Easy to use and simple. Just share the site whenever someone asks for GFMs for Palestine.
Israel continues the massacres in Gaza.. 232 souls taken in less than an hour! We are dying before your eyes—please, don’t leave us alone! Save us, do something... protest, donate, participate. I don’t want to die!
Donation link:
Please don't let us die alone here. Donate, share, like anything.
The martyrs have become 400 martyrs. Every minute we die here. Please interact.
We are living in real terror now, Apache helicopters are flying everywhere, and the raids are continuing. Please save us before it's too late. Just donate.
I don't want to die like my friends. Please donate. We are crying with fear. Help us.
Hey everyone, my name is Abdelmajed. I don’t usually talk much about myself, but today, I want to share a little piece of my story.
I was born and raised in Gaza, a place that has always been my home 🏡. I grew up surrounded by my family, my friends, and the streets that I knew like the back of my hand. Life wasn’t always easy, but we had love, laughter, and dreams. I used to think that no matter what happened, home would always be here. But life has a way of changing things in ways we never expect.
Over the past months, everything I once knew has disappeared. The streets that were once filled with children playing are now silent. The houses that held so many memories are now just rubble. And the people I loved—some of them are gone forever. 💔
@dlxxv-vetted-donations & @a-shade-of-blue
paliliberation , my number the list is ( #171 )
I contemplate the happy faces of people around me here in Ireland and reminisce about the happy normal life my family and I had before the war. A life that turned into a distant memory for us and was replaced by an unending series of horrible nightmares.
Unlike my family in Gaza, people here have access to drinking water, all types of food, electricity, and a roof over their heads. Above all, they are safe, and I cannot help but wonder if they genuinely do appreciate these blessings in their lives enough.
People seem relaxed and laughing wholeheartedly around me in Ireland. I wish I could laugh too, but I am crushed way beyond recovery on the inside. I was evacuated by my Irish college after five months of living the horrors of war in Gaza. I hope you will never know what it feels like to live in constant fear and worry and be horrified by the most sickening and scary nightmares every single night while you are far away from your family in such circumstances.
When did my people in Gaza cease to be human beings worthy and deserving of a normal life? Has it become normal now for my family in Gaza to be starved and killed while the whole world is watching the genocide? If that is the case, then you will have to excuse me if I seek every avenue to bring them to Ireland and start a new normal life like all people here around me.
I was assured by the Irish Reugee Council (IRC) and lawyers in Ireland that there is hope I can reunite with my family in Ireland. In difficult times, it is hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel. For me and my family, you are literally our light and hope for a better life.
Tagging for reach <3
Please consider boosting my campaign.
@imjustheretotrytohelp @stil-lindigo @soon-palestine
@rebecca-levin-art @ana-bananya @vakarians-babe
@teethands @miwtual @beserkerjewel @el-shab-hussein
tagging for reach! Please reblog our post
@fromthesuns @astrangeknightindeed @manswithaplans @mitsukai974 @ophidiomyces @nevert-the-guy @fruitsclipper @ratboyspamton @allhailshadow @semothekat @schmata @maggmagnolia @il-lui-serra-la-main @mayonaisalspray @laios-thorden @original-character-chaos @featherfrond-reblogs @ddeck @symeona @skinwretch @meowmaids @weyounpussyindulgence @im-vibin @frescacactuscooler @tadpoledyke @melon-colli @safodebuenosaires @peeptro @ripe @ohwarnette @omaano @intricatecakes @marbirds @kingtransgender @friendlizard @fogartdungeon @honeybee-fuzz @smalldumbpigeon @sakeeeee @bhavna-does-stuff @hal-your-pal @nevermore-was-here @imjustli @cheesey-rice @pianta @mere-glim @fluffykitty149 @mai-monnie @nightydraws @mysteryvhs @theothergal @salty-mush-soup @illiterate-words @mindfulruminate @v1leblood @becausegoodheroesdeservekidneys @mothprincess @evilponds @mothgirlthing @boy-and-girl-crazy123456 @feytouched @chilisaws @twistedmiffy @entryn17 @bifauxnnen @hummerous @bugs-r-neat @pallegina @thevvickerman @purpleweredragon
OLIVIA RODRIGO Lollapalooza Brazil — 2025
i am going to shout this from the rooftops:
Katniss, Haymitch, and the Seam inhabitants are all described as olive-skinned, brown-eyed (edit: and gray-eyed), and dark-haired.
Peeta, Maysilee, Katniss’ mother and the Merchants are largely described as blond haired, blue eyed, light-skinned.
The Hunger Games adaptations have a huge weakness to their casting because they allowed their white audience to overlook this very important fact, that the Mockingjay is a brown girl, that her mother was disowned for having a mixed-race and mixed-class marriage, that Katniss and Haymitch were long shots not just because they’re Seam but because they are brown… because the only brown characters in the movies (i.e. Rue, Thresh, 11 in general) were there to be tragic, not to be saviors.
Katniss Everdeen is brown, and I won’t forgive or forget the movies for erasing that part of her character.
this has been another tea time with hawk ☕️🦅
With crossings closed and prices rising, basic supplies are out of the reach of many families. R4R is buying supplies in bulk and distributing them for free. In the past they have distributed packages including pasta, oil, vegetables, medicine, and water, and provided cash aid to orphans.
The latest initiative provided packages of cleaning supplies and basic hygiene items: shampoo, toothpaste, dishwashing liquid, and menstrual pads.
You can contribute by donating to the project's chuffed campaign:
Ramadan Kareem 🕌✨🌒
eid mubarak & free palestine 🇵🇸
The Hunger Games (2012) dir. Gary Ross
"how to prevent smile lines" there are a thousand more important things to do with your time than postpone evidence of life's joy on your face