Q2 Lesson 2

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• Blouse is usually a loose-fitting upper
garment especially for women. It is the
most common woman’s wardrobe. It is
typically gathered at the waist or hips
by tight hem, pleats, garter, or belt.
• 1. Button Down
Blouse – This kind of
blouse features a neck
collar and buttons
attached to the front of
the garment.
• 2. Surplice Wrap
Blouses – has a great
style for most body types
and features a surplice
collar, which overlaps
fabric into a V-shaped

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• 3. Peasant Blouse
– a casual look
blouse which
emphasizes free
flowing materials.

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• 4. Ruffled – This
utilizes ruffles as
trimmings. The
ruffles may be
simple and may flow
down the front of the
blouse, on the ends
of the sleeves or at
the necklines

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5. Tunic – Long
blouses that
typically fall to the
mid-thigh are called

• Fabric is the cloth or textile used in the construction of
blouses or any other garment. It is important to choose the
best quality of the fabric suited for blouses so that the
wearer will be comfortable.

•Neckline is a part of a garment close to the face, it is the

edge of the garment opening surrounding the neck. Since
necklines frames the shape of a face, choose neckline
which look becoming to your client’s face, consider the
shape of the neck and face


• 1. Oval/Oblong
shape - This is egg
shaped that is round
at the top and
slightly elongated at
the chin.
• 2. Round - This
resembles the shape of
a moon where
necklines should be
given careful
considerations. V-
necklines is becoming
to this shape.
• 3. Square - The top
head is equal with
the jaw. Close
necklines will do
justice to the top
shape of the face.
Round, V-neck is
appropriate to this
• 4. Heart - Round at
the top and slightly
curved at the chin like
human heart. The
shape is fitting to
almost all kinds of
necklines. Round,
Square neckline is
becoming to this shape
• 5. Triangle - The top is
wider than the ear side
going smaller to the
chin. The use of wider
necklines is helpful.
Round, Square neckline
is becoming to this
• 1. Square –
moderately low-cut
neckline, square or
angular in front.
• 2. Sweetheart –
lowered front neckline
shaped like top of heart
• 3. Boat – wide
horizontal neckline,
high in front and back
• 4. U-shape - A
type of neckline
that has the shape
of a letter “U”.
• 5. Round – medium
low in front, rounded
and wider than the
base of the neck.
6. V-shape - A neckline
that lies flat and in the
shape of a “v”.

• Collar is the part of a shirt, coat, dress, blouse,

etc., that encompasses the neckline of the
garment and is sewn permanently to it, often so
as to fold or roll over.
•1. Flat Collar
• Flat collars have
neckline curves that
are of the same shape
as the neckline of
the garment. This
allows them to lie flat
on the garment with no
roll or stand onto neck.
•2. Rolled Collar
• This is a two piece collar.
The upper collar is ¼” or
¾” wider than the stand.
This popularly called
standing collar.

• 3. Convertible collar
• Convertible collars are
attached to the garment
neckline, and the collar
facing, which incorporates
the raw edges during the
sewing process. This
means that there is no
right side and wrong side
to a convertible collar, but
both sides are equally
•4. Peter Pan Collar
•A flat collar with
rounded ends that meet
at the front of the
•5. Mandarin Collar
•This is a standing collar
popularly known as Chinese
Collar. It fits very snugly
around the neck giving one
a very prim look.
•6. Sailor’s Collar
•This type of collar is a
variation of a flat collar
and is popular among

1.Plain sleeve – eased

on the sleeve cap and
attached to the
armhole but shows no

• 2. Puff Sleeves – a
type of sleeve that are
gathered at the
shoulders and caught
in at the cuff to create
an inflated, puffy effect.

• A. Puffed at the top and

b. Puffed at the bottom
c. Puffed at the top
3. Kimono – is a sleeve
cut in one piece with the

• 4. Raglan Sleeve is
a sleeve that has an
arm seam inside the
shoulder width.

Facings do much good for the look and comfort of garments. The
purpose is to neatly finish and conceal raw edges by turning it to
the wrong side of the garments.

1.Fitted or shaped facing is

found in necklines and
armholes. It is traced on the
necklines and armholes and is
cut 2 inches wide.

• 2. Extended facing is
found in polo shirts’
front opening, blouses,
blazers and vest. It is 2
½ to 3 inches wide for
the blouse or polo shirt
with sports collar or
standing collar.
• 3. Bias Facing – a cut
bias strip four times the
desired width plus ¼”
plus 2” for finishing the

• Interfacings are special

fabrics used to strengthen
or stiffen specific parts of a
garment, such as collar,
cuffs, facing and pocket
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