Accounting Equation
Accounting Equation
Accounting Equation
2. Nominal accounts
elements directly related to the measurement of financial
income and expenses
provide information on the changes in equity as the result of
business operation
usefulness is limited to the year when they are incurred and their
year end balances are not forwarded to the next accounting
properties or rights on properties owned by the business
used in their day to day activities.
controlled by the entity
result of a past transaction or event
provides future economic benefits
cost of the asset can be measured reliably.
Classification of Assets
Current Asset
Non-current asset
Current Asset
An asset shall be classified as current when it satisfies any
of the following criteria:
The asset is cash or cash equivalent unless the asset is
restricted from being exchanged or used to settle a
liability for at least twelve months after the reporting
The entity holds the asset primarily for the purpose of
The entity expects to realize the asset within twelve
months after the reporting period
The entity expects to realize the asset or intends to sell or
consume it within the entity’s normal operating cycle
Examples of current assets and contra-accounts:
1. Cash - includes currency or cash items on hand, cash in bank, cash
fund (petty
cash fund, payroll fund)
2. Cash equivalents - are short term highly liquid investment that are
convertible to known amounts of cash and so near their maturity
that they
present insignificant risk of changes in value. Only highly liquid
investments that are acquired three months before maturity date
qualify as cash equivalents.
3. Trading securities - investments which are readily marketable and
temporary investment of funds available for current operations.
Allowance for doubtful accounts - a contra-asset account which is
provided for
possible loss from uncollected accounts.
5. Note receivable - amount collectible evidenced by a promissory note.
6. Merchandise inventory - goods held for sale by trading concern
7. Finished goods, goods in process, raw materials and factory supplies –
inventories held by manufacturing firm
8. Prepaid expenses - expenses paid in advance not yet incurred (prepaid
prepaid insurance)
9.Unused supplies - supplies purchased for use and are still unused
10.Accrued income - income earned but not yet received (accrued interest
income, accrued rent income)
Non-Current Asset
A. Property, Plant, and Equipment or Fixed Assets
1. Office equipment
2. Store equipment
3. Delivery equipment
5. Furniture and Fixtures
6. Land
Accumulated depreciation - contra-account used
to accumulate expired cost of fixed assets. It is a
deduction from property, plant and equipment.
B. Long Term Investments
assets held by the enterprise for the accretion of wealth
through capital distribution, such as interest, royalties,
dividends and rentals, for capital appreciation or for other
benefits to the investing enterprise.
An investment may either be current or non-current. A
current investment is readily realizable and is intended to
be held for not more than one year. A long term
investment is intended to be held for more than
one year.
I. Current Liabilities
II. Non-current liabilities
Current Liabilities
A liability shall be classified as current when it satisfies any
of the following criteria:
Settlement of the liability within the entity’s normal
operating cycle
The entity holds liability primarily for the purpose of
due to be settled within twelve months after the reporting
does not have an unconditional right to defer settlement
of the liability for at least twelve months after the
reporting period.
Accounts payable - amounts due to suppliers for the purchase of
goods or services on credit
Notes payable - amounts due to other parties evidenced by a
promissory note
Accrued expenses - expenses incurred but not yet paid
Interest payable - unpaid interest on borrowings
Salaries payable
Bank loans payable
Unearned revenue / Unearned income- income received but not yet
SSS premium payable
Philhealth premium payable
Withholding tax payable
Non-Current Liabilities
Mortgage payable - economic obligations secured by
Notes payable - debts supported by notes and payable
beyond one year
Deferred revenue - income received in advance but not yet
earned and which will be realized as income over a period of
more than one year or the normal operating cycle if it
exceeds one year.
Equity is the difference between assets and liabilities.
If the business owns assets worth P2,000,000 and has debts
worth P1,500,000, the capital or owner’s equity is P 500,000.
represents residual interest in the assets of the enterprise
after deducting all liabilities, otherwise known as net assets
or net worth.
Terms used in reporting the equity of an enterprise are
owner’s equity or capital in sole proprietorship, partner’s
equity or capital in a partnership, and stockholder’s equity or
shareholder’s equity in a corporation.
Owner’s drawing - this is used in recording the withdrawal
capital made by the owner.
Income / Revenue
refers to the earnings of the enterprise
includes sale of merchandise, income due to performance or
other type of income realized in the operation s of the
the increase in economic benefits during the accounting
period in the form of inflow or increase in asset or decrease in
liability that results in increase in equity other than the
contribution from equity participants.
Income accounts in a service concern:
• Service income - charges to clients or customers for services
• Professional fees
• rent income
repair income
laundry income
ticket sales
The income accounts for a merchandising firm:
Sales returns - represent deduction from sales due to
merchandise returned by customers
Sales allowance - represent deductions from selling price of
goods with defects or goods sent to customers but not as
Sales discounts - deductions from the selling price due to
payment of customers within the discount period.
decrease in economic benefit during the accounting period in
the form of an outflow or decrease in asset or increase in
liability that results in decrease in equity , other than
distribution to equity participants.
• Cash
• Cash equivalent
• Trading securities
• Receivables
• Allowance for doubtful accounts
• Accrued income
• Inventories
• Prepaid expense
PPE / Fixed asset
Accumulated depreciation-Building
Motor Vehicle
Accumulated depreciation – Motor Vehicle
Listed below are the business transactions for Pure Company during its first
month of operations:
1. Owner invested cash, ₱250,000.
2. Purchased equipment in cash, ₱50,000.
3. Purchased merchandise on credit amounting to ₱55,000.
4. Purchased furniture on account ₱30,000.
5. Paid cash for the business permit, ₱9,000.
6. Made sales in cash, ₱27,000
7. Partial payment of accounts payable in transaction #3, ₱45,000
8. Sold merchandise on credit, ₱15,500
9. Paid employee salaries of ₱12,000.
10. Paid the remaining liability in transaction #3, ₱10,000
Required: Indicate the effects of the given transactions on each of the financial.
Prepare an expanded form of accounting equation using the following accounts: