
F*ck you you f*cking f*ck

@fatalesophie / fatalesophie.tumblr.com

Our only response was to keep on going and fuck everything.

The night is my element, it cannot frighten me. You, too, will yearn for the dark. For in you, the light of the stars is transformed into a being of flesh and blood; and what the sky has lost, I now see standing before me, more beautiful than a thousand stars. All this I see in you.

The Slaughter of the Vampires (1962) dir. Roberto Mauri


“Taxi Driver (1976)” murals on the walls of The Volcano nightclub in — TRAINSPOTTING (1996) dir. Danny Boyle


Loneliness has followed me my whole life, everywhere. In bars, in cars... sidewalks, stores, everywhere. There's no escape. I'm God's lonely man.

Taxi Driver (1976) dir. Martin Scorsese

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