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Seta A.Wicaksana
Founder and CEO
Values Why? Concept Programs
Changing for Better
and Better Legacy
Focused on:Thinking
– Learning –
Changing – Agility
System: OD
People: LPK
Bahasa and
Big data
“Being Partner and Growing Together”
SOBAT Leadership Program
“Talent—when I use the word, I mean it as the rate at which you get better with effort. The
rate at which you get better at soccer is your soccer talent. The rate at which you get better at
math is your math talent. You know, given that you are putting forth a certain amount of
effort. And I absolutely believe—and not everyone does, but I think most people do—that
there are differences in talent among us: that we are not all equally talented” (Duckworth,
A competency model encompasses all the competencies, tasks and skills,
behavioral examples, and proficiency requirements for a particular job. It focuses
on factors the organization has marked “critical” to achieving the corporate
Time and Experiences
Technical Conceptual
Mission &
Vision, Idea &
Policy, SOP
1. Sales and
2. Organizational
3. Data Science
4. Strategic R&D
Mentoring &
Coaching GROW
SOBAT Leadership Skill Program
Powered By
Sales and Marketing
Organizational Development
Data Science
Strategic R&D Management
This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA-NC
“The accomplishment of a goal through the direction of
human assistants” and a successful leader as one who can
understand people’s motivations and enlist employee
participation in a way that marries individual needs and
interests to the group’s purpose.
“Leadership traits refer to
personal qualities that define
effective leaders. Leadership
refers to the ability of an
individual or an organization to
guide individuals,teams, or
organizations toward the
fulfillment of goals and
• Effective Communicators, Leaders are excellent communicators, able to clearly and
concisely explain problems and solutions. Leaders know when to talk and when to listen. In
addition, leaders are able to communicate on different levels: one-on-one, via phone, email,
• Accountable and Responsible, Leaders hold themselves accountable and take
responsibility for any mistakes. Leaders support and encourage individuality while abiding by
organizational structure, rules, and policies that need to be followed.
• Long-termThinkers. Leaders are visionaries.This is evidenced by the leadership trait of
being able to plan for the future through concrete and quantifiable goals.They understand
the need for continuous change and are open to trying new approaches to solve problems
or improve processes.
• Self-motivated, Leaders are self-motivated and are able to keep going and attain goals
despite setbacks. In addition, good leaders try their best to exceed, not just meet,
• Confident.Virtually all good leaders share the leadership trait of confidence.They are able
to make tough decisions and lead with authority. By being confident, leaders are able to
reassure and inspire others, establish open communications, and encourage teamwork.
• People-oriented, Leaders are typically people-oriented and team players.They’re able to
foster a team culture, involve others in decision-making, and show concern for each team
member. By being people-oriented, leaders are able to energize and motivate others. By
making each individual feel important and vital to the team’s success, they secure the best
efforts from each member of the team.
• Emotionally Stable, Leaders exercise good control and regulation over their own
behavior and are able to tolerate frustration and stress. Leaders are able to cope with
changes in an environment without having an intense emotional reaction.
• Learning Agility,Truly great leaders know that the strength of their leadership is built on
their ability to adapt to suddenly changing circumstances and to know how and when to
seize on opportunities amid a changing landscape.
Leadership skills are skills you
use when organizing other
people to reach a shared goal.
Whether you’re in a
management position or
leading a project, leadership
skills require you to motivate
others to complete a series of
tasks, often according to a
schedule.Leadership is not just
one skill but rather a
combination of several
different skills working
1. Decisiveness, Effective leaders are those who can make decisions quickly with the information they
have. Effective decision-making comes with time and experience.As you become more familiar with
your specific industry, you’ll be able to make decisions faster, even when you don’t have all of the
necessary information. Decisiveness is seen as a valuable leadership skill because it can help move
projects along faster and improve efficiency.
2. Integrity, Integrity is often seen as just truthfulness or honesty but in many cases, it also means having
and standing by a set of strong values. Integrity in the workplace often means being able to make ethical
choices and helping the company maintain a positive image.All businesses seek to hire workers who
have a strong sense of integrity.
3. Relationship building (or team building), Leadership requires the ability to build and maintain a
strong and collaborative team of individuals working toward the same goal.Team building requires
other leadership strengths,like effective communication skills and conflict resolution.
4. Problem-solving, Good leaders are skilled at problem-solving issues that arise on the job. Effective
problem solving often requires staying calm and identifying a step-by-step solution. Problem-solving
skills can help leaders make quick decisions, resolve obstacles with their team and external teams alike,
and ensure projects are completed on time, according to the specifications.
5. Dependability,Being a dependable leader means that people can trust and rely on you.A dependable
person follows through on plans and keeps promises.The strong relationships built by a dependable
leader create a resilient team that is able to work through difficulties that may arise.
6. Ability to teach and mentor. One skill that differentiates leadership from many other competencies
is the ability to teach and mentor. Effectively teaching colleagues or direct reports to grow in their
careers helps organizations scale. Often, this skill requires that leaders think less about themselves and
more about how to make their team as a whole successful.
Leadership Competencies
Objectives : focus on
increasing self awareness
and using that knowledge
to become more effective
as a leaders
Objectives : Faocus on
contributes individual
capabilities to achievement
of a group objectives and
work effectively with
others in a group setting.
Objectives : focus on
leadership as the art of
influencing and working
effectively through others
Working in
Objectives : focus on
helping leader appreciatte
how all parts of
organization are
systematicaly, connected
and inter-related
Working on
Objectives : focus on being
role model in excellence
around strategy, culture,
and Inspiring others, group
, organization, business and
and environment and
Objectives : focus on increasing self awareness and using that knowledge to
become more effective as a Servant - Leaders
Topic to Discuss :
1. Self Assessment and Self
Awareness (Talent,Attitude, and
2. Self Concept and Self Confidence
3. Self Empowerment with SOBAT
4. Meaning of Life : Logo Therapy
5. Intrapersonal Skill
6. Introduction of Leadership and
Management : Situational Leadership
7. Introduction of Service Excellence
8. Self Branding
9. Public Speaking / Presentation Skill
10. Stress management
11. Time management
Objectives : Focus on contributes individual capabilities to
achievement of a group objectives and work effectively with others
in a group setting.
Topic to Discuss :
1. Introduction of Group
2. Group/ environment assessment with
3. Group Development
4. Group Dynamics
5. Group Perseption and Prejudice
6. Building Commitment & Discipline
7. Interpersonal Communication
8. Building relationship
9. Being Effective Group Member
10. Conflict management
11. Negotiation Skill
12. Creative Problem Solving
13. Leadership Concept
Focus on leadership as the art of
influencing and working
effectively through others
Topic to Discuss :
1. Analythical and ConceptualThinking Skill
2. Power and Politic in Team
3. Team Goal Setting
4. Developing Commitment and Discipline
5. Effective Communication Skill
6. Persuasive Skill
7. Negotiation Skill
8. Team Motivation
9. Change management
10. Change behavioral through Behavioral and
Humanistic Approach
11. Situational Leadership Model
12. Effective Meeting
13. Coaching and Mentoring
14. Giving feedback effectively
15. Problem Solving and Decision making
16. Health, safety and environmental Behavior
Objectives : focus on helping
leader appreciate how all parts
of organization are
systematicaly, connected
and inter-related.TopicTo Discuss :
1. Introduction of Organization
2. Understanding differences
3. Strategic management and KPI
4. Management Based value
5. Competency
6. Business process
7. Organizational structure
8. Job analysis
9. Job Specification
10. Job evaluation
11. Performance Management
12. Work Load Analysis
13. Compensation and Benefit
14. Career management
15. Health, Safety and Environment Management
16. Job Satisfaction
17. Customer service satisfaction
18. Organizational Change and Development
Objectives : focus on being role model in excellence
around strategy, culture, and Inspiring others, group ,
organization, business and and environment and society
2.Sales Skills
• Starting your
startup hypothesis
• Testing your
startup hypothesis
• Evaluating your
• Legals and
For Every Program :
1. Duration 1 year
2. 20% Classroom (vidcon), 30% Role Play, and 50% Apprentice
3. Mentoring and Coaching during Role Play and Apprentice
1. Business practices
2. HR Practices
3. Evaluation and
4. Mentoring, Coaching,
1. Business Plan
2. Business Model
3. Value Chain
4. Business Process
5. Organization
6. Risk Management
1. Change
2. Conflict
3. Communication
4. Negotiation
1. Policy
2. Regulation
3. Competency
4. SOP
5. IT System
Innovation and
Development Program
1.HR As A Business Partner
2.HR Metrics
3.Organization’s Values and
4.Organizational design
5.Job Analysis
6.Workload Analysis/FTE
7.Job Evaluation and
8.Compensation and
Benefit strategy
9.Policy and SOP
10.Change management
11.Project management
12.Risk management
Culture & Change
OD Concept &
HR as A Business Partner
Defining What CEO’s/Leader/
business’ Need
Performance Management Culture and Climate
Organizational Diagnostics HR Metrics Change management
DesignThinking Value Chain and Business Process Communication
StrategicTransformation of HR Organization values (Core
Conflict Management
Innovation and HR Future Model Organization structure and Job
Risk Management Career Development Design
Project Management Job Analysis
Technical competencies
Workload Analysis
Manpower Planning
Job Evaluation
Job Grading
Compensation and Benefit strategy
OD Officer
Development Program
• Basic
• Skill
• Advanced
Coaching & Apprentice
• Apprentice UKM
• Business Case:
Analysis and
• UKM Focused
• Business Partner
This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY
• Experience with and
passion for coding o
Familiarity with
development and/or
improvement and
• Experience using a
language or
statistical software:
(e.g. R)
• Familiarity with
theory and
application of
multiple Machine
Learning techniques
(logistic regression,
clustering, etc.) and
• Strong business and
commercial acumen
• Experience with
data visualization,
storytelling, and
communicating with
diverse audiences
This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA-NC
Comprehensive exploration of the
world of product innovation and how
it can drive business strategy and
development across multiple
A broader strategic perspective: view
R&D from a strategic perspective
rather than as a collection of
development projects.
More business strategy initiatives:
develop tools to translate business
strategy into a portfolio of innovation
initiatives and to measure
performance of uncertain and long-
term innovation.
Enhanced planning and processes:
build processes and structures to
enhance your organisation’s capability
to generate creative ideas for different
purposes and with different degrees
of novelty

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Humanika Institute: Humanika Development Program

  • 2. NEED TO KNOW Values Why? Concept Programs
  • 4. WHY? Changing for Better and Better Legacy Focused on:Thinking – Learning – Changing – Agility GrowingTogether
  • 5. A CONCEPT OF H U M A N I K A I N S T I T U T E T-L-C Learning Engine System: OD Officer People: LPK Bahasa and Sales Academy Research Based Technology: Big data Analysis ASSESS GROW COACH “Being Partner and Growing Together” SOBAT Leadership Program
  • 6. “Talent—when I use the word, I mean it as the rate at which you get better with effort. The rate at which you get better at soccer is your soccer talent. The rate at which you get better at math is your math talent. You know, given that you are putting forth a certain amount of effort. And I absolutely believe—and not everyone does, but I think most people do—that there are differences in talent among us: that we are not all equally talented” (Duckworth, 2016). TALENT Interest Intelligence Personality
  • 7. COMPETENCY A competency model encompasses all the competencies, tasks and skills, behavioral examples, and proficiency requirements for a particular job. It focuses on factors the organization has marked “critical” to achieving the corporate strategy. Knowledge Skill Ability AttitudePersonality Time and Experiences
  • 8. Strategic OrganizeBehavior Accelerate THINKING – LEARNING – CHANGING Technical Conceptual Strategic Executive Transform Mission & Vision, Idea & Concept Business Process, Policy, SOP Coaching, mentoring, counselling Operational, implement, execution
  • 9. PROCESS Potency Assessing 1. Sales and Marketing 2. Organizational Development 3. Data Science 4. Strategic R&D Training Apprentice Mentoring & Coaching GROW SOBAT Leadership Skill Program Powered By
  • 10. PROGRAMS Leadership Sales and Marketing Organizational Development Data Science Strategic R&D Management
  • 11. LEADERSHIP This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA-NC
  • 12. LEADERSHIP “The accomplishment of a goal through the direction of human assistants” and a successful leader as one who can understand people’s motivations and enlist employee participation in a way that marries individual needs and interests to the group’s purpose. Source:
  • 13. LEADERSHIP TRAITS “Leadership traits refer to personal qualities that define effective leaders. Leadership refers to the ability of an individual or an organization to guide individuals,teams, or organizations toward the fulfillment of goals and objectives.”
  • 14. LIST OF EFFECTIVE LEADERSHIP TRAITS • Effective Communicators, Leaders are excellent communicators, able to clearly and concisely explain problems and solutions. Leaders know when to talk and when to listen. In addition, leaders are able to communicate on different levels: one-on-one, via phone, email, etc. • Accountable and Responsible, Leaders hold themselves accountable and take responsibility for any mistakes. Leaders support and encourage individuality while abiding by organizational structure, rules, and policies that need to be followed. • Long-termThinkers. Leaders are visionaries.This is evidenced by the leadership trait of being able to plan for the future through concrete and quantifiable goals.They understand the need for continuous change and are open to trying new approaches to solve problems or improve processes. • Self-motivated, Leaders are self-motivated and are able to keep going and attain goals despite setbacks. In addition, good leaders try their best to exceed, not just meet, expectations.
  • 15. • Confident.Virtually all good leaders share the leadership trait of confidence.They are able to make tough decisions and lead with authority. By being confident, leaders are able to reassure and inspire others, establish open communications, and encourage teamwork. • People-oriented, Leaders are typically people-oriented and team players.They’re able to foster a team culture, involve others in decision-making, and show concern for each team member. By being people-oriented, leaders are able to energize and motivate others. By making each individual feel important and vital to the team’s success, they secure the best efforts from each member of the team. • Emotionally Stable, Leaders exercise good control and regulation over their own behavior and are able to tolerate frustration and stress. Leaders are able to cope with changes in an environment without having an intense emotional reaction. • Learning Agility,Truly great leaders know that the strength of their leadership is built on their ability to adapt to suddenly changing circumstances and to know how and when to seize on opportunities amid a changing landscape. LIST OF EFFECTIVE LEADERSHIP TRAITS
  • 16. LEADERSHIP SKILLS Leadership skills are skills you use when organizing other people to reach a shared goal. Whether you’re in a management position or leading a project, leadership skills require you to motivate others to complete a series of tasks, often according to a schedule.Leadership is not just one skill but rather a combination of several different skills working together.
  • 17. TOP 6 LEADERSHIP SKILLS 1. Decisiveness, Effective leaders are those who can make decisions quickly with the information they have. Effective decision-making comes with time and experience.As you become more familiar with your specific industry, you’ll be able to make decisions faster, even when you don’t have all of the necessary information. Decisiveness is seen as a valuable leadership skill because it can help move projects along faster and improve efficiency. 2. Integrity, Integrity is often seen as just truthfulness or honesty but in many cases, it also means having and standing by a set of strong values. Integrity in the workplace often means being able to make ethical choices and helping the company maintain a positive image.All businesses seek to hire workers who have a strong sense of integrity. 3. Relationship building (or team building), Leadership requires the ability to build and maintain a strong and collaborative team of individuals working toward the same goal.Team building requires other leadership strengths,like effective communication skills and conflict resolution. 4. Problem-solving, Good leaders are skilled at problem-solving issues that arise on the job. Effective problem solving often requires staying calm and identifying a step-by-step solution. Problem-solving skills can help leaders make quick decisions, resolve obstacles with their team and external teams alike, and ensure projects are completed on time, according to the specifications. 5. Dependability,Being a dependable leader means that people can trust and rely on you.A dependable person follows through on plans and keeps promises.The strong relationships built by a dependable leader create a resilient team that is able to work through difficulties that may arise. 6. Ability to teach and mentor. One skill that differentiates leadership from many other competencies is the ability to teach and mentor. Effectively teaching colleagues or direct reports to grow in their careers helps organizations scale. Often, this skill requires that leaders think less about themselves and more about how to make their team as a whole successful.
  • 18. LEADERSHIP COMPETENCIES Leadership Competencies Cluster Self Leadership Objectives : focus on increasing self awareness and using that knowledge to become more effective as a leaders EffectiveTeam Member Objectives : Faocus on contributes individual capabilities to achievement of a group objectives and work effectively with others in a group setting. Team Leadership Objectives : focus on leadership as the art of influencing and working effectively through others Working in Business Objectives : focus on helping leader appreciatte how all parts of organization are systematicaly, connected and inter-related Working on Business Objectives : focus on being role model in excellence around strategy, culture, and Inspiring others, group , organization, business and and environment and society
  • 19. SELF LEADERSHIP Objectives : focus on increasing self awareness and using that knowledge to become more effective as a Servant - Leaders Topic to Discuss : 1. Self Assessment and Self Awareness (Talent,Attitude, and Personality) 2. Self Concept and Self Confidence 3. Self Empowerment with SOBAT path 4. Meaning of Life : Logo Therapy 5. Intrapersonal Skill 6. Introduction of Leadership and Management : Situational Leadership 7. Introduction of Service Excellence 8. Self Branding 9. Public Speaking / Presentation Skill 10. Stress management 11. Time management
  • 20. EFFECTIVE TEAM MEMBER Objectives : Focus on contributes individual capabilities to achievement of a group objectives and work effectively with others in a group setting. Topic to Discuss : 1. Introduction of Group 2. Group/ environment assessment with MBTI 3. Group Development 4. Group Dynamics 5. Group Perseption and Prejudice 6. Building Commitment & Discipline 7. Interpersonal Communication 8. Building relationship 9. Being Effective Group Member 10. Conflict management 11. Negotiation Skill 12. Creative Problem Solving 13. Leadership Concept
  • 21. TEAM LEADERSHIPObjectives : Focus on leadership as the art of influencing and working effectively through others Topic to Discuss : 1. Analythical and ConceptualThinking Skill 2. Power and Politic in Team 3. Team Goal Setting 4. Developing Commitment and Discipline 5. Effective Communication Skill 6. Persuasive Skill 7. Negotiation Skill 8. Team Motivation 9. Change management 10. Change behavioral through Behavioral and Humanistic Approach 11. Situational Leadership Model 12. Effective Meeting 13. Coaching and Mentoring 14. Giving feedback effectively 15. Problem Solving and Decision making 16. Health, safety and environmental Behavior
