
Something something

@powermasterjackie / powermasterjackie.tumblr.com

I was gonna make a jokey post about how people who talk about how individualism is a disease that is holding back True Progress for mankind sound like supervillains and then I thought about it for a second and why *does* pop culture media love to paint collectivism as evil?

artists fuck better because we turn sex into art, masterpieces, mattresses become canvases where we can paint our love to someone with bodies.

its like, impossible to come up with anything funnier than the experience of seeing this post


pharoahs fuck better because they ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh put the pussy in a scarmophogoghs

What the media won't show

It’s actually pretty nuts how there is no real mass media coverage of the protests that are happening all over the US. It demonstrates fairly conclusively that the unlawful activities at the White House aren’t just limited to Trump. There’s a lot of wealthy people in powerful positions in the US and around the world helping to support the dismantling of the US federal government.

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