Unit 2 Science Fiction_Term Copy Copy

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Fiction Project
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Unit 2 Science An Introduction to
Science Fiction
Fiction short stories
Success Criteria: Can you?

Success Criteria Can I…? Have I…?

B Define the term ‘science fiction’?
IN Read a text from the sci-fi genre?
A Annotate a text?

Watch the trailer at the following link:


Do you find the trailer interesting?

What features of this trailer stand out to you?

What is Science ● Science fiction is a form of

fiction? fiction that deals with the

impact of actual or imagined
science upon society or
Collaborative activity

What features or characteristics would you expect to

see in a science fiction film, show or text?

Please write your response on the Padlet at this link:

Your tasks will be labeled in
the arrows like this. You must
complete all the tasks to earn

As you read this story,

highlight any words you don’t On this side of the
know in ORANGE. You should screen will be the
have at least three words in
orange at the end of the story. story. Be sure to
If you come across a sentence
read closely!
you don’t understand,
highlight it in BLUE.

Sometimes you will see a

question in a box like this. Type
your response in the box. If you
run out of room, select text in
the box and insert a comment
by clicking on Insert and
Highlight at least three
examples of In the living room the voice-
personification in this first clock sang, Tick-tock, seven
page in YELLOW. o'clock, time to get up, time to
The personification included in the passage vastly get up, seven o'clock! as if it
described the house which brought a brief image
in my head, on how the house looked like. For were afraid that nobody would.
example “as if it were afraid that nobody would”
shows that the clock was eager to wake him up The morning house lay empty. The
even if its not living which signifies that the clock clock ticked on, repeating and
was continuously ringing, and the person that was
awoken was finding it alarming. Also when the repeating its sounds into the
person claims that the voice clock sang he meant
that it was really singing; trying to awaken him; emptiness. Seven-nine,
these examples signify that the house was empty
Highlight clues that tell you
and the person is isolated and alone.
breakfast time, seven-nine! In
how many people lived in the kitchen the breakfast stove
gave a hissing sigh and ejected
the house in GREEN.
from its warm interior eight pieces
According to the description/clues we can infer of perfectly browned toast, eight
that the house is empty as the quotes “the
morning house lay empty” and “repeating and eggs sunnyside up, sixteen slices
repeating its sound into the emptiness” support
this inference; this maybe only talking about the
of bacon, two coffees, and two
house but not family. “Eight pieces of perfectly cool glasses of milk. "Today is
browned toast eight eggs sunny side up, sixteen
slices of bacon, two coffees, and two cool glasses August 4, 2026," said a second
of milk” signify that there are many member of
the house (4-5 members) as this food is a feast voice from the kitchen ceiling, "in
and cant be eaten by an individual; assuming that
the city of Allendale, California." It
Highlight in PINK the
details from the text
that support the "Today is Mr. Featherstone's
following claim: birthday. Today is the anniversary of
something has Tilita's marriage. Insurance is
payable, as are the water, gas, and
happened to the
light bills." Somewhere in the walls,
humans who lived in this relays clicked, memory tapes glided
home. under electric eyes. Eight-one,
Highlight an example of
tick-tock, eight-one o'clock, off to
alliteration on this page in
school, off to work, run, run, eight-
YELLOW. one! But no doors slammed, no
carpets took the soft tread of rubber
heels. It was raining outside. The
weather box on the front door sang
quietly: "Rain, rain, go away;
rubbers, raincoats for today…" And
the rain tapped on the empty
house, echoing. Outside, the garage
chimed and lifted its door to reveal
the waiting car. After a long wait the
door swung down again. At eight-
thirty the eggs were shrivelled and
An aluminium wedge scraped them into the sink, where hot water
whirled them down a metal throat which digested and flushed them
away to the distant sea. The dirty dishes were dropped into a hot
washer and emerged twinkling dry. Nine-fifteen, sang the clock,
time to clean. Out of warrens in the wall, tiny robot mice darted. The
rooms were acrawl with the small cleaning animals, all rubber and
metal. They thudded against chairs, whirling their moustached
runners, kneading the rug nap, sucking gently at hidden dust. Then,
like mysterious invaders, they popped into their burrows. Their pink
electric eyes faded. The house was clean.
Highlight the description Ten o'clock. The sun came out
of the city in PINK. from behind the rain. The house
stood alone in a city of rubble
In my opinion, the city must have eroded or corroded
in some way as the words rubble and ashes were used and ashes. This was the one
as a description which shows it has either maybe
burned down in tragic fire, or it might have been a war house left standing. At night the
