unfortunately i can't take anything about that scene seriously anymore because i keep thinking about this tweet
assad being an attentive listener 😌 (and a fidget)
flying gorilla will save you
Obi-Wan Kenobi (2022) — Part VI
let macavity be my sculptor
*sexting* oh yeah I checked out that book you mentioned
I saw claudia in an impossible afternoon light…
Resplendent. Rendered even more beautiful by her beholder
armand + 👁️∧👁️
yall would drink a fresh linen flavored latte if that existed
latvian honey cake is kind of rocking my world atm
We need to make puffy fat cheeks the new it girl beauty trend and give all those celebrities who sucked out their buccal fat body dysmorphia
andrew lloyd weber getting a pass is coming back in a big way
[Image Description: Drawing of two mice looking up at a bright star in the sky. Text reading, "Our love is so big, I forget that we are small." goes down the image next to them. End ID]
One thing about old men, they do be napping.