
oh my god they were co consuls

@catominor / catominor.tumblr.com

romepost containment area… . . . lynn, 22, she/he. artist, writer, ancient history undergrad. really normal about ancient rome. american studying in the uk . likes/follows from monksexualizer

honestly to me its started to really hurt that im so bad at academics because it feels like my love for the subject or knowledge/research about it doesnt really count or matter if i cant do the actual writing and deadlines and notes and stuff well. eurgh


i submitted my project but the essay thats supposed to go with it was way under length. i know its gonna look like i didnt try and its worth 60% of the class grade but i just couldnt write any more like nothing would come outtt..... ugh i hate university i suck so bad at it


Last night was a thousand year old scrap of linen paper painstakingly re-assembled by a team of archeologists


can the entire month of april be about catie. pleaseeeeee


thinking about demure shy and physically frail middle aged roman twinks. to get through the uni hell death spiral


i think antony could fingerblast brutus until he cried. who said that


its been a long week. pass the fingering him in the forum friday


a roman senator is around 5 inches tall and can easily be picked upin your hand

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