that occurred in the city which has corroded or eroded
all the buildings (using nuclear objects) and turned it ruined city gave off a
all to rubble and ash; we can also infer that this person
has survived this tragedy as he mentioned his house radioactive glow which could be
has been burned half evenly, which shows that it
must have caught on fire someway somehow, reason
seen for miles. Ten-fifteen. The
for the mention of the verb “burned”. Now it seems
evacuated. All this description is obtrusive which
garden sprinklers whirled up in
Highlight words that
means it’s noticeable but unpleasantly .
golden founts, filling the soft
contribute to the imagery in morning air with scatterings of
this passage in YELLOW. brightness. The water pelted
He must have been a survivor of the tragic fire
windowpanes, running down the
that occurred but how in my opinion as he had
advanced technology that he must have created;
charred west side where the
but surely he had a device at first that betokened house had been burned evenly
him of any danger ahead, that he took earnestly
and seriously and started finding a way to free of its white paint.
withstand this fire. So my assertion is that he
didn’t have too much time to start (after he was
betokened) to build something more preferable as
we know his house burnt “evenly free of its white
paint” which must have been because he didn’t
Number the silhouettes
from 1-5 in the order they The entire west face of the
are described. Make the house was black, save for* five
text of your numbers red. places. Here the silhouette in
paint of a man mowing a lawn.
We can infer the cause of this to
be burnt on wood, must have Here, as in a photograph, a
been the tragic fire or tragedy woman bent to pick three
that occurred to cause the flowers. Still farther over, their
persons house to catch fire as it images burned on wood in one
would’ve been apart of the other
half (of the house) that was burnt
titanic instant, a small boy,
down evenly; what could have hands flung into the air; higher
caused this tragic fire we still up, the image of a thrown ball,
don’t know but one thing we and opposite him a girl, hands
know for sure that it was set fire!
raised to catch a ball which
never came down. The five
spots of paint—the man, the
woman, the children, the ball—
remained. The rest was a thin
charcoaled layer. The gentle
sprinkler rain filled the garden
Highlight at least two Until this day, how well the house
metaphors in YELLOW. had kept its peace. How carefully
it had inquired, "Who goes there?
I can imagine a lonesome and What's the password?" and,
solitary house quivering and getting no answer from lonely
shacking due to sounds; foxes and whining cats, it had
standing there on its own with shut up its windows and drawn
no socialization at all. The city shades in an old maidenly
seems abandoned not a preoccupation with self-protection
The creator/inventor of the technology (like
thewhisper could
cleaning mice) wasbethe heard.
god of all the which bordered on a mechanical
technology as he was the creator which paranoia. It quivered at each
links to religion as different religions have
different gods; but most believe that their sound, the house did. If a sparrow
god created them brushed a window, the shade
The author is trying to send a snapped up. The bird, startled,
message how he invented all flew off! No, not even a bird must
the technology so he is touch the house! The house was
supposed to be the god as he an altar with ten thousand
is the creator of all his attendants, big, small, servicing,
technological things in house attending, in choirs. But the gods
for example the mice exc. had gone away, and the ritual of
Twelve noon. A dog whined, shivering, on the front porch. The front door
recognized the dog voice and opened. The dog, once huge and fleshy, but
now gone to bone and covered with sores, moved in and through the house,
tracking mud. Behind it whirred angry mice, angry at having to pick up mud,
angry at inconvenience. For not a leaf fragment blew under the door but
what the wall panels flipped open and the copper scrap rats flashed swiftly
out. The offending dust, hair, or paper, seized in miniature steel jaws, was
raced back to the burrows. There, down tubes which fed into the cellar, it
was dropped into the sighing vent of an incinerator which sat like evil Baal in
a dark corner. The dog ran upstairs, hysterically yelping to each door, at last
realizing, as the house realized, that only silence was here.
Highlight the
words/details that appeal
It sniffed the air and scratched
to the senses in YELLOW. the kitchen door. Behind the
door, the stove was making
The action of the house was pancakes which filled the house
obtrusively unpleasant and it with a rich baked odour and the
was remorseless as they scent of maple syrup. The dog
didn’t pity the poor dog; the frothed at the mouth, lying at
mice acted barbarically the door, sniffing, its eyes
leading to the dogs death
turned to fire. It ran wildly in
which isn’t humane and
circles, biting at its tail, spun in
religious. The house afflicted
the dog/caused harm to the a frenzy, and died. It lay in the
dog and gave no relent; which parlour for an hour. Two
