Sabine Wagner,
INEF Duisburg / IFSH Hamburg
Actors on the
Peace-Building Stage
• Independent, credible
• accepted by conflicting parties
• can provide an informal, unofficial setting to conflicting parties
• less media attention, creates space for shuttle diplomacy
• have access to actors on all levels of society: grassroots level, middle-
range level and top level
• use an array of innovative and flexible methods (e.g. „Search for
Common Ground“: TV-series „Nashe Maalo“ in Macedonia, „Studio
Ijambo“ in Burundi)
• can create space for „peace constituencies“
• „eyes and ears“ to international community: early presence in conflict
• develop expertise, provide political actors with analyses and
recommendations (e.g. International Crisis Group)
„I found that in Egypt, Rwanda and Burundi people were not too
excited about the role of NGOs in their country. In Rwanda, one
person called it the „new colonization, which I later read in an
article as well. [...] The Westerners felt that they were trying to
do something good and refused to believe that their work was
under suspicion, while the local population had a different
attitude. Those who worked with the NGOs enjoyed having a
„good job“, while the population itself was not as attached to the
cause or the service that was being provided as it was to the
money and surroundings that came with it.“
(Amr K. Abdullah, Finding the Tools to Bridge the Cultural Gaps,
http://www.alhewar.com/Alma-Amr.htm,14. Okt. 2001)
...and more weaknesses
• NGOs do not choose their local partners careful enough („let‘s cooperate“)
• NGOs sometimes have only weak if any ties with civil society, and sometimes
represent elite interests only
• NGOs sometimes replace local peace initiatives instead of supporting them
• NGOs sometimes do not analyse conflict situations properly before they get
• Sometimes NGOs do not show long-term commitment („jumpers“, „hit and run“
„do no harm“
„Peace and Conflict Impact Assessment“
• NGOs sometimes ignore the fact, that there is always a number of people who
profit from war
• Harsh competition for funds
• Labor division among NGOs as well as between NGOs, states and multilateral
agencies, is surprisingly underdeveloped, lack of cooperation
• NGOs tend not to evaluate their programs on a regular base
NGO activities: „Search for Common
Ground“ in Macedonia