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Lesson 2 - Advanced TCPIP

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Tactical Perimeter Defense

Lesson 2
Advanced TCP/IP

2A Define the core concepts of TCP/IP.

2B Analyze sessions of TCP.
2C Analyze IP.
2D Analyze ICMP.
2E Analyze TCP.
2F Analyze UDP.
2G Analyze Packet Fragmentation.
2H Analyze an Entire Session.
Topic 2A
TCP/IP Concepts

The TCP/IP Model

– 4 Layers

The OSI Model

– 7 Layers
A web request moving along the TCP/IP model
OSI Model Layers

Layer 7, The Application layer Up

Layer 6, The Presentation layer
The notion of
Layer 5, The Session layer
‘up’ or ‘down’
Layer 4, The Transport layer simply relates to
Layer 3, The Network layer data flow over a
Layer 2, The Datalink layer time period.
Layer 1, The Physical layer

A comparison of the OSI vs TCP/IP (DOD) models
Headers and the encapsulation process as
data moves down the stack.
RFCs (Requests for Comments)
– Industry standard
– Freely available
– www.rfc-editor.org

The key RFCs you will study:

• The Internet Protocol (IP): RFC 791
• The Internet Control Messaging Protocol (ICMP):
RFC 792
• The Transmission Control Protocol (TCP): RFC 793
• The User Datagram Protocol (UDP): RFC 768
The function of IP
• Identifies every host with a unique IP address
• Identifies every packet with source and
destination IP addresses
• Manages routing
• Does not deal with ordered delivery or packet
IP Addressing
Binary (bit math), decimal, HEX (0xh)

One Byte (or Octet) = 8 bits

Decimal value of a Byte ranges from 0 to 255 (all

0s to all 1s)
– Binary 11000000 is decimal 192 or 128 + 64 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0
– Binary 10000000 is decimal 128 or 128 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0
– Binary 10000010 is decimal 130 or 128 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 2 + 0
– Binary 01011010 is decimal 90 or 0 + 64 + 0 + 16 + 8 + 0 + 2 + 0

– Decimal = binary 11000000.10101000.00001010.00000001

IP Address Classes
Five classes defined:
A: Decimal 1-126 (127 reserved), first bit is 0
B: Decimal 128-191, first two bits are 10
C: Decimal 192-223, first three bits are 110
Classes A, B & C are used for addressing individual
D: Decimal 224-239, first four bits are 1110
Reserved for Multicasting
E: Decimal 240-247, first five bits are 11110
Class E is experimental. For additional info on Class E
and its future implementation see RFC 1365
Chart – IP Address Classes
Private IP Address Ranges (RFC1918)
Class A: 10. 0.0.0 –
Class B: 172. 16.0.0 – 172. 31.255.255
Class C: –

The network is used by Microsoft for APIPA

(Automatic Private IP Addressing).

The above addresses are not route-able over the internet.

Also, the network ID is used for diagnostics

The Subnet Mask

• A number that matches the length of the IP

address that masks the host bits to reveal only
the network ID
• The ‘AND’ing process
• Default masks:
– Class A: 11111111.00000000.00000000.00000000 –
– Class B: 11111111.11111111.00000000.00000000 –
– Class C: 11111111.11111111.11111111.00000000 –
Subnetting Example

A network has a default subnet mask of

• 00001010.yyyyyyyy.yyyyyyyy.yyyyyyyy = IP address
• 11111111.00000000.00000000.00000000 = Subnet mask
• To divide this network into 12 networks, you need to
‘borrow’ 4 bits from the host portion of the mask to
the network portion, i.e.,
• 11111111.11110000.00000000.00000000 = Subnet mask
• Which is =
Subnetting Example cont’d
Now that the mask is, you have 16 networks:
• 00001010.0000 0000.00000000.00000000 = 10. 0.0.0 (first possible network)
• 00001010.0001 0000.00000000.00000000 = 10. 16.0.0 (second network)
• 00001010.0010 0000.00000000.00000000 = 10. 32.0.0 (third network)
• 00001010.0011 0000.00000000.00000000 = 10. 48.0.0 (fourth network)
• 00001010.0100 0000.00000000.00000000 = 10. 64.0.0 (fifth network)
• 00001010.0101 0000.00000000.00000000 = 10. 80.0.0 (sixth network)
• 00001010.0110 0000.00000000.00000000 = 10. 96.0.0 (seventh network)
• 00001010.0111 0000.00000000.00000000 = (eighth network)
• 00001010.1000 0000.00000000.00000000 = (ninth network)
• 00001010.1001 0000.00000000.00000000 = (tenth network)
• 00001010.1010 0000.00000000.00000000 = (eleventh network)
• 00001010.1011 0000.00000000.00000000 = (twelfth network)
• 00001010.1100 0000.00000000.00000000 = (thirteenth network)
• 00001010.1101 0000.00000000.00000000 = (fourteenth network)
• 00001010.1110 0000.00000000.00000000 = (fifteenth network)
• 00001010.1111 0000.00000000.00000000 = (sixteenth network)
TASK 2A-1: Address Conversions
• Communications from one network to another
• Packets are sent to a default ‘Gateway’ (router)
• The router ‘routes’ the packet to the appropriate
interface, by looking at the destination IP address
and its routing table
• The destination network may or may not be
attached to that interface. If the destination is not
attached to that interface, the packet is sent to the
next router.
Variable Length Subnet Masking (VLSM)

Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR)

These two terms are sometimes used interchangeably, but they are
different: VLSM allows you to create logical addressing schemes to
match existing or planned physical networks. CIDR simply ignores
classes (i.e., it does not worry about the first bits being 0, 10 or 110.)
The implementation of CIDR is left to the vendor. For example, an
older Cisco router will treat a 10.x.x.x address as belonging to a Class
A network and a 192.168.x.x address as belonging to a Class C
network, and there’s not much you can do about it. You may end up
having issues if you’re subnetting a 10.x.x.x network into many
networks using a 24 bit mask.
‘Slash’ notation

• (IP address)

• (Subnet mask)
• Since the mask is
11111111.1111 0000.00000000.00000000
we can express the same IP/subnet mask as (where 12 represents the
twelve contiguous ‘1’ bits reading from
left to right).
Breaking up a Network Further
From to gives us eight networks, each
with 1/8th the number of hosts:
• 00001010.0011000 0.00000000.00000000 = (first network)
• 00001010.0011001 0.00000000.00000000 = (second network)
• 00001010.0011010 0.00000000.00000000 = (third network)
• 00001010.0011011 0.00000000.00000000 = (fourth network)
• 00001010.0011100 0.00000000.00000000 = (fifth network)
• 00001010.0011101 0.00000000.00000000 = (sixth network)
• 00001010.0011110 0.00000000.00000000 = (seventh network)
• 00001010.0011111 0.00000000.00000000 = (eighth network)

Now, say you want to break up the third network further into two
smaller networks, simply ‘borrow’ one more bit just for
network and create and
You have now subnetted your network ‘variably’.

Unicast: One to One

Broadcast: One to Everyone

Multicast: One to Group

TASK 2A-2: Routers and Subnetting
Topic 2B
Analyze the 3-Way handshake
Transport Layer Concepts


Connection-oriented Connectionless

Slower Faster
communications communications
Considered reliable Considered unreliable

Transport layer Transport layer

TCP Control Flags
URGENT (Urg)—Represents that this data should take
precedence over other data transmissions.

ACK (Ack)—Represents acknowledgment of receipt of data

from the sending host. This is sent during the second part
of establishing a connection in response to the sending
host’s SYN request.

PUSH (P)—Used when the sending host requires data to be

pushed directly to the receiving application, and not fill in
a buffer.
TCP Control Flags
RESET (R)—Represents the sender’s intentions to reset the

SYN (S)—Represents the first part of establishing a

connection. The synchronizing of communication will
generally be in the first packet of communication.

FIN (F)—Represents the sender’s intentions of terminating

the communication in what is known as a graceful manner.
Sequence and Acknowledgment Numbers

• When initiating a new connection, an Initial

Sequence Number (ISN) is generated
• The ISN is a 32-bit number that increments by one
every 4 microseconds
• Acknowledgment Numbers are also 32-bit
numbers, in response to a sequence number
• After the handshake sets up a session, further
sequence numbers within that session are based on
the number of octets involved
• Reliable delivery by TCP
Connection Establishment
Active vs Passive Open

Connection Establishment: 3-Way handshake

(SYN, SYN/ACK, ACK) and sequence
Connection Termination:
TCP is a full duplex communication protocol
Active vs Passive Close
FIN, ACK followed by another FIN, ACK
• Port numbers are located in the TCP (or UDP)
header, and they are 16-bit values, ranging
from 0 to 65,535.
• Port numbers can be assigned to specific
functions, or applications.
• Ports also can be left open for dynamic use by
two hosts during communication.
• There are three main categories of ports: Well
Known, Registered, and Dynamic.
• www.iana.org/assignments/port-numbers.
IANA assignments

The Well Known Ports (Reserved Ports)

Registered Ports:
1024 – 49151
Dynamic Ports (Private Ports)
49152 – 65536

The combination of the IP address and port is often

referred to as a socket.
Port numbers and associated services
Port 23 - Telnet
Port 80 - HTTP (standard Web pages)
Port 443 - Secure HTTP (secure Web pages)
Ports 20 and 21 - FTP
Port 53 - DNS
Port 25 - SMTP
Port 119 - NNTP
Trojan associated Port numbers

Port 12345 - NetBus

Port 1243 - Sub Seven
Port 27374 - Sub Seven 2.1
Port 31337 - Back Orifice
Port 54320 (TCP) - Back Orifice 2000
Port 54321 (UDP) - Back Orifice 2000
Note: High port numbers have gained enough notoriety in the past
that most administrators know to watch out for them. Hackers
nowadays will craft sophisticated attacks via well used ports
such as 80 or 110 that must be kept open for the normal
functioning of a network..
Network Monitor

• Monitor real-time network traffic

• Analyze network traffic
• Filter specific protocols to capture
• The default view of Network Monitor
• Displaying captures
• Network Monitor Filters
Task 2B-1: Using Network Monitor

• Very versatile third party tool - will run on many

versions of Unix/Linux and Windows.
• Requires libpcap (Unix) or WinPcap 2.3
• Can read data off the wire, or from files of
various formats.
• Can also save file to various formats.
• Freely available at www.wireshark.org.
• Formerly called Ethereal, name changed in 2006.
TASK 2B-2: Installing and Starting Wireshark
Wireshark Overview

• GUI/Menu bar
• Ctrl+K > Promiscuous mode
• Capture options
• Save options
TASK 2B-3: Using Wireshark
TCP Connections

Use Network Monitor to view the 3-way

handshake and connection teardown,
packet by packet.
First need to start Telnet to have a
service to analyze.
TASKs 2B-4 and 2B-5

Analyze the 3-way handshake and

connection teardown, packet by packet.
Topic 2C
Capture and Identify IP datagrams

An IP datagram, with all fields shown

Fields in the IP header
• Version (4 bits) [4=IPv4, 6=IPv6]
• IHL (4 bits) [no. of 32 bit words in header, normally 5]
• TOS (8 bits) [3 bits for Precedence, 1 bit each for Delay, Throughput, Reliability,
Monetary cost, last bit is a 0]
• Total Length (16 bits) [Length of datagram in Bytes]
• Identification (16 bits) [increment for every datagram sent between two hosts]
• Flags (3 bits) [0, Don’t Frag, More Frag]
• Fragment Offset (13 bits) [First fragment will have an offset of 0]
• Time to Live (8 bits) [If TTL decrements to 0, discard packet]
• Protocol (8 bits) [Protocol ID, i.e., ICMP=1, TCP=6, UDP=17]
• Header Checksum (16 bits) [One’s complement of the header+options]
• Source Address (32 bits) [Source IP address]
• Destination Address (32 bits) [Destination IP address]
• Options + Padding (32 bits) [For more info. on security options see RFC 1108]
• Data
TASK 2C-1: Capture and Identify IP Datagrams
Topic 2D
Capture and Identify ICMP Messages

ICMP Header Fields

– Type (8 bits) [identifies the message type]
– Code (8 bits) [details based on Type,
– Checksum (16 bits) [integrity check]
– Message (not fixed) [depends on Type
and Code, above]
TASK 2D-1: Capture and Identify
ICMP messages
Topic 2E
Capture and Identify TCP headers

A TCP Header, with all fields shown.

(Control flag bits circled.)
Fields in the TCP header

• Source port (16 bits) [upper layer protocol on source]

• Destination port (16 bits) [upper layer protocol on destination]
• Sequence number (32 bits) [Starting with the Active Open ISN if SYN flag is set]
• Acknowledgement number (32 bits) [Value if Ack flag is set]
• IHL or offset (4 bits) [Number of 32 bit words in the TCP header]
• Reserved (6 bits) [always 0, for more info. see RFC 3168]
• Flags (6 bits) [Control flags Urg, Ack, Psh, Rst, SYN, Fin]
• Window Size (16 bits) [No. of data bytes the sender of this segment is willing to accept]
• TCP Checksum (16 bits) [integrity check]
• Urgent Pointer (16 bits) [If Urg flag is set, point to sequence no. of last byte in sequence]
• Options + Padding (32 bits) [often used to define the MSS]
• Data
TASK 2E-1: Capture and Identify TCP Headers
Topic 2F:
The UDP Header

A UDP header, with all fields shown.

UDP Header Fields

• Source port (16 bits) [upper layer protocol on source]

• Destination port (16 bits) [upper layer protocol on destination]
• UDP length (16 bits) [Length of UDP header and data]
• UDP Checksum (16 bits) [integrity check]
• Data
Task 2F-1: Working with UDP Headers
Topic 2G
Analyze Packet Fragmentation

• Packet switched networks

• Fragmentation concepts
• Max. Transmission Unit (depends on
• IP – Max. Datagram Size
• TCP – Max. Segment Size
MTUs for various media
Task 2G-1: Analyzing Fragmentation
Topic 2H:
Analyze an Entire Session

Task 2H-1: Complete Session Analysis (ICMP)

Task 2H-2: Complete Session Analysis (FTP)

Lesson 2 Summary
Lesson 2 Review
End of Lesson 2

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