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⮚ -is a hierarchy of

positions with regard to

economic production
which influences the
social rewards to those
in the positions.
⮚ Term use by sociologist to describe
the system of social standing.
Lesson 1: Social Stratification: Its Definition, Nature and Characteristics System
What is the Meaning and Nature of Social Stratification?
a. The ranking of people is the b. Panopio (1989) defines social
essence of stratification: the division stratification as the hierarchical
of a society into larger categories or arrangement and establishment of social
strata of people who have unequal categories that may evolve into social
amounts of scarce but desirable groups together with statuses and their
resources or rewards. (Light, 1985) corresponding roles. The elements have
varying ranks of superiority and inferiority.

c. Melvin Tumin defines social

stratification as “an arrangement of any d. Social Stratification is a sociological term
social groups or society into a for the hierarchical arrangement of social
hierarchy of positions that are unequal classes, castes, and strata within a society.
with regard to power, property, social (Psychology Wikipedia).
evaluation and psychic gratification”. Lesson 1: Social Stratification: Its Definition, Nature and Characteristics System
What are social desirables as bases for social stratification?

⮚ Social stratification refers to a society's categorization of its people

into groups based on socioeconomic factors like wealth, income,
race, education, ethnicity, gender, occupation, social status, or
derived power (social and political).

Lesson 1: Social Stratification: Its Definition, Nature and Characteristics System

⮚ is an indicator that influences
social stratification. It is a
system in which people are Pow
divided into layers according to er
their relative possession of three
social desirables that primarily
keep people going: wealth,
power, and prestige. Prest
Lesson 1: Social Stratification: Its Definition, Nature and Characteristics System
1. Vertical mobility, in contrast,
involves moving from one social
level to another. ⮚ a movement of individuals, families
or other categories of people
within or between layers or tiers in
an open system of social

⮚ indicates changes in opportunities,

A promotion in rank in the Army is an incomes, lifestyles, personal
example of upward mobility, relationships, social status , and
while a demotion in rank is downward class membership.
mobility. Lesson 2: Types of Social Stratification Systems
⮚ Absolute social mobility is the
total observed movement of
⮚ Horizontal mobility involves people between classes, and
moving within the same status relative social mobility, which
category. is an estimate of the chance
of upward or downward
movement of a member of
one social class in
An example of this is a nurse who comparison with a member
leaves one hospital to take a position from another class.
as a nurse at another hospital.
Lesson 2: Types of Social Stratification Systems
⮚ Intergenerational came from the Latin
words “inter” which means “between”
and “generare” which means “to beget”.
It is an adjective for something which
occurs between generations. For instance,
intergenerational mobility is the change of
social status from one generation to the
next; For example, a father worked in a
farm while his son and daughter received
an education that allowed him and her to
become a doctor or a lawyer.
Lesson 2: Types of Social Stratification Systems
⮚ Open systems of social stratification allow people to
move from one social level to the next. Usually, people in
this type of system wish to move from a lower social level
to a higher one. This movement is called social mobility. It
provides all forms of social mobility.

Lesson 2: Types of Social Stratification Systems

⮚ An open system enables social mobility based on
personal efforts and individual achievements.

⮚ An open society provides people with equal chance to

succeed or equal opportunities to achieve their
aspirations in life based on their talents, skills, and
contributions. The open class system provides all forms
of social mobility.
Lesson 2: Types of Social Stratification Systems
⮚ A society is considered closed when social mobility is limited or
prohibited .
⮚ In a closed society, the existing cultural norms laid down through
laws prohibit a person from moving upward the social strata.
⮚ In a closed system, society does not allow to shift levels and does
not permit social relations between levels.

Lesson 2: Types of Social Stratification Systems

Characteristics of

1. It is

Lesson 2: Types of Social Stratification Systems

2. It is ancient

Lesson 2: Types of Social Stratification Systems

3. It is

Lesson 2: Types of Social Stratification Systems

4. It is in diverse

Lesson 2: Types of Social Stratification Systems

5. It is

Lesson 2: Types of Social Stratification Systems

What I Can Do
Draw me a Culture!
What is your idea about CULTURE and SOCIETY? Draw a
picture or make a poster that demonstrate your culture. Be
sure that you specify the different aspects of culture we

Rubric in Drawing/Poster Making 25 points

Category Descriptions Points

Content It shows the different aspects/changes of culture 10
Creativity Clear and precise message of the illustration with 10
the concept of society and culture
Over-All Presentation Clean, organize, attractive and vibrant appearance 5
Test A. Direction: Write the word AGREE if the statement is correct;
DISAGREE, if the statement is wrong, or UNCERTAIN, if you are not
certain of the answer.
__________1. Stratification is social.
__________2. In all societies, people differ from each other on the
basis of their age, sex and personal characteristics.
__________3. Human society is heterogeneous, not homogenous.
__________4. “Losers” who are at the bottom of the social
stratification have little opportunity to improve their situation.
__________5. Social stratification occurs in all levels of society.
Test II. Matching type. Write the letter that corresponds to your
A. Limited to one‟s social class
_______6. Social Class
_______7. Power B. Provides all forms of social
_______8. Prestige mobility
_______9. Open Class System C. Esteem, Respect, or Approval
_______10. Closed Class system D. Value of everything owned by
a person
E. A stratum or category of
F. Includes property such as
buildings, lands, houses &
other material possessions

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