me and my sister were laughing really hard at a joke my sibling made and they just went “that was a big hit with the people”
@cadaverousdecay /
a drink and some bar food should nottttt be that expensive it should not be. it should not be so
(also feel free in the tags to clarify Why you made the choice you made!! :0c)
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He was actually creepy ☝️
He would say that though
went to trader joe’s today and my cashier handed me my 2.55 in change and pointed at the clock which read 2:55 and said “look at that. that’s liquid time… serendipity… have a nice ride”
i just talked my sisters ear off for half an hour. i could nottt get myself to shut uppppp. i’m just in a very talkative mood today i guess. well good thing she loves me so she can’t tell me i’m annoying ^_^
wait wait wait mutuals rb this with a description of ur voice