learned how to use blenders film making tools
severance is like [45-50 minutes of life-altering television that leave you wanting to walk into the ocean or perhaps perform a self-immolation]
directed by
anyone else feel like this or is it just me
what if unicorn cowboy
Handers brainrot
i am a warden romancer first and a person second
okay so, I am playing Veilguard, and I found the letter that Thom wrote to Lavellan. i am devastated. so I thought, why not, let's give them the happy ending they deserve.
i am a warden romancer first and a person second
Damn the new season of chase md is crazy
Based on real freak2freak banter in the game
ive been ill and feverish for several days and ive been scrolling your account for likean hour trying to find that one post of little baby machete eating freshly baked bread beccause i wanted to cry over it but i couldn't find it. anyway please draw more little baby machete he is so soft and litle. the baby. i love your shading he is a small little airbrushed tissue baby
The original bread post is here!
Here's a little compilation, arranged in chronological order. I hope you feel better soon!
Edit: Actually I think the following should be included in this set, even at the cost of making the post insufferably long.
I've been playing the Dragon Age series. It's fun!
i am a warden romancer first and a person second
May I stay with you tonight?
hi guys im back !!!