today i went for a drive and saw a big ass Jeep with the license plate P@P@ BE@R and a window sticker that said “Bought with Daddy’s Money…and I’m Daddy” and I sped up my car a bit to look through the driver’s window and prayed that I’d see what i hoped to see and sure enough there was a big chunky bear with a big ol beard driving the car with this twink chewing gum on his phone in the passenger seat and even though the window was tinted i could see was another one in the back seat…and the world was right for that single moment

society if people changed their laundry over when it’s done in a shared laundry environment

im actually so jealous of his life it makes me so mad. play golf, have lunch or coffee with friends, work a little and then quit because what the hell, social faux pas, getting into fights either verbal or physical, just a real “what the hell let’s see what the world throws at me today” attitude and experience imagine just walking around with your friends and going to dinner parties and the doctor and the dentist and then maybe once a season going to your office just to have a 1 scene conversation with your assistant. how many parties does he get invited to? and to live in a ideal LA where you run into friends in the street? and run into enemies in the streeet would even be exciting? fuck you larry david i hate you so much why do you get to experience life? $10,000 is poker night type money. You’re nothing larry david at least i have my hairrrrrrrr!!RRRRRR!!!!! *i cry and run away and trip and hit my head on a table and my pants fall down and my i ❤️ bald men underwear shows*

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