Everything World Cinema

@dailyworldcinema / dailyworldcinema.tumblr.com

welcome to dailyworldcinema! a blog dedicated to all international films. tracking: #dailyworldcinema and #worldcinemaedit

DAILYWORLDCINEMA: This is a blog dedicated to world cinema aka international films & movies. here you will find anything and everything world cinema related. from gifs and caps, to recommendations, reviews and much more. 

what is world cinema? there are many different ways of interpreting this but for the sake of this blog, world cinema refers to films (short films, feature films and documentaries) from countries in the following continents: africa, middle east, asia, europe, south america, central america, mexico, antarctica, australia and new zealand and oceania.

excludes the uk, usa, canada unless the film is in a language other than english.  

tracking: #dailyworldcinema & #worldcinemaedit 

member applications & affiliates are open! 

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