shows how greedy and o'clock, sang a voice. Delicately
inhumane this house can be. sensing decay at last, the
We also know it was sensed to regiments of mice hummed out
be dead from the decay as softly as blown grey leaves in
therefore we know the house an electrical wind. Two-fifteen.
knew it died (again). The dog was gone. In the cellar,
the incinerator glowed suddenly
Two thirty-five. “Bridge tables
sprouted from patio walls. Playing Two thirty-five. Bridge tables
cards fluttered onto pads in a shower
of pips. Martinis manifested on an sprouted from patio walls. Playing
oaken bench with egg-salad cards fluttered onto pads in a
sandwiches. Music played. But the
tables were silent and the cards shower of pips. Martinis
untouched”. Which shows they were manifested on an oaken bench
ascending into the nursery; and it was
Highlight a simile in
embarking on its open. with egg-salad sandwiches. Music
YELLOW and played. But the tables were silent
and the cards untouched. 4 At
underline the details four o'clock the tables folded like
that bring the nursery great butterflies back through the
setting to life. panelled walls. Four-thirty. The
nursery walls glowed. Animals
The doors are capable to glow
took shape: yellow giraffes, blue
as it states at four thirty it
lions, pink antelopes, lilac
embarked on glowing “Four-
panthers cavorting in crystal
thirty. The nursery walls glowed.” Which
substance. The walls were glass.
shows that at the time 4.30 it
They looked out upon colour and
started glowing which means
fantasy. Hidden films docked
it has a capability of that
feature -to glow- when through well-oiled sprockets, and
the walls lived. The nursery floor
Over this ran aluminium roaches and
iron crickets, and in the hot still air
butterflies of delicate red tissue
wavered among the sharp aroma of
animal spoors! There was the sound
like a great matted yellow hive of bees
within a dark bellows, the lazy bumble
In my opinion it makes me feel as
of a purring lion. And there was the
if he were in my head and I was
patter of okapi feet and the murmur of
imagining him; we can see his
routines and what he does on a fresh jungle rain, like other hoofs,
daily basis we can also infer that falling upon the summer-starched
some of his routines are perpetual grass. Now the walls dissolved into
like he stated. It also brings the distances of parched weed, mile on
story to life as if it was his diary mile, and warm endless sky. The
and we were to read his life story. animals drew away into thorn brakes
This makes a more intricate or and water holes. It was the children's
specific tone; like it specifies the hour. Five o'clock. The bath filled
times and when he does with clear hot water. Six, seven,
eight o'clock. The dinner dishes
manipulated like magic tricks, and in
the study a click. In the metal stand
opposite the hearth where a fire now
Nine-five. A voice
spoke from the study There Will Come Soft Rains
ceiling: "Mrs. By: Sara Teasdale
McClellan, which poem
There will come soft rains and the smell of
would you like this
the ground,
evening?" The house
And swallows circling with their shimmering
was silent. The voice
said at last, "Since you
express no preference, And frogs in the pools singing at night,
I shall select a poem at And wild plum trees in tremulous white;
random." Quiet music Robins will wear their feathery fire,
rose to back the voice. Whistling their whims on a low fence-wire;
"Sara Teasdale. As I And not one will know of the war, not one
Select yourof this poem
a line Will care at last when it is done.
and insert a comment. In Not one would mind, neither bird nor tree, if
your comment, summarize mankind perished utterly;
the meaning of this poem. And Spring herself, when she woke at dawn
How does this poem connect Would scarcely know that we were gone.
with what is going on in the
Highlight at least three
examples of The fire burned on the stone hearth
personification in and the cigar fell away into a mound
YELLOW. of quiet ash on its tray. The empty
chairs faced each other between the
This passage tries to tell the
silent walls, and the music played.
reader that the house is trying
At ten o'clock the house began to
to fight the fire there was
die. The wind blew. A failing tree
water being shot out and
bough crashed through the kitchen
alarms screaming “Fire,
window. Cleaning solvent, bottled,
Fire”as we know from the shattered over the stove. The room
quote“The room was ablaze in an instant! was ablaze in an instant! "Fire!"
"Fire!" screamed a voice. The house lights flashed,
water pumps shot water from the ceilings.” screamed a voice. The house lights
also know that the house was flashed, water pumps shot water
trying save itself from the from the ceilings. But the solvent
quote “Fire, fire, fire!" The house spread on the linoleum, licking,
tried to save itself.” Which shows eating, under the kitchen door,
that it was in a conflict with the while the voices took it up in chorus:
tragic fire. "Fire, fire, fire!" The house tried to
save itself. Doors sprang tightly
shut, but the windows were broken
by the heat and the wind blew and
Highlight an example of The house gave ground as the fire
hyperbole in YELLOW. in ten billion angry sparks moved
with flaming ease from room to
Many days past without the room and then up the stairs.
human organisms which had to While scurrying water rats
be mandatory for various species squeaked from the walls, pistoled
of organisms to live. We can their water, and ran for more. And
make this inference as the author
the wall sprays let down showers
includes “The reserve water
supply which had filled baths and of mechanical rain. But too late.
washed dishes for many quiet Somewhere, sighing, a pump
days were gone” shows that the shrugged to a stop. The
water supply stopped as their quenching rain ceased. The
We no
were canhumans
infer that the family
to supply it; also reserve water supply which had
it waswealthy as they
many quiet days owned
filled baths and washed dishes for
sacred items like
many quiet days was gone. The
“Picassos and Matisses”
fire crackled up the stairs. It fed
Which were really expensive
upon Picassos and Matisses in the
items therefore we can
upper halls, like delicacies, baking
assume that they were a
off the oily flesh, tenderly crisping
wealthy family.
the canvases into black shavings.
Underline at least three
details that make the fire And then, reinforcements. From attic
seem human on this trapdoors, blind robot faces peered
down with faucet mouths gushing
page. green chemical. The fire backed off, as
even an elephant must at the sight of
a dead snake. Now there were twenty
snakes whipping over the floor, killing
the fire with a clear cold venom of
green froth. But the fire was clever. It
had sent flames outside the house, up
through the attic to the pumps there.
An explosion! The attic brain which
directed the pumps was shattered into
bronze shrapnel on the beams. The
fire rushed back into every closet and
felt of the clothes hung there. The
house shuddered, oak bone on bone,
its bared skeleton cringing from the
heat, its wire, its nerves revealed as if
a surgeon had torn the skin off to let
the red veins and capillaries quiver in
the scalded air. Help, help! Fire! Run,
Highlight any literary And the voices wailed Fire, fire, run, run,
devices you find in like a tragic nursery rhyme, a dozen
voices, high, low, like children dying in a
YELLOW and label them forest, alone, alone. And the voices
by inserting a comment. fading as the wires popped their
sheathings like hot chestnuts. One, two,
three, four, five voices died. In the
Because the house set fire nursery the jungle burned. Blue lions
suddenly and the mice didn’t roared, purple giraffes bounded off. The
know what was happening as panthers ran in circles, changing colour,
it wasn’t in there program so and ten million animals, running before
the fire, vanished off toward a distant
everything became a mess
steaming river.... Ten more voices died.
and abundant amount of In the last instant under the fire
voices dying and a myriad avalanche, other choruses, oblivious,
amount of flames reaching could be heard announcing the time,
their hands further to engulf playing music, cutting the lawn by
those who come near it. We remote-control mower, or setting an
umbrella frantically out and in the
know this from the quote
slamming and opening front door, a
“singing, screaming, a few last
thousand things happening, like a clock
cleaning mice darting bravely out to shop when each clock strikes the hour
carry the horrid ashes away!” insanely before or after the other, a
Which shows that there were scene of maniac confusion, yet unity;
And one voice, with sublime disregard for the situation, read poetry aloud in
the fiery study, until all the film spools burned, until all the wires withered
and the circuits cracked. The fire burst the house and let it slam flat down,
puffing out skirts of spark and smoke. In the kitchen, an instant before the
rain of fire and timber, the stove could be seen making breakfasts at a
psychopathic rate, ten dozen eggs, six loaves of toast, twenty dozen bacon
strips, which, eaten by fire, started the stove working again, hysterically
hissing! The crash. The attic smashing into kitchen and parlour. The parlour
into cellar, cellar into sub-cellar. Deep freeze, armchair, film tapes, circuits,
beds, and all like skeletons thrown in a cluttered mound deep under. Smoke
and silence. A great quantity of smoke. Dawn showed faintly in the east.
Among the ruins, one wall stood alone. Within the wall, a last voice said, over
and over again and again, even as the sun rose to shine upon the heaped
rubble and steam: "Today is August 5, 2026, today is August 5, 2026, today
is…" author betokens us from the danger science technology can
bring; my opinion is that he is right but not everyone will
reprimand or rebuke this as different people have different notions
and I speak this assertion with as much vehemence; that this will
earnestly wipe out human organisms as the story named one of
the myriad ways that this could affect (engulfing the city with
tragic fire). This reprimand is caused as everyone is quenched or
Recap: Create a new slide and answer the questions below.

What have you learned this lesson?

What skills have you used?

What did you find hard today?

What do you need to remember for next time?

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