfectants but are not always effective.
6. Relatively pathogen-free water supply in developed

• Rodents (rats) are mammals of the order Rodentia,
which are characterized by a single pair of
continuously growing incisors in each of the upper
and lower jaws.
• About forty percent of all mammal species are
Types of Rats
• Roof rat is slim and active, and Its tail is
longer than the head and body lengths
• Norway rat is larger and more
aggressive than the roof rat. It has
smaller eyes and ears than the roof rat,
and its tail is shorter than the combined
head and body length.
• House mouse is small, slender bodied,
and the tail is longer than the length of its
head and body.
Diseases Transmission by Rodents
• Worldwide, rodents spread over 35 diseases.
• These diseases can be spread to humans directly,
through handling of rodents, through contact with
rodent feces, urine, or saliva, or through rodent bites.
• Diseases carried by rodents can also be spread to
humans indirectly, through ticks, mites or fleas that
have fed on an infected rodent.

Directly Indirectly

• Lassa Fever
• Hantavirus Pulmonary • Cutaneous Leishmaniasis
Syndrome • Human Granulocytic
• Leptospirosis Anaplasmosis
• Plague • Lyme Disease
• Rat-Bite Fever • Relapsing Fever
• Salmonellosis • Colorado Tick Fever
Rodent Control
• The primary strategy for preventing human exposure
to rodent diseases is effective rodent control in and
around the home.
• This is achieved by eliminating any food sources,
sealing even the smallest entries into homes, and
successfully trapping rodents in and around the home.
Steps To Rodent Control
• Rat survival depends upon the existence of 3 basic
environmental factors: (1) Food, (2) Water, and (3)
• STEP 1: Eliminate Food and Water
• STEP 2: Destroy Rats
• STEP 3: Eliminate Shelter & Harborage
• STEP4: Maintain a Rat Free Property
Chemical Control
• Most rodenticides presently available for rat control
are chronic anticoagulant formulas, which require
several consecutive feedings to reach lethal levels or
newer acute anticoagulants, which are usually lethal
after a single feeding.
• All placed rodenticides must be checked often and
replenished immediately when the supply is low.
• When the job is finished, uneaten rodenticides should
be removed and disposed of.
• http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Latrine
• http://www.westerncivforum.com/index.php?topic=177.0
• http://www.wateraid.org/international/what_we_do/where_we_work/
• http://www.ehow.com/about_5529106_methods-solid-waste-disposal.html
• http://www.talktalk.co.uk/reference/encyclopaedia/hutchinson/m0007897.html
• http://www.eoearth.org/article/Sewage_treatment
• http://www.answers.com/topic/sewage
• http://www.infoplease.com/cig/dangerous-diseases-epidemics/e-coli-
• https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/Fecal-oral_route
• http://encyclopedia2.thefreedictionary.com/water-borne+disease
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