Climate Change WSF IURMA

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Changing climate at home

RANWA 2004
Indian Urban Millennium Ecosystem Assessment

Why climate change?

Green House Gas (GHG) proportion in air is 50% higher than pre-industrial era Green house gases trap solar energy & warm the air cap around earth Thus, mean air temperature has risen by nearly 10C during the last 100 yrs Carbon emissions cause up to 80% of the Green House Gas effect Climate change has begun to cause hot & cold waves, droughts, cyclones, sea level rise, coastal submergence, UV radiation

Carbon Source

Carbon is mostly (80%) is emitted by fossil fuel (coal, petroleum, natural gas) burning, and much less by deforestation or farming Fossil fuels users are industries (50%) as electricity & transport (25%), farm electricity (10%) & house electricity (5%) Buying industrial products produced in other states/ countries is like harming children! USA emits 12 kg Carbon per head pear day, by consuming global goods, India emits 2 kg Chemical fertilizers also release carbon for industrial manufacture & in farm soil

Carbon sinks

Oceans are major carbon sinks Growing trees can daily absorb 100 g carbon, until they fall & rot However, so 1 Indian person needs NEW 20 trees to absorb emissions & 1 ha forest is needed for 4 people, but 20 people/ ha exist for grown up, non-absorbing forest Thus, it is wiser to cut carbon emissions at source rather than insignificant absorption

Carbon Recycling

Use local recycling,traditional skills (LRTS) Use non packaged (loose, non-industrial) items- water, salt,grain, vegetables, tooth & washing powders, medicines, oil, cloth Local (women) micro-enterprises do/ can prepare these herbal items, if trained Ask Government & farmers associations to avoid mad rush for cash crops (tea, sugar, cotton, soya) chemical fertilizers & electricity Minimize electricity use- TV, fridge, heater Dont get fooled by techno-commercial propaganda of safety, like Cola/ Pepsi

Reduce, reuse, recycle or refuse

Seeds 1000 kg/ha/ yr BioDiesel 250 kg/yr Carbon

Green Citizen Practice (GCP):

Pongam trees

Seed cake 750 kg

Diesel vehicle

Reduced (unnecessary) trade & transport to 30% of present needs may be run on nonedible seed oil & weed/ herbal methanol for diesel engines, ethanol for petrol engines Biodiesel can also run rural lighting Biogas from kitchen waste avoids LPG use

Local Biofuels

Biodiesel 8 million t produced on 20 M ha degraded forests, 20 M ha avenues, wasted lands, farm bunds etc. @ 0.2 t/ ha can replace diesel for unavoidable purposes, out of present import of 40 M t Biofertiliser24 M t produced countrywide can avoid toxicity of chemical fertilisers, 8 M t produced from factories run by burning fossil fuels Kitchen vegetable waste, 0.5/ day can run family biogas unit, bought at Rs. 2,000/-

Public, not private spirit

Methanol 10 M t produced from weeds, leaf litter etc. from above land can also substitute diesel Ethanol 20 billion litre i.e. 1 M t produced from sugarcane can replace 10% petrol Re-construction of cities (housing near workplace) can cut transport 30% Good public transport can cut 30% emissions from private vehicles Unnecessary transport of elite products nationwide- fruits, ice creams, pizza, soft drinks, synthetic clothes etc. be avoided

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