  • 22. WORKING IN BUSINESS Objectives : focus on helping leader appreciate how all parts of organization are systematicaly, connected and inter-related.TopicTo Discuss : 1. Introduction of Organization 2. Understanding differences 3. Strategic management and KPI 4. Management Based value 5. Competency 6. Business process 7. Organizational structure 8. Job analysis 9. Job Specification 10. Job evaluation 11. Performance Management 12. Work Load Analysis 13. Compensation and Benefit 14. Career management 15. Health, Safety and Environment Management 16. Job Satisfaction 17. Customer service satisfaction 18. Organizational Change and Development
  • 23. WORKING ON BUSINESS (ENTREPRENEURIAL) Objectives : focus on being role model in excellence around strategy, culture, and Inspiring others, group , organization, business and and environment and society
  • 26. PROGRAMS Sales 1.Technical Fundamentals 2.Sales Skills 3.Individual Effectiveness Marketing 1.Leadership Capability 2.Managerial Capability 3.Marketing Capability Entrepreneurial • Starting your startup hypothesis • Testing your startup hypothesis • Evaluating your startup environment • Legals and government support For Every Program : 1. Duration 1 year 2. 20% Classroom (vidcon), 30% Role Play, and 50% Apprentice 3. Mentoring and Coaching during Role Play and Apprentice
  • 30. CONCEPT Accelerate: 1. Business practices 2. HR Practices 3. Evaluation and Feedback 4. Mentoring, Coaching, Counselling Strategic: 1. Business Plan 2. Business Model 3. Value Chain 4. Business Process 5. Organization 6. Risk Management Breakthrough: 1. Change management 2. Conflict Management 3. Communication 4. Negotiation Organized: 1. Policy 2. Regulation 3. Competency 4. SOP 5. IT System Innovation and Business Improvement Competitive Advantages ENGAGEMENT Sustainable Business Excellence Happyness Organizational Development TALENT PEOPLE Performance Management System Efficiency Effectiveness Organizational Development Program 1.HR As A Business Partner 2.HR Metrics 3.Organization’s Values and Competencies 4.Organizational design 5.Job Analysis 6.Workload Analysis/FTE 7.Job Evaluation and grading 8.Compensation and Benefit strategy 9.Policy and SOP 10.Change management 11.Project management 12.Risk management
  • 31. LEARNING CONTENT Culture & Change Management OD Concept & Practice HR as A Business Partner
  • 32. LEARNING CONTENT HR AS BUSINESS PARTNER OD CONCEPT AND PRACTICE CULTURE AND CHANGE MANAGEMENT Defining What CEO’s/Leader/ business’ Need Performance Management Culture and Climate Organizational Diagnostics HR Metrics Change management DesignThinking Value Chain and Business Process Communication StrategicTransformation of HR Organization values (Core Competencies) Conflict Management Innovation and HR Future Model Organization structure and Job Design Risk Management Career Development Design Project Management Job Analysis Technical competencies Workload Analysis Manpower Planning Job Evaluation Job Grading Compensation and Benefit strategy
  • 33. CAREER IN OD OD Officer Development Program • Basic • Skill • Advanced Coaching & Apprentice Program • Apprentice UKM • Business Case: Analysis and Recommendation Associate • UKM Focused • Business Partner Scheme
  • 34. DATA SCIENCE This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY
  • 35. PROGRAM TechnologySpecialist • Experience with and passion for coding o Familiarity with solution development and/or process improvement and automation StatisticalLearningSpecialists • Experience using a statistical programming language or statistical software: (e.g. R) • Familiarity with theory and application of multiple Machine Learning techniques (logistic regression, clustering, etc.) and statistical measurement capabilities InsightsSpecialists • Strong business and commercial acumen • Experience with data visualization, storytelling, and communicating with diverse audiences
  • 36. STRATEGIC R&D MANAGEMENT This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA-NC
  • 37. PROGRAM Comprehensive exploration of the world of product innovation and how it can drive business strategy and development across multiple functions. A broader strategic perspective: view R&D from a strategic perspective rather than as a collection of development projects. More business strategy initiatives: develop tools to translate business strategy into a portfolio of innovation initiatives and to measure performance of uncertain and long- term innovation. Enhanced planning and processes: build processes and structures to enhance your organisation’s capability to generate creative ideas for different purposes and with different degrees of